Wednesday, 11 September 2013

515. Effective Communication Methods

Effective Communication Methods

A great deal of a teacher's planning involves not only what to teach, but how to teach it. The same principle holds true for effective communication methods with parents, other teachers, students, and administrators.
However, this part is difficult to remember when a teacher suddenly finds him/ herself in particularly challenging and/or difficult circumstances.
The good news for all teachers is that effective communication methods can be taught to a seasoned and new teacher alike, and they can hopefully result in positive relationships to develop between students and teachers, administrators, parents and even between the learners themselves.

Before Communication Measures

Mistakes are not always mistakes. Before judging or jumping to self-defend yourself, gather the facts about the specific classroom situation. This might mean gathering the student's first and second semester's grades and all the criteria that went into their calculation. You might need to refresh yourself and gather some notes you took about that particular student's performance in class during several sessions.
Have this information at the meeting or while you are on the phone. Not only does it reinforce the validity of your information, it can be helpful for those tricky spots where you suddenly feel you are loosing objectivity.

Methods of Communications

  • Be sympathetic. Restate the problem using your own words. One way to start is to say: "If I understand you correctly, you ..." This gives you time to think of your next steps while thinking of practical solutions. This also has an effect of calming the waters for both adults and children.
  • Offer your help instead of showing any anger, dissatisfaction or contempt.
  • Be organized. Discuss follow-up communicative measures in order to monitor a specific ongoing problem. Such alternatives can include: an email, a follow-up note, a fax or a monthly school visit.
Communicative techniques should also be at the heart of your approach and should carry over into the classroom. Communicative interaction encourages cooperative relationships, promotes the children's security, allows them to share ideas and opinions and makes them feel that they are doing something useful. As part of this approach, errors are seen as natural to the learning process and are corrected only when studying grammar.
Over to You: In which situations did you find yourself struggle with effective communication?
Was there a "forgiving" element in the communication?
At which point did the communication break down?
What did you do about it?
Let's hopefully open a discussion.

514. Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills


Interpersonal Communicative Skills

Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) are language skills needed to interact in social situations, for example, when speaking to a friend on the telephone. BICS refers primarily to context-bound, face-to-face communication, like the language first learned by toddlers and preschoolers, which is used in everyday social interaction.
We use this language skill in face-to-face interactions, rather than in dealing with academic tasks.
This term is often credited to Jim Cummins research related to language acquisition and learning. The other term that is often used in conjunction with this term is Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP).
CALP refers to the highly abstract, decontextualized communication that takes place in the classroom, especially in the later elementary grades.
CALP involves the “language of learning”, which enables children to problem-solve, hypothesize, imagine, reason and project into situations with which they have no personal experience.
It is a prerequisite for learning to read and write and for overall academic success.
The implications of the BICS and CALP concepts for children are that the second language or language of the classroom needs to be sufficiently well developed for her or him to be able to meet the cognitive demands of the academic setting.
Students typically are thought to acquire BICS in 2-3 years but take 5-7 years to develop the CALP needed to be on the same level with their native speaking counterparts in the classroom.

513. B. PHARMACY I YEAR Lab Viva Q.s

LAB  VIVA                                         QUESTIONS

1.    What are input devices?                             Key board,  mouse,
2.    What are output devices?                          monitor                     
3.    Name different softwares?                         Oracle, java, C,
4.    What is virus?                                               It is software that disturbs our files in system
5.    What is online?                                            Working on internet, browsing     
6.    What is offline?                    Downloading required material and editing it later leisurely.
7.    What is a system?                                       Monitor, Keyboard, mouse, CPU
8.    Who is the inventor of computer?            Charles Babbage
9.    What is cpu?                                                 Central Processing Unit = memory
10.  What is monitor?                  It is the one that displays whatever operation we are doing.
11. What do you mean by i3, i5, i7?                These are 64 bit operating systems
12. What is Google?                                          10100  = search engine
13.  What is hacking?    Knowing the data stored in a system without the knowledge of the client
14. What is cracking?            Knowing the data stored in a system and altering the contents without the knowledge of the client
15. How is memory measured?                       MB, GB, TB
16. How is speed measured?                          Kbps, mbps,
17. What is internet speed in India?               10 mbps
18. Who is called human computer?             Shakuntala Devi
19. How many words are there in English?  more than 10,00,000
20. What are vowels?                                        A, E, I, O, U
21. Shut the door. [Change the voice]            let the door be shut
22. “the” is called …….article.                          definite article
23. Articles are used before………..                noun
24. who is the greatest essayist?                     AG Gardener
25. antonym of  “clever.”                                   Stupid,
26. synonym of  “beauty”                                  pretty, good
27. homonyms of  “right”                                   rite, write,
28. homophone of “story”                                 storey
29. “cats and dogs” means?                             Heavy rain
30. tense of “do” is?                                           Do-did-done
31. print media – give examples.                     Eenadu, saakshi,
32. electronic media – examples.                    Ntv, tv9
33. “wikileaks “  suplremo is ?                                      Assange
34.  what is soft copy?                The matter if stored on CD/DVD then it is called soft copy.
35. “certificate”   verb form?                              certify
36. “beautiful” noun form?                                beauty
37. a, an, the are called?                                   articles
38. The Father of English Literature               Chaucer
39. Greatest dramatist of all times                   William Shakespeare
40. Greatest dramatist of modern times         George Bernard Shaw
41. The First Thesaurus writer                          Dr. Roget
42. Nature Poet                                                   William Wordsworth
43. Melodious poet                                             Sarojini Naidu
44. The smallest word in English                    I, a, O
45. The longest word in English                      flaccipausinausiinihilibilification
46. The 10,00,000th word is                               web 2.0
47. 9,99,999th word is                                          jayaho
48. Who is the authority for English               Oxford University
49. Types of English                                          British, American, Canadian, Australian
50. What is the software in ELCS lab             [K Van series]
51. What is a search engine?                          That which searches the asked data and puts before us                                               
52. Name some search engines?                   Google, chrome, yahoo
53. LAN  means?                                               Local Area Network
54. WAN                                                               Wide Area Network
55. Name the subjects you are studying
56. What language is used in mobiles?        Android,         java
57. Printing on plastic is called?                      Plexi printing
58. The First English Dictionary writer           Samuel Johnson
59. The First English Grammar writer             Joseph Priestly
60.   Datta’s shop was                                       [Modern Frame works]
61.  What is Cirrhosis disease?                       [liver]
62.  Heavy water means?                                 [D2O]
63.  Jews won’t get cirrhosis disease?           [they don’t drink alcohol]
64.  what is the basic thing of life?                  [water]
65.  who was Kalpana?                                     [first Indian astronaut]
66.  the largest organ in our body?                 [liver]
67.  elixir means?                                               [that which gives life]
68.  Kalpana went in ….space shuttle?         Columbia


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