Monday, 4 February 2013

Q. & A.s SCI. & TECH. – 12

Q. &  A.s  ‑‑‑  SCI.  &  TECH. – 12

321Q. What is stealth technology?
Stealth principles
Radar cross-section (RCS) reductions
Vehicle shape
Non-metallic airframe
Radar absorbing material
Radar stealth countermeasures and limitations
Low frequency radar
Multiple transmitters
Moore's law
Reducing radio frequency (RF) emissions
Measuring stealth
Stealth tactics

322Q. What is triskaidekaphobia?
It is the fear of the number 13.

323Q. What is scientology?
The Scientology Symbol is composed of the letter S that stands for Scientology and the ARC and KRC triangles, two important concepts in Scientology

        Scientology is a body of beliefs and related practices created by L. Ron Hubbard (1911–1986), starting in 1952, as a successor to his earlier self-help system, Dianetics.
        Scientology teaches that people are immortal spiritual beings who have forgotten their true nature.
        Scientology is legally recognized as a tax-exempt religion in the United States and some other countries, and the Church of Scientology emphasizes this as proof that it is a bona fide religion.

324Q. What is cracking?
        It is an important process in the refining of petrol and other fuels. Crude oils broken down into different products by a process called fractional distillation. The oil is heated to a very high temperature and different products.. cracking breaks down the large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules and this greatly increases the quantity of products.
        Thermal cracking and catalytic cracking.

325Q. What is centrifuge?
It is a machine used to spin substances at a high speed.
Blood and other biological samples are often separated by centrifuge
The fastest centrifuges called ultracentrifuges spin at up to 2,00,000 revolution per minute.
Large centrifuges are used to test military pilots and astronauts who have to be able to withstand high accelerations.

326Q. How are there rings of saturn?
One assumption was that there was a planet which was between Saturn and jupitor. It broke into millions of pieces. Those pieces have been rotating around Saturn causing rings.

327Q. What are the effects of UV radiation?
The increased UV radiation could have been due to atmospheric changes brought about by a number of causes like volcanism.
UV many also be cause of overactivity in the sun itself.
The extinction of dinosaurs were due to UV radition which made it unable to adapt.

328. How do they chill the contents inside a fridge?
Take a small quantity of petrol in your hand and expose it to the atmosphere. The petrol evaporates leaving a cooling sensation. This is becuses te petrol has takenthe heat from the hand and transformed it into vapour. The working substance in the refrigerator is called refrigerant.
The liquid is then allowed to expand at a low pressure. During this process it absorbs  heat from the space inside the refridgerator and become a vapour.
The above cycle is repeated in vapour-compression  refrideration wich differes fundamentally from vapour absorption system.

329Q. What are the Elements of particles of nature?


Mass (MeV/c2)
Electric Charge




electron neutrino

muon neutrino

tau neutrino

330Q. What are the Elements of particles of nature?

Gauge Bosons





331Q. What are the Elements of particles of nature?

Some Sample Hadrons

Mass (MeV/c2)
Electric Charge
Quark Content
positive pion
positive kaon

For each of these particles, except the photon, gluon, and Z-boson, there is an antiparticle with the same mass and opposite charge. In most cases the antiparticle is denoted by an overbar over the particle symbol (e.g., the symbol for the antiproton is ̄.
1 Because quarks cannot be isolated, the masses given for them are approximate.

332Q. What causes blood sugar in diabetic patients initiated?
There are many reasons for this.
1]    Experienced people used to say that during child hood days because of no food, the appetite comes to ground zero. Digestion power also decreases. After earning millions of rupees earning heavy food becomes very impossible, The body cannot allow. The insulin released is not enough to excess food consumed. This may lead to diabetes.
2]    The insulin secretion from the bea cells is less in pancreas. If the upper limit of glucse sustains above 200 mg/dl after 2 hours of post  prandial it is suggestiveof diabetes.
3]    Ageing is another cause for the initiation of rise of plasma glucose due to inadequate secretion of insulin.
4]    In some cases it is hereditary.
5]    In obese persons with high body cannot release insulin.
6]    Sedentary workers cannot have body movements. So adequate insulin cannot be secreted.
7]    Virus infections like mumps and cock sackies indirectly effect the system.
8]    Chronic alcoholism.
9]    Excessive sweet
10]  Excessive consumption of meat
11]  Psychological causes such as tension

333Q. What is the Sun made of?
The Sun is a sphere of gas. In the Sun scientists have found about 2/3 of the elements that are known on the Earth. Helium was found there even before it was found on the Earth. As these elements on the Sun are all light, it is possible that the rest of the known elements which are heavier can be found nearer the centre of the Sun.

