Sunday, 26 January 2014

597. B. Ph TEXT I – 7 ARTICLES

Ex. F

Articles are used before countable nouns.

It will not come before
1.       Proper Noun
2.      Material Noun
3.      Abstract Noun

It  comes before common noun and collective noun.

Articles are used.

It is called indefinite article.

It comes before a noun whose pronunciation is that of a consonant, or non- vowel.
a bat,  a cat,  a rat

It comes before a noun having a vowel but whose pronunciation is that a consonant.
a European,      a University,     a one eyed man,  

It is called indefinite article.

It comes before a noun whose pronunciation is that of a vowel.
An ant,   an egg,   an Indian,   an old man,   an umbrella

It comes before a noun having consonant sound but whose pronunciation is that a vowel.
an hour,   an honest man,   an honourable man, 
an MA student,   an MLA,   an MP,   an MLC


It is called definite article.

It comes in many ways.

1] to refer to a noun which is already mentioned.
                        A king went to forest. The king wanted to do hunting….

2] before superlative degrees

3] before rivers

4] before group of islands

5] before holy books

6] before the names of God

7] before mountain ranges

8] before canals
The largest, the strongest,…

The Ganges,

The A&N islands

The Bible, the Qoran, the Gita
The Almighty, the Omnipresent

the Eastern Ghats, the Himalayas

     but not before artificial rivers
     but not before single island
     but not before a general book
     but not before an individual’s name the Sai

     but not before a single mountain. Everest
     not before Panama, Suez

9] Before deserts                                         the Sahara,  the Thar

10] To represent the whole class              the rich,  the poor,  the haves,

11] Before natural lakes                             the Kolleru

12] Before straits                                         the Gibraltar
13] Before Gulfs                                           the Gulf of Kutch

14] Before Organisations                           the Ministry of Defence

15] Before famous buildings                     the Taj,  the Theen Murthy Bhavan

16] Before ‘only one’                                   the Kohinoor, the Enterprise,
17] Double comparative                             the more you have, the more you want
18] Before the names of families             we invited the Krishnas for dinner.
19] Before news papers, magazines          the Hindu,  the Times of India,
20] To emphasize                                        the verb is a sentence.
21] To qualify an adjective                         the immortal Kalidasa
22] General effect                                        the child is the father of the man
                                                                        The lunatic, the lover, the poet
23] Repetition to indicate characters of the same person
        Napoleon was at once a general, a statesman, an orator,…etc.
        The learned, the eloquent, and the patriotic Tilak lives in the hearts of his countrymen.
24] while comparing                                   Kalidasa is the Shakespeare of India.
25] natural satellites                                   the Earth,  the Moon
26] astronomical bodies                            the Sun, the Milky way Galaxy

Where articles are omitted???
1] before proper nouns                               Khammam,  Laxmi
2] before proper noun used in the wider sense             Man is mortal
3] before material noun s                          Iron is a useful metal.  Gold is a costly metal.
4] before abstract nouns                            Honesty is the best policy.  Poverty is virtue.
5] titles used in apposition to a proper noun.
                                                                        Venkat Raman, President of India, ……
                                                                        Birendra, king of Nepal, …
6] before relations                                       Father went to office.
7] names of seasons                                    Summer is hot.  Winter is pleasant.
8] names of diseases                                   He died of cholera.  She is suffering from malaria.
9] names of subject of study                     English is an international language.
10] before the days of week                       Monday, Sunday
11] artificial satellites                                  Aryabhatta,   
12] before artificial rivers
13] before single island                              kakanna, 
 14] before a general book                          the law of success
 15] before an individual’s name              Sai
16] before a single mountain.                   Everest
17] before artificial canals                          Panama, Suez
18] in some phrases                                    at Sun rise, 

I          Fill in the blanks with suitable articles :-
This is----goose.    2] He is ---umpire.   3] This is---- ant.    4] He is ----owner of my house.   5] It is----iron chair.   6] I bought ----orange.   7] This is----historical novel.   8] This is----fine horse.  9] We played foot-ball on----uneven ground.  10] He made ----uproar.  11] I met ----European   12] Ulyssis killed----one-eyed giant.  13] He cut----tree with----axe.  14] You are worse than----ass.  15] She takes----egg daily.  16] Rama is----honest man.  17] Is it----owl or----eagle ?  18] I placed ----order for wrist watch.  19] He went on----urgent business.  20] This is----useful thing .  21] ----Krishna is a big river.  22] ----Himalayas lie on ----north of India.  23] Govind is----cleverest of all boys.  24] ----more you have, ----more you want.   25] ----stars are in ----sky.

