Tuesday 18 December 2012

Tips to Get Rid of Body Heat Naturally

Tips to Get Rid of Body Heat Naturally
Developing a high temperature is a part of the body's natural way of supporting the immune system in fighting off illness and infection, however, it can become dangerous if the body's temperature becomes too high, especially in children.
Include more grains, beans and starchy foods in your diet.
These are effective things for reducing body heat. Musk melon juice with a spoon of sugar also can be had.
When children and infants develop a fever it is very important to monitor them closely and try and bring down their fevers to avoid complications such as dehydration and febrile seizures. In addition, it's not enough to reduce a fever without trying to discover the underlying cause.
Excessive intake of hot spices, salt, oil fried foods, cheese, sour cream, fermented foods, coffee etc. must be avoided. These products will increase body heat.
Home Remedies for Body Heat
1. To reduce body heat is to reduce the intake of salt, hot spices, oil, fried foods, cheese, sour cream, vinegar, fermented foods, coffee etc.
2. To reduce the heat of the body to consume more starchy foods, grains and beans. Salads, milk and ice cream can also help reduce body heat.

3. Two teaspoons of clarified butter in a glass of warm milk is a good remedy to treat aggravated body heat. But clarified butter should be avoided by people who have problems related to cholesterol.
Getting rid of heat from the body is as simple and easy just follow the below mentioned steps
1) Drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water per day so that the heat and other toxic materials in the body gets away in the form of urine and sweat which helps in preventing many diseases and reduces the body temperature(heat) to the required level of that person
2) Eat green leafy vegetables, fruits which controls the body temperature
3) Eat cucumber, water melon, karbooj fruits which has significant amount of water presence in it which in turn reduces the body heat
4) Drinking coconut water of more than 3 liters in a day in bring down the body heat easily and very much faster
5) Taking oil bath twice a week also brings down the body heat
6) Doing pranayama postures of sheetari, sheetkari, sadanta will bring down the heat

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