334Q. Does the Sun rotate upon its axis?
Yes, but not uniformly. The Sun is not a solid. It is a sphere of gas. Its rotation is different. It is faster near the equator of the Sun and slower near its poles. At its equator, the average rotational period of the Sun is 25 days, and at the poles it is 34 days.

335Q. Does the Sun have an atmosphere?
We may say that the Sun is all atmosphere, as it is composed of materials in a gaseous state. There is, however, a definite central sphere of the Sun. This central sphere is surrounded by two levels of gases. These two levels are called the Sun's atmosphere.

336Q. What is the central body of the Sun called?
The central body of the Sun is the photosphere, or sphere of light. This is the Sun that we see.

337Q. What are the two layers of the solar atmosphere?
Directly above the photosphere is the chromospheres. The outermost atmosphere of the Sun, above the chromospheres, is the corona.

338Q. What is the chromospheres?
The chromospheres is the first of the two layers of atmosphere that surround the photosphere. Chromospheres means the sphere of colour. And it is called this because it has a light red colour. The chromospheres extends for several thousand kilometres above the photosphere.

339Q. What is a jammer?
It is used in wireless telegraphy. In order to block a wireless transmission on a frequency, a disturbing wireless sound is radiated on the same frequency. So  the enemy cannot pass the signal to his friendly station. This is called jamming.

340Q. How to understand solar energy.
Solar energy is heat and light, which has the qualities of waves and individual particles called photons across a vast range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The sun is a nuclear furnace, converting hydrogen to helium through nuclear fusion.
The sun releases the energy of 100 billion H-bombs every second.
It's a very efficient process, converting mass directly to energy through Albert Einstein's famous equation: E= MC2 where E is energy, M is Mass and C is the speed of light times itself.
At 186,000 miles per second light is the fastest speed in the universe.
A tiny bit of mass can make a vast amount of energy.

341Q Why do moles form on the human body?
The scientific name of mole is nevus. The nevi or moles are instructive tumours of the skin. They are mostly 6mm in diameter.
Thee are numerous clinical and histological types of nevi. The following g are important ones.
1.      Congenital nevi :- these are present at birth and are called acquired nevi.
2.      Spindle  and epitheloid cell nevi:- they are red-pink nodules and contain large plump cells with pink blue cytoplasm
3.      Blue nevi :- these are black blue nodules and are dendritic with heavily pigmented nevus cells.
4.      Halo nevi:-  these are identical to ordinary acquired nevi but provided with lymphocytic infiltration surrounding nevus cells
So they have host immune response.

342Q. why does a bird not get electrocuted on sitting on a live wire?
As far as a bird sits on a live wire nothing will happen to it. The bird will be electrocuted only if is other part touches the neutral wire.  

343Q. How are blotting paper and tissue paper different from ordinary paper?
Tissue paper is a thin soft paper. It is almost transparent and permeable to water etc.

344Q. What are  the electrical losses in India?
There are many losses in power generation in India.
1.       Generation losses
2.       Transmission losses
3.       Distribution losses
4.        Mechanical losses
5.       Corona losses in EHV levels
6.       Cable losses
7.       Loss in cooling system
8.       Metering loss
9.       Commercial loss
10.   VAR loading loss                                                                                                                                                    
11.   Loss due to breakdown
12.   Loss due to improper maintenance
13.   Loss due to poor earthing
14.   Loss due to over loading
15.   Loss  at consumer points

345Q. What is 123 agreement?
123 is a clause for agreement  in US’s Hyde Act, and IAEA safeguards.
25     countries of this world have signed on 123 agreement.
Advantages of the member country
1.       Can purchase  nuclear reactors
2.       Conduct nuclear tests
3.       Build bombs
4.       Share nuclear knowledge
1.       Should not oppose US supremacy
2.       Surrender financially to US
3.       Reactors should be bought only from US


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