II         Insert Articles  wherever necessay:-
1. Moon shines at night.  2] I bought dozen of fruits from nearest market.  3] Man grazed cows in finest meadows.  4] Have eye on thief.  5] I saw boy and girl in garden.  6] You are late by hour.  7] Old man lived on island.  8] Rajahmundry lies by river Godavary.  9] Earth goes round sun.  10] Sita is most beautiful of all girls.  11] Ganges is holy river.  12] English ruled India for long time.  13] Lion is ferocious animal  14] Vindhyas lie in middle of India.  15] This tree grew to enormous height.  16] This is book that I want.  17] He is Hampden  18] Calcutta is London of east.  19] He is stronger of two.  20] There is electric light in corner of street.  21] I read Mahabharata.  22] Rich and poor honoured Gandhi  23] Akbar is one of greatest Kings.  24] Each of girls wore gown.  25] Andamans lie in Bay of Bengal.

III       Insert or omit article :-
1. she saw thief entering her house.  2]The God is our Heavenly Father.  3] Ganges is the holy river.  4] The Everest is a highest peak in Himalayas.  5]The Ceylon is in Indian Ocean on south of the India.  6] A man is the mortal  7] The gold is a costliest metal.  8] Kaalidas is Shakespeare of India.  9]Teacher asked boy to get out of a classroom.  10] The Calcutta is a biggest city.  11] The Valmiky’s Ramayana is a interesting book.  12] The Rama is a honest man.  13] The Sita was a wife of the Rama.  14. I read a Milton.  15] An earth goes round a sun.  16] A rich and a poor, young and old, all attended funeral of Gandhi.  17] He is Chief Commissioner of Andamans.  18] The physics is my favourite subject.  19] The dogs bark.  20] I met the professor Raman.  21] The girls, you may go the home now.  22  The death lays his icy hands on the king.  23] The English is the difficult language.  24] Germans are the strong.  25] Is the supper ready ?  26] Brown and black cow is in field.  27] More she looked at him, less she liked him.  28] Cow eats the grass.  29] A tiger is fierce animal.  30] The Brahmins never eat the fish.



Laptop, desktop, palmtop,

Ice age,  iceberg,  icebox,  ice breaker,  ice cap,  ice cream, ice field,  ice hockey,  Icelander,  ice pack,  ice skate, 

Jack plug,  jack pot,  jack rabbit, 

Keyboard,  keyhole,  keynote,  keypad,  key ring,  key signature,  key stone,  keyword, 

Kingdom,  kingfisher,  kingpin,  king-sized, 

Ladybird,  ladykiller,  ladylike,  ladyship, 

Land agent,  landfall,  landform,  landing craft,  landing gear,  landlady,  landlord,  landline,  landlubber,  landmark,  land mass,  landmine,  landowner,  landscape,  landslide,  landward, 

Law abiding,  Law court,  lawful,  law lord,  lawmaker,  lawsuit, 

Light bulb,  light-fingered,  light footed,  light headed,  light hearted,  lighthouse,  light industry,  light meter,  light weight,  light year, 

Longboat,  longbow,  long distance,  long face,  longhand,  long haul,  long jump,  long life,  long lived,  long range,  long ship,  long-range,  long standing,  long suffering, 

Outbreak,  outburst,  outcast,  outclass,  outcome,  outcry,  outdated,  outdo,  outdoor,  outflow,  outgoing,  outgrow,  outgun,  outhouse,  outlaw,  outlet,  outline,  outlook,  outmoded,  out of date,  outpatient,  outplay,  outpost,  output,  outright,  outside,  outskirts,  outsource,  outward,  outwit, 

Overact,  overall,  overblown,  overboard,  overcome,  overconfident,  overcrowded,  overdevelop,  overdose,  overdo,  overdrawn,  overdrive,  overdue,  overeat,  overemphasize,  overestimate,  overexcited,  overexert,  overexpose,  over familiar,  overfill,  overflow,  overgrown,  overhaul,  overhead,  overhear,  overindulge,  overload,  overpopulated,   overpower,  overpriced,  overrate,  overreact,  overrule,  overrun,  oversensitive,  oversized, 

Paperback,  paperboy,  paper clip,  paper knife,  paper thin,  paper tiger,  paper weight,  paper work, 

Photocall,  photochemistry,  photocopy,  photoelectric,  photo finish,  photofit,  Photostat, 

Playback,  playboy,  playground,  playgroup,  playcard,  plaything,  playtime,  playwright, 

Private company,  private detective,  private enterprise,  private means,  private member,    private parts,  private school,  private secretary,  private sector,

Radioactive,  radioactivity,  radiocarbon,  radioisotope,  radio phonic,  radio-telephone,  radio telescope,  radio therapy,  radio wave, 

Rainbow,  raincoat,  rainfall,  raindrop,  rainfall,  rainforest,  rainproof, 

Right angle,  right hand,  right handed,  right hander,  right minded,  right side,  right wing, 

Ring finger,  ringleader,  ring master,  ring road,  ringtone,  ringworm, 

Shipmate,  shipbuilder,  shipshape,  shipwreck,  shipyard, 

Shortage,  short circuit,  short coming,  short cut,  shorthand,  shortlist,  short-lived,  short-range,  short-sighted,  short-staffed,  short-tempered, 

Sideboard,  side effect,  sidelight,  sideline,  sideshow,  sidestep,  side track,  side walk,  side ways,  

Snowball,  snowboard,  snowbound,  snowdrift,  snowdrop,  snowfall,  snowflake,  snowline,  snowman,  snowmobile,  snowstorm, 

Social contract,  social science,  social security,  social service,  social work, 



1]         By adding  “-s”
Boy, girl, book, rod, tree, pencil, pen,

2]        By adding  “-es” to words which end with  “s”, “ss”, “sh”
                        Bus, bush, tax,  box,  bench, torch, coach, touch,

3]        By removing “f”,  “lf”,  “fe” and adding “ves”
                        Leaf, calf, wife, leaf, life, knife,

4]        By removing “y’ and adding “ies”
                        Baby, lady, city, story, sky, 

5]         By adding “en”
                        Ox,  fox,

6]        By changing “a” into “e”
                        Man, woman, postman, postwoman,

7]         By changing “oo” into “ee”
                        Tooth, foot, goose, 

8]        By changing “ouse” into  “ice”
                        Mouse, louse,

9]        For compound words-1
                        Father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, 

10]      For compound words-2
                        Step-father, step-mother, maid-servant, man-servant, class-room

11]       Always singular
                        Physics, mathematics, news, innings, tidings,

12]       Always plural
                        Scissors, spectacles, trousers, drawers, measles, nuptials,

13]       Singular and plural same.
                        Sheep, deer, swine, cod, fish,

14]       Uncountables become countables
                        Rice is uncountable, but when it is poured in bags it becomes countable.
                        Two bags of rice, five cups of tea, four cans of water, two tucks of sand

15]       Pronouns
                        I-we,  he-they, she-they, one-many,

16]       Foreign words
                        Medium-media, erratum-errata, axis-axes, radius-radii, formula-formulae, index-indicies, crisis-crises,

17]       certain forms have two plural forms
                        Cloth – cloths, clothes                    fish – fish, fishes
                        Die -  dies,  dice                                index – indexes, indices

18]      certain nouns have one meaning in singular form and another in the second form.
                        Light – lights            wood – woods          people – peoples
                        Force – forces           physic – physics       work – works


PRESENTATION  SKILLS MBA   I - II There are many types of presentations.                    1.       written,        story, manual...