Tuesday 11 September 2012

100. Q. & A. s Magnets

MAGNETS                                  Q. 13  to  Q. 25

1Q       Why  the North shown by the Vaastu experts is wrong?
            Earth has Geographical North and Magenetic North. Vaastu people see North using compass. Compass shows the Magnetic North but not the Geographical north. That is if the building should face the East then True North should be marked.

2Q       Why the poles are in North and South directions only. Why they are not in East and West?
            In the interior layers of the Earth, there is magma. Magma is in plasma state. That means it is an ionised state of matter.  When an ionised state of matter rotates, according to electromagnetic theory, 90 degrees to that magnetic field is formed.  The Earth rotates from West to East. So 90 degrees to that, that is in north and south directions magnetic field is formed. That is why poles are in North and South directions only.

3Q       How does North of compass show North of Earth?

4Q       When compass fails what is used?
            When compass fails ships and aircrafts  used gyroscope to know the geographical north and south.

5Q       If we stand on North Pole then what  directions does the magnet show?
            When we stand on North or South pole, the magnet does not show any direction. If we are on the North pole, then the south of the magnet comes down and its north points to the sky at 90 degrees. That means the angle of inclination is 90 degrees.

6Q       What is used to know the directions on the poles?
            To know the directions on the poles, gycoscope is used.

7Q       Today’s North cannot be tomorrow’s North?
            It is because the Earth oscillates 47 degrees.

8Q       What is the difference between geographical north and magnetic north?
            The geographical north is solid earth part which lies at 90 degrees in the north. Magnetic north is the north of the magnetic field formed by ionised state of plasma. Geographical north is fixed  whereas  magnetic north changes every day,

9Q       How can you know the true north ?
            Place a stool in the open air. At 8 AM when the sun is in the east, place a white paper on the stool. In the centre of the stool put point and name it as “O”. With the help of a compass, with some radius, draw a circle. Take divider and place one end on the “O”. As the divider is erect it shadow falls on the circumference of the circle. Mark it as “A”. In the evening at 4 PM you can see the divider shadow cutting the circumference at another point on the east side. Mark it as “B”.  Remove the divider, join OA and OB. An angle OAB is formed. Now bisect the angle OAB. The angle bisector line OC shows that day’s North.

10Q     What is artificial gravity?
            When a body rotates around itself, artificial gravity is created.

11Q     When we come down in a giant we feel fear. Why?
            It is because we feel loss of weight.

12Q     How does North show North?
            North does not show North. The Earth’s south pole is in geographical north. That is why compass shows north.

13Q     What is magnetic reversal?
            Every 70,000 years the poles are reversed. Reasons are not known.

14Q     Can we create a monopole?
            It is not possible.

15Q     What is magneto therapy?
            Using magnets, bones, crossed eyes and some disorders of body are treated. Magnets are not be used on heart. If a magnet is put in a glass of water in the night, and the same water  is taken, it is said that it may be good for blood. This is called magneto therapy.

16Q     How can a rotating top stand on the sharp needle?
            When a top rotates, it gets artificial gravity which makes it to stand against gravitational attraction of the Earth.

17Q     What is the basis of magnetic property?
            Magnetic property is due to unbalanced spin of electrons in the orbits.

18Q     Why the value of g changes from planet to planet and star to star?
            The value of g depends on the amount of plasma that rotates in celestial bodies and also its rotational speed.

19Q     What is escape velocity?
            If an object from  the surface of a planet or star to go into space with out being influenced by the planet or the star, what speed is needed  is called the esacpe velocity. For earth it is 11.2 kmps.

20Q     Why the value of escape velocity changes from planet to planet and star to star?
            As the value of  “g”  changes from planet to planet and star to star, the escape velocity too changes.

21Q     What is inclination? How does it change?
            When a bar magnet is suspended freely at hangs horizontally to the earth. If is suspended freely anywhere else, it hangs making some angle to the surface of the earth. This is called inclination. The inclination is “0” on equator and “90” at poles.

22Q     What is hyper gravity?
Gravity which is more than g value is called hyper gravity>
NASA is interested because it's not just microgravity that astronauts experience in space. They're exposed to hypergravity, too: up to 3.2-g at launch, and about 1.4-g on reentry. "Under these conditions," Cohen points out, "fluid weighs more." The heart has to change the way it operates, pumping faster, and working harder to push the blood all the way to the brain. This could cause astronauts to become dizzy or even, in extreme cases, to pass out.

23Q     What is zero gravity?
Weightlessness is a phenomenon experienced by people during free-fall. The term zero gravity is often used as a synonym. Weightlessness in orbit is not the result of the force of gravity being eliminated, or even significantly reduced, by distance.  Rather, the loss of the influence of gravity is due to the inertial motion of the flight path.

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