Tuesday 12 November 2013




An adverb adds to a verb. In other words, an adverb describes, modifies or provides more information about a verb in a sentence. So, if you said "I am going to quickly run to the store," the adverb in that sentence (quickly) would be modifying the verb run.

Adverbs can be confused with adjectives, which also modify things. However, adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. If you said "I have a nice dog," dog is the noun which is being modified by the adjective nice. On the other hand, if you said that "My dog behaves nicely," behaves would be the adverb modifying the verb.

In addition to verbs, adverbs also modify adjectives and other adverbs. So, when you say "I have the most beautiful dog," the dog is the noun, beautiful is the adjective describing the noun, and most is the adverb describing beautiful.

Identifying Adverbs

In case you haven’t figured it out by now, there is a trend when it comes to identifying adverbs. Many, but not all adverbs, end in the letters “ly.” Luckily, this little trick makes it relatively easy to identify adverbs in sentences. However, this is not always the case, as some frequency adverbs, such as always, often, sometimes, seldom, and never, do not follow this rule. Still, it can be a good tip to help you along the way.

Accidentally                Always                         Angrily                     Anxiously
Awkwardly                 Badly                            Blindly                     Boastfully
Boldly                         Bravely                         Brightly                    Cheerfully
Coyly                          Crazily                          Defiantly                  Deftly
Deliberately                 Devotedly                     Doubtfully               Dramatically-
Dutifully                     Eagerly                         Elegantly                  Enormously
Evenly                         Eventually                    Exactly                     Faithfully
Finally                         Foolishly                       Fortunately               Frantically
Frequently                   Gleefully                       Gracefully                Happily
Hastily                         Honestly                       Hopelessly                Hourly
      Hungrily                      Innocently                    Inquisitively             Irritably
Jealously                      Justly                            Kindly                      Lazily
Loosely                       Madly                           Merrily                     Mortally
Mysteriously               Nervously                     Never                       Obediently
Obnoxiously                Occasionally                 Often                        Only
Perfectly                      Politely                         Poorly                       Powerfully
Promptly                     Quickly                         Rapidly                    Rarely
Really                          Regularly                      Rudely                     Safely
Seldom                        Selfishly                        Seriously                  Shakily
Sharply                        Silently                         Slowly                      Solemnly
Sometimes                   Speedily                        Steadily                    Sternly
Technically                  Tediously                      Tenderly                   Terrifically
Tightly                         Totally                          Tremendously          Unexpectedly        
Usually                        Victoriously                  Vivaciously              Warmly
Wearily                        Weekly                         Wildly                      Yearly


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