Monday, 27 January 2014



Lady                woman, madam, wife, beauty, widow, fiancee, love, bride, brunette, dame, blonde, damsel, eve, xanthippe, matron,
See                  look, glance, glare, stare, peep, peek, leer, glimpse, gaze, gape,
Beautiful         attractive, handsome, winsome, dainty, elegant, exquisite,. Charming, glorious, fine, nice, goodlooking, pretty, cute
Ugly                 deformed, disfigured, grim, horrible, nasty, awful, dirty,  filthy,
Group              assembly, galaxy, parliament, class, throng, mob, clan, force, gang
Burn                char, roast, fry, cremate, ignite,
Leader             organiser, captatin, chieftain, master, supremo, ayatollah, boss
Destroy            annihilate, smash, destroy, demolish sabotage, shatter, devastate
Begin               start, launch, introduce, inaugurate, unveil, activate, initiate,
End                  terminate, finish, txterminate, abolish, close, culminate, conclude
Make               compose, frame, prepare, shape, create,
Big                   ample, colosal, enormous, gigantic, great, massive, titanic
Believe             trust,
Shiver              tremble,. Shake, quiver, vibrate, oscillate,
Real                 true, pragmatic, in fact,
Ability              = capability, capacity, strength
Abolish            = cancel, ban, annul, nullify
Absorb             = suck in, imbibe,
Accuracy         = precision, correctness, exactness
Answer            = reply, respond,
Ancient            = old, antiquated, past,
Abundance      = plenty, immense,
Accept                         = agree, give consent,
Accumulate     = gather, heap up,
Abandon          = desert, leave, discard,
Announce        = advertise, declare, proclaim
Delicate           = slender, fine, soft,
Bear                = contain, carry,
Beat                 = strike, defeat,
Beg                  = request, ask, plead, implore
Better              = well, good, fine,
Bright              = shine, glitter, gleam
Blame              = accuse, rebuke, allegate, criticise
Common          = usual, popular,
Confusion        = disorder, choas
Certain            = sure, definite,
Chief                = principal, main, supremo
Connect           = join, unite, combine,
Connoisseur    = expert judge in matters of taste. Expert, authority, specialist, good judge
Frenetic           = frenzied, hectic, distracted, mad, chaotic, wild, furious, uncontrolled
Divan               = sofa, settee, couch, seat, bed
Spry                 = lively, active, agile, nimble, quick, brisk,
Spinster          = bachelor, unmarried, unattached, free, single,
Annuity           = pension. Allowance, income,
Perversely        = defiantly, obstinately, uncooperatively, awkwardly
Lavish             = generous, abundant, bountiful, prolific,
Tenderness     = softness, kindness, compassion, care,
Bemusedly      = confusedly, bewilder, puzzle, perplex,
Impel               = push, force, drive, propel, hurl, compel, urge, induce,
Rapture           = ecstasy, delight, joy, bliss,
Translucence  = semi-transparent, fineness, thinness
Marvel             = wonder, amazing, miracle,
Crave               = long for, desire, want, yearn for, pine, for, beg, pray, implore, entreat, beseech
Carnations      = clove scented
Petit –point      = embroidery
Hovel               = small miserable dwelling, but, shack, shed.
Clutter             = mess, litter, disorder, confusion, untidiness, muddle
Fasten             = close, tie, shut, zip, secure, fix, clasp, affix, hook,
Eccentricity     = oddity, peculiarity, strangeness, idiosyncrasy
Fidget              = jiggle, move around, act restlessly,
Distract           = sidetrack, divert,
Fussy               = selective, choosy, exacting, excited
Inquisitive       = curious, inquiring, prying, intrusive
Impulse           = desire, urge, whim, compulsion, pressure
Geraniums      = a flower plant
Hitched            = hold up, get a ride, fasten, hook, tether, connect, tie,
Battered          = tattered, shabby, decrept,  beat-up,  worn out, 
Domineering    = dominant, bossy, forceful, dictatorial,
Outing             = excursion, trip, day trip, jaunt,
Pittance           = meager amount, trifle, nothing, minute allowance
Panacea          = cure all, solution, answer, universal remedy
Jade                = emerald, green,
Vague              = indistinct, unclear. Hazy, formless, blurred,
Angina             = severe pain in the chest caused by inadequate supply of blood.
