Friday, 11 July 2014


Why goal setting is needed?
If we want to go to bazaar we make a lot  of planning. What to buy?  Where to buy?  Then whom to meet?  In which direction to go? While coming back to house in which direction we have to come back? Shall we carry money? How much? And many more.

In every aspect whatever we do we have to plan a lot. This called goal setting.

After completing 10th class which subject we have to study? MPC, BPC, HEC, CEC etc.

After MPC, which course we have to go? B. Sc.,  B. Tech., B. Ag. B. Th., etc.

After B. Sc., what course should we study in PG? M.Sc., M.B.A.,

Like that we should always be in a junction to where to go? If not go for searching a job if we are not wealthy enough. Every time our life will be determined by our financial position. It decides whether we can set higher goal setting or lower goal setting. It decides our future.

There are some other factors which set our goal.

What are smart goals?
1.      Specific                       what we want should be specific                                S
2.      Measurable                  whatever we set it should be measurable.       M
3.      Achievable                  it should be with our reach to achieve                        A
4.      Realistic                      it should not be virtual, or imaginary              R
5.      Time targeted  the task should be completed within given time        T

People, who have that wit, will power, financial soundness or motivation etc., can only go for setting goals. A common man, who have no such genes cannot set goals for achieving.
For setting up of goals one needs the need of the hour, strong desire internally, a challenge given by a supreme, etc.

Gopala Krishna Gokhle asked Gandhiji to fight for India’s independence. Then Gandhiji travelled length and breadth of India, realised how we had been suffered by the British. So he made it his life’s mission. It was his goal setting.

Goal setting is not a choice. It is a must to survive in this world. In every walk of life we are competed by thousands of people. To tresspass them and go ahead we need a goal to set to live or we will be addressless.

Once goal is set efforts are to be put into it. Nothing comes to you on its own. We have to struggle. Learn the suject, take guidance, and attempt to win the race.

Our efforts will succeed only if we strive with great persistence.

It is ours cognition to get recognised by others.

If we set good goals, it becomes ours business in life. If our goal is set correctly, we will be successful  and if we are successful  we can earn good lively hood, along with name. So goal setting is a business  in the long run.

While setting a goal we should decide which is primary or which is secondary? If we are cognigent enough to eliminate secondary, success comes to us soon.
If we are successful we will be recognised by the masses.
Our life becomes inspiration to others.
Others follow it. For others it will be time saving.
Our efforts enriches our self-efficiency.
If ours self-efficiency enriches we can lead more profound and perfect life.
We need not copy others. Of course we may get guidance, or a hint.

“Don’t see who said it, see what is said.”

Different people have different goals. Some seek good career, financial position, education, plesaure, adventure, etc. No goal is ultimate.

Reaching a goal differs from man to man. Though each human being is endowed with 12 billions of neurons by the God, all can not be same. Some may become IAS officers, some many become coolies. If one gets succes in two years, another gets success in 20 years. Abraham Lincoln failed 10 times and in the 11th time he became the President of Americal.
That is why Vevekananda said, “have you failed thousand times, no problem try once again.”

The Press reporters asked Edison, “you failed 300 times before you invented a bulb.”
Edison said, “I learnt in 300 ways how not to make a bulb.”
That is the positive and proactive attitude of goal setters who are winners like Edison.

Setting a goal is itself is a problem. Once the goal is set, no one can stop such a determined person. Eliminatio and election of followers to win the game starts automatically. We need not teach monkeys how to climb a tree. It is inbuilt talent. Only thing the time should come to ignite that.

When Arjuna threw away his bow and arrow down on the ground saying that what use was there if he could kill his kith and kin in the battle field of Kurukshetra. Krishna correctly motivated him and guided him at every step how to be victorious. According to him it is not suffering that makes one to be victorious. It is following DHARMA  that one becomes great.

Though we set  goals to achieve, we should see that we should follow DHARMA. We should not win following wrong path temporarily and lose for ever.  Even if we lose temporily, we should win permanently.

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