Monday, 16 January 2012

Questions - HEALTH


1.      Our digestive system is made of flesh. If it can digest chicken, mutton that we  eat, then why can’t it digest itself?
2.      Is there no other method for taking insulin injection?
3.      Why can’t we take insulin orally?
5.      What are the latest kidney transplantation techniques?
6.      Why am I suffering from calcified brain lesion?
8.      Is typhoid contagious?
10.  What is artificial pancreas?
11.  Am I receiving the right treatment for membranous kidney?
12.  How can you identify that there are stones in the  kidney?
13.  What is the specialty of allopathic medicine?
14.  What is the specialty of Ayurvedic medicine?
15.  Whose medicine is Unani?
16.  Does oil help hair growth?
17.  Why do tears come when we are in grief?
18.   When we take excess water or proteins our body eliminates them, but when we take in
excess fat it is stored in our body. Why?
19.  How does exposure to Sun help produce vitamin-D in humans?

20.  Why does hair turn grey?
Grey is merely the base colour of hair. Pigment cells are located at the base of each hair follicle. As a person grows older and older pigment cells die and colour is lost from individual hairs.

21.  Does hair grown even after death?
22.  Why does the skin on the palm peel?
23.  What makes blood groups differ?
24.  How do doctors estimate the time of death?

25.  Energy in Kilo calories….
Sleeping                      50
Awake                         55
Standing                      100
Light exercise              190
Walking slowly           200
Swimming                   450
Climbing upstairs        1100

26.  Why food is not spoiled when kept in low temperature?
27.  Why do people sweat more before a heavy rain?
28.  Why does cutting an onion produce tears?
29.  What chemical causes sedation and how does it work?

30.  What is pulse polio vaccine?
This is aimed at replacing the virus causing the disease polio-mellitus with a vaccine virus. This virus is at a low ebb during December to January.

31.  What induces vomiting while travelling or seeing from a height?
Giddiness occurs when we lose our sense of balance. The sensations perceived by the eye, inner ear, skin, muscles and joints help the body to know its stability. When this balance is
            lost we feel giddiness.

32.  Why do vegetables such as cucumber, snake gourd and bottle gourd sometimes taste bitter?
Bitterness in cucumber and others is due to the presence of compounds called cucurbitacins. These chemicals are tetra cyclic triterpenes having high oxidative levels.

33.  Why is alcohol added in tonics and syrups?
34.  When something cuts us blood comes out and clots. Why not the blood in our veins?
WBC, RBC, and platelets are blood. There is one more thing in blood called heparin. This keeps the blood from clotting.

35.  Why do we blink?
When we blink water oozes and the eye lids keep the eye balls wet. Generally eye lids save the eyes.

36.  All the eye balls are of not same colour?
It is because 46 chromosomes decide the colour of the eye balls.

37.  When we age the skins gets folds. Why?
It is because the elasticity of the skin gets reduced.

38.  Acids give burning sensation. Why?
Acids are very useful to us. HCl in stomach helps digestion. There are eight types of amino acids to save our life. Acids of carbon compounds are non-dangerous. But acids of non-carbon compounds suck more water and release heat. When they fall on our body they suck water from our body. This causes burning sensation.

39.  What is acupuncture?
It was first implemented in China 2500 years ago. Different sizes of needle are pricked into the body and treatment is given. There are 787 spots when these needles are pricked. For different diseases different combination of spots is selected. How does it work till todate not known.

40.  What is protein?
1.      Protein means first.
2.      It is a compound of polypeptide chain of amino acids.
3.      They are complex organic compounds of C, H, O, N, S
4.      Amino acids are about 21.
5.      In potato, and rice amino acids proteins are less.
6.      If proteins are less we get exhausted fast.
7.      There are more proteins in milk, eggs, fish, mutton, cheese,groundnut, beans, cereals, pulses
8.      They are the building blocks of our body.
9.      Proteins are to be taken daily because they cannot be stored in our body.

41.  Why doesn’t the stomach digest itself?
1.      The surface of the stomach is always covered by a thick layer of mucus secreted by the columnar cells lining its surface.
2.      The cells lining the stomach walls secrete about 1.5 litres of gastric juice a day.
3.      The mucus lubricates food facilitating movement within the stomach.
4.      The mucus forms as a protective layer to stomach.
5.      The mucus is alkaline so neutralises the acidity of the gastric juice
42.  How do doctors determine the time of death?
43.  How can potassium cyanide cause sudden death?
44.  Why is not cutting nails or hair painful?
45.  When we run immediately after taking meals we get stomachache. Why?