Sulky               = brooding, morose, cross, sullen,
Dismayed        = distressed, disappointed, distraught, troubled, sad, wounded,
Gasp                = pant, puff, huff, intake of breath, wheeze,
Spill                 = fall, tip out, drip, leak, slick, escape, overflow,
Gleam              = sparkle, glitter, twinkle, flash,
Chime              = ring, clang, ding, peal,
Chiffon                        = light weight fabric
Prone               = flat, horizontal, level
Drought           = lack, dearth, deficiency
Tsunami          = highly intense cyclone
Fury                 = anger,  rage,  ferocity,  wrath, 
wreaked           = cause a great damage or harm
rendered          = cause to be, make, leave, turn into, provide, give, deliver
consolation      = comfort,  solace,  relief,  support
bereaved          = who lost somebody closely related
 mobilize          = activate,  organize,  call up,  trigger on,  start,  initiate
gargantuan     = huge,  large,  gigantic,  enormous,  vast,  massive,
pitched            = inclined,
onerous           = involving great effort, burdensome,  arduous,  difficult,  tiring, 
disposing         = arrange, order, set out, organize    
panic               = fright,  terror,  fear,  dread,  alarm,  horror,
far-flug            = very far,  distant,  remote,  far-off,  faraway, 
osmosis           = less denser to more denser
saline              = salty
HAM                = a private hobby radio
SOS                 = international distress call on 500 KHz.
Rubble             = debris,  ruins,  wreckage,
Habitation       = habitat,  environment,  territory,  locale, 
Brunt              = chief impact of something bad, impact, burden, force,
Semblance      = the way something looks, appearance,  impression, façade,
Ravaging         = devastating,  destroying, ruining, damaging, plundering
Carcass           = animal dead body
Epidemic         = outbreak, endemic, pandemic, spate,
Inventory         = record, account, register, list of items,
Untoward        = till now
Yeoman service = very loyal service
Traumatized    = cause someone to experience lasting shock as a result of a disturbing expe-                                                        rience
Mooted             = propose, put forward, suggest, bring-up, introduce
Stranded         = trapped, cut off, marooned, stuck, abandoned,
Scar                 = blemish, mark, wound, scratch mark,
Amenities        = facilities, services
Thrust             = power, driving force, force, propulsion, impetus
Inundated       = flooded, swamped,
Hamlet             = village, settlement, homestead, community, colony.
Priest               = minister, pastor, vicar, rector, presbyter, celebrant, cleric, ecclesiastic.
Plumed            = trail, cloud, spiral, column, curl
Peer[n]             = noble, lord, earl, duke, viscount, patrician,
Peer[v]                         = look, scrutinize, gaze, stare, examine, look closely,
Stone[v]           = pelt, throw stone,
Stray               = lost, wandering, abandoned, homeless, vagrant
Halter              = bridle, rein, strap, lead, noose, collar, tether
Boar                = pig, swine,
Tushes            = tusks
Terrier                         = a small hunting dog.
Countenance = expression, face, features, visage,
Wearied           = resignedly, with a sigh, despairingly, tiredly
Stumble           = stagger, sway, roll, totter, hobble, topple
Sidle                = edge, creep, slither, snake, slink,
Stem                = stalk, shoot, trunk, twig,
Tussock           = a clump of coarse grass
Girth                = circumference, width, span, wideness,
Frivolous         = trivial, silly, idle, vain, shallow, playful,
Pace                 = step, stride, leap, bound, hop, skip, jump
Chuckle           = laugh, chortle, giggle,
Waggle             = wag, shake, jiggle, joggle, move from side to side,
Grunt              = mumble, murmur, rumble, grumble, snort
Exertion           = effort, action, application, force, toil,
Scum               = impurities, filth, layer, froth, foam,
Spring                         =  source, upwelling, fount, fountain, water source
Sputter            = pop, splutter, spit, sizzle, crackle,
Mirth               = laughter, hilarity, humour, fun, delight, glee, joy, cheer
Bedstead         = bedframe, frame, base, pallet,
Howl                = cry,  yowl, wail, scream, whine, moan,
Embrace          = hold, hug, cuddle, clinch, clasp, squeeze,
Alight               = burning, on fire, in flames, ablaze, flaming
Emaciated       = thin, wasted, withered, shrunken, gaunt, pinched
Astonishment =  surprise, amazement, wonder, shock, bewilderment,
Howl                = wail, cry, yowl, scream, whine, shriek, moan, holler
Grope               = fumble, feel, finger, flounder
Intelligent        = clever, bright, gifted, brainy, smart, scholarly
Facilities          = amenities, arrangements
Devoted           = dedicated, committed
Loyal                = faithful, trustworthy
Finding            = trace out, invent, discover,
Determine       = take decision,
Specific            = particular, selected, variety
Transmitted    = passed, sent, broadcast,
Start                = begin, commence, initiate
Components    = constituents, parts, contents
Synthesis        = compounding, joining, uniting, integration, amalgamating, building a whole
Design             = form, give shape, carve
Ultimately        = in the end, at last, finally,
Provide            = facilitate, give, offer, empower
Pioneer            = forerunner, 
Corroborated   = proved, established, validate, support, authenticate
Spiral              = coiled, helical, scrolled, screw-shaped
Feasible           = possible, attainable, practicable, workable
Diversity          = variety, plurality
Therapy           =cure, remedy, solution, treatment,
Indispensable  = vital, essential, most necessary
Elegant            =  stylish, graceful, chic, smart, neat, classy, