Thursday, 20 September 2012


FACTS        NO. 12

1 foot   =          12  inches
1 dozen            =          12  items
1 gross =          12  dozen
The number of nerves in skull            =          12
1 year  =          12  months
National youth day      =          12  January
The number of C atoms in sugar molecule    =          12
International Nurses day        =          12  June
The number of countries in European Union =          12
The president nominates ----number of MPs to Rajya Sabha            =          12
World Population Day =          12  July
First Man to go into space      =          12 April 1961
Columbus discovered America           =          12  October  1492
March 21        =          12 hrs day  and   12  hrs  night
September      =          12 hrs day  and   12  hrs  night


FACTS   No.  8

1.      1 mile                                                                          =         8 furlongs
2.      The number of lungs in a scorpion                 =          8
3.      The number of atoms in sulpher                    =          8
4.      The number of chromosomes in onion          =          8
5.      Mahila Dinostavam                                        =          8  March
6.      Red cross day                                                  =          8  May
7.      Literacy day                                                    =          8  September
8.      World Health day                                                        =          8  April
9.      Air Force Day                                                  =          8  October
10.  India’s PIN code zones                                                =          8
11.  Parts of Speech                                                           =          8
12.  The poets in Devaraya’s court                                    =          8
13.  1 byte                                                              =          8  bits
14.  Biggest bird                                                     =          8  feet  [Ostrich]



1.      Polio vaccine was invented by Albert Bruce Sabin on 26-8-1906.
2.      If Hemoglobin is less it is called anemia.
3.      If Hemoglobin is  more it is called Polycythemia
4.      Hemoglobin  F is in small children.
5.      Hemoglobin F is produced in liver.
6.      Hemoglobin A is in elders.
7.      Hemoglobin A is produced in bone marrow.
8.      When Hemoglobin F changes into Hemoglobin A, the deficiency changes that take place in biological reactions is called thalassemia.
9.      Alpha thalassemia cannot carry more oxygen.
10.  Beta thalassemia causes abnormal shapes, RBC.
11.  For blood clotting platelets are needed.
12.  Platelets are called thrombocytes.
13.  Platelets are  1,50,000  to  3,50,000 in Cu. Mm
14.  If platelets count decreases the disease is called purpura.
15.  When we breathe
Carbon dioxide

400 Cu.Cms
16.  Blood can be preserved for 4 months.
17.  To preserve  100 ml blood 600 mg sodium citrate salt is added.
18.  In every cc blood there will be 5000 to 9000 WBC.
19.  In every cc blood there will be 5 million RBC cells.
20.  WBC life time 120 days.
21.  Calcium Oxalate, calcium Phosphate solidify to form as stones in kidneys.
22.  Brain stops growing in size when we are 15 years old.
23.  Men are more prone to get colour blindness than women.
24.  The human heart pumps 1.5 million gallons of blood every year.
25.  For complete digestion it takes 48 hours.
26.  There are 206 bones in the human body.
27.  Two normal kidneys contain  2 million tiny blood filters which filter 50 gallons of blood every day.
28.  Smoking is
Loathsome to the eye
Hateful to the nose
Harmful to the brain   and
Dangerous to the lungs.
29.  There are 22 bones in skull.
30.  1/5th of oxygen is used up in brain.
31.  Our nerves transmit messages at  300 feet per second.
32.  The adult skin covers 20 sq.feet.
33.   Human body contains enough
Phosphorous to make 2000 matches
Fat to make 7 bar soaps
Iron to make one nail
34.  In 24 hours an average adult can breathe 23,000 times.
35.  Each square inch of human skin consists of
19 million cells
60 hairs
90 oil glands
19 feet of blood vessels
625sweat glands
19000 sensory cells

36.  There are 6000 muscles in our muscular system.
37.  Chemically the substance that is closest to human blood is sea water.
38.  There are 3000 taste buds on our tongue.
39.  There are 200 different types of viruses that cause cold.
40.  Most humans can distinguish 10000 smells.
41.  1 gram fat = 9 calories
42.  Human brain 10 m watts.
43.  Human stomach can hold 1.1 litres of liquid.
44.  At birth our muscles are only one fortieth of their eventual size and power.
45.  Human body consists of 60 trillion cells.
46.  An average of 400 million sperms are there in one ejaculation in human sperm.
47.  Fridge will not kill bacteria but will not allow it to grow more.
48.  Every word that we speak requires the use of 72 muscles.
49.  Hot drink is better on a hot day than cold drink.
50.  Man is the only animal that sleeps on its back.
51.  The lens  of the eye continues to grow throughout a peron’s life.
52.  Men have more blood than women. [1.5 gallons  ,  0.875 gallons]
53.  Men have more hemoglobin than women. [ 4.6 to 6.2 X 106 RBC  .  4.2 to 5.4 X 106]
54.  80% of body’s heat escapes through the head.
55.  The vocal cards are shorter and thinner in women and children. This gives high pitch to voice and less effort to talk.
56.  The skin of human adult weighs 6 pounds = 6 x 45.4 gms = 272.4 gms.
57.  How heart beats is a mystery.
58.  Vit. C cannot be created in our body.
59.  It cannot be stored up in small amounts.
60.  In our eye there are 70, 00,000 cons and 12, 00, 00,000 rods.
61.  Cons receive the colours and rods the light rays.
62.  People stutter because the larynx, cheeks, tongue and lips have lost their coordination.
63.  Proteins are made up of amino acids.
64.  There are 24 types of amino acids.
65.  Let any muscle work in our body carbonic acid is formed. These molecules reach heart in 10 seconds.
66.  The rate of heart beat decreases, if the no. of carbonic acid molecules reaching heart decreases.
67.  If RBC is removed from blood, there won’t be much difference between it and milk.
68.  AIDS virus develops in WBC.
69.  Artificial blood is invented by Heme Austin.
70.  Spinach saves us from Vit. A, Vit. C and anemia.
71.  The cause of jaundice disease is extra secretion of bile by the liver.
72.  Spleen is the graveyard of our body.


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