46.  What are stones in kidney?
Calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate when solidify become stones. Laxalo bacter pharmy is bacteria which breaks oxalates. For this purpose it produces some enzymes. If these enzymes are not produced in our body, then they are given in artificially to break the stones.

47.   Why do we yawn?
48.  Why do we get hiccups?

49.  Why doesn’t blood clot?
For clotting of blood platelets are necessary. They are also called thrombocytes. They are  generally in 1 cubic millimeter 1,50,000 to 3,50,000. If their count decreases below 66,000 then blood will not clot.

50.  What are there in egg?
There are
1.      8 types of amino acids.
2.      Vitamin A, B, D and K.
3.      there are 11 minerals.
4.      There are 6% fats.

51.  What is digestion?
The process of conversion of non-diffusible form of food into simple and diffusible form by chemical and mechanical processes in the elementary canal is called  digestion.

52.  For what digestion insulin is needed?

53.  Why do dogs always keep tongue out?
Dogs have no sweat pores. They cannot sweat. So in order to maintain body temperature they keep their tongues out from where water gets evaporated

54.  .why appendix is not developed in human beings?
In animals still appendix participates in digestion process. The secretions help digesting their food.

55.  Why do we get cold in winter?
Virus develops at 32 degrees centigrade. Our body is at about 37 degrees C. as we remain indoors because of poor ventillation inside the nose becomes host to virus.
UV rays kill virus. But as the sun’s heat is less, less germs are killed.

56.  What happens when we are afraid?
1.      The brain releases a hormone called “adrenalin”
2.      This increases the glucose content in the blood so that the muscles are given extra energy.
3.      This adrenalin increases the heart beat and quickness of breath.

57.  Why should we breath?

58.  Why is heart beat more sometimes?
Carbonic acid is created because of movement of muscles. This reaches heart in 10 sec. if carbonic acid reaches heart more, then heart beat increases.
1.      When heart is agitated
2.      When we get fever
3.      When we are afraid of
Then heart beat increases.
1.      When we are depressed
2.      While sleeping
Heart beat is slow.
Beat to beat the time gap is 0.8 sec.

59.  What is cold blood?

60.  Why do we need water?

61.  When mosquitoes bite there will be rash. Why?



1.      Strike off thy fetters, bonds that bind thee down
Know that a slave is a slave, caressed or whipped
For fetters though of gold are not less strong to bind
Then off with them sanyasin bold.
2.      A lotus comes from the mud but there is no mud to it.
3.      Wherever you prove to yourself that you are the greatest.
4.      Have you failed thousand times? No problem. Try once again.
5.      If people say impossible, take it as a challenge.
6.      The effect is here and the cause is here. Take the blame on your own shoulders. Don’t go about throwing mud at others. For all the faults you suffer from you are the sole and the only cause.

7.      Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.
8.      Never imitate.
9.      The good that you are doing to the society is as good as the money deposited in the bank. The return will come one day.

10.  Feel from the ground and go up and up in your life. Whenever you take the next step see that the previous step is strong enough.
11.  He will be a ruler who serves well.
12.  Expansion is life, contraction is death.
13.  Strength is life, weakness is death.
14.  Know from the least born.
15.  Saints die. Sinners die. Kings die. Beggars die. We are all going to die. But this ever thirst to live in this world is called mayo.

16.  Desire is never satisfied by the enjoyment of a desire. The moment one desire is fulfilled another desire takes birth. It is a chain reaction.

17.  Progress in this world means multiplication of desires.
18.  Work is worship.
19.  Duty when acute we call it disease. If it is chronic we throw flowers, give high sounding, people rob, and many things can be done on that.

20.  Experience is the highest teacher.
21.  I want man making religion.
22.  He who does not believe himself is an atheist.
23.  The world is need of many things. You choose one path. Think it. Discuss it. And dedicate your life to it. You will become a great man.

24.  Unless you respect a man who is visible to you, how can I believe that you can respect god who is invisible to you.

25.  Our plights are due to our ignorance.

26.  Idol worship is only for beginners.

27.  Thou art that.

28.  Nobody can bring you peace except you, yourself.

29.  Awake! Arise! And stop not till the goal is reached.

30.  There is no greatness in doing a great thing in a great way but there lies greatness in doing a small thing in a great way.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


DIASPORIC STUDIES :: Spread of English

J. Hanumantha Rao
98482 08007
Faculty in English
Bomma Institute of Technology & Science
Allipuram :: Khammam :: 507318

Diasporic means something to spread out from its place of origin. As per dictionary diaspore means “a seed or spore that is dispersed from the source to far off places. Here English is the seed that has spread far and wide and in innumerable quantities and fast enriching in usage, value and indispensability. It has spread to the nook and corner of the world. Today it has reached myriad dimensions in nature and has become evergreen, voluminous, perennial, ever pervading etc.
There are many reasons for English to be diasporic. When the whole world was slowly passing through different phases, there was industrial revolution in England. The system of production changed from man made to machine made. There was rapid production of goods. Whatever they could sell in their markets they could sell. After that they could not. There came saturation in selling goods. They had a problem. The produced goods were piling in heaps in go-downs. The problem was either they had to close down industries to stop production or search for new markets, new customers. The industrialists had invested millions in those industries. Then they had a new idea. It was, why not to sell those goods in far places where people may not be having those types of goods. This was the first new situation when they had to coin new words for both industrial purpose and business purpose.
That idea changed the face of European countries. It was the beginning of the diffusion or diaspore of Europeans, their commodities,  and their innovative ideas  to the east. The great adventurists like Columbus, Marko polo, Amundsen, discovered sea routes to far off places. The concept that the Earth was flat was disproved by Mazilan. So the industrialized countries started their venture in search of new markets.
While establishing new markets, they had to learn the local languages. Words widely used were taken into English.
Eg., bungalow, almirah, mota, gully,
English words meeting the needs of day to day life were taken by the local people. Newly developed goods had no meaning in the local languages. So such English words were taken as they were into local languages.
Eg., time, engine, rail, road, ticket,
Later the Europeans entered politics. So they developed words related to politics. Then they started imperialism, colonialism, etc. For every act they had implemented, they had to coin new words and used them. The same words were used by those people as the Europeans used.
Research and development was started by them for better goods, machinery, architecture, inventions, etc. Thus the need for coining new words increased. Words were coined and brought into use wherever they ruled.
Thus spread out of European people, diffusion of their ideas, diaspore of English words    into the entire world had taken unimaginable dimensions.                           


1.      These skills clarify and explain the on-going development.       
2.      It is the central part of any activity.                                           
3.      An idea can be preserved.                                          
4.      Can be transferred far and wide.                                
5.      Each writing is different  engineering – a doctor, a farmer, a journalist
6.      Writing maketh an exact man.

To be careful
1.      Avoid using slang words       
2.      avoid using symbols   
3.      clichés should be avoided
4.      Use dash to emphasise          
5.      proper spelling            
6.      use short sentences
7.      Make no assumptions          
8.      use appropriate words 
9.      use dictionary /thesaurus
10.  Proper grammar                   
1.      A written is interpreted same all over the world
2.      It can be transferred from one generation to another generation
3.      It is the best way to transfer information
4.      It clarifies and explains on-going development
Report Writing
A document containing a specific information.                       1] Public Report                       2] Private Report                                             
Types of Report writing
1] Scientific Report                  2] Annual Report         3] work place Report   4] census Report                     
5] Progress Report                   6] white paper              7] investigative Report 8] budget Report                     
9] Policy Report                       10] inspection report
While writing
1] aim                          2] Out line    3] readers’ standard                    4] structure      5] draft
6] edit                          7] revise         8] speculation                9] spelling                    10] vocabulary
For scientific writing
1] punctuation             2] tables         3] charts                        4] graphs          5] high frequency words
6] unnecessary words  7] grammar   8] coherence       9] references                10] bibliography
11] superscript             12] statistics  13] results                       14] pictures      15] dialogues
16] title                        17] acknowledgements                        18] introduction           19] objectives
20] methodology         21] research findings               22] annextures


PRESENTATION  SKILLS MBA   I - II There are many types of presentations.                    1.       written,        story, manual...