Monday 4 February 2013

299. FACTS -- NO. 8

FACTS  --  NO.  8

1.      There are nearly 30,000 planets similar to our Earth.
2.      Icy remnants of comets in the solar system are called “exomets”.
3.      Very small planets of planets are called planetesimals.
4.      Planets like our earth rotating around other stars are called “exoplanets”.
5.      Centre for Astrophysics say there could be at least 17 billion exoplanets in the milky galaxy.
6.      The sun creates its energy through a thermonuclear process that converts about 650,000,000 tons of hydrogen to helium every second
7.      Acoustics is the study of sound and  how it travels.
8.      Adams apple is not an apple but thyroid cartilage.
9.      The strongest muscle in the human body is tongue.
10.  The skin of a shark is called shagreen.
11.  What was called the Russian penicillin during world war II? = Garlic
12.  Kinesics refers to the study oifbody movement as a part of the process of communication.
13.  The first identified hormone is insulin.
14.  The greatest surgeon is Sushruta.
15.  Irradiation is a method of preserving food.
16.  Robert Bunsen developed the modern spectroscope.
17.  There are about 2600 different kinds of snakes in the world.
18.  Among 2600 snakes only 400 are poisonous.
19.  There are 31,557,600 seconds in a year.
20.  There are 35 million digestive glands in the human stomach.
21.  9560.64 kms of vessels carry blood to every part of your body.
22.  Frogs never drink water.
23.  Frogs absorb water from their surroundings by osmosis.
24.  Sound travels five times faster in water than in air.
25.  The average depth of the ocean is more than 4 kms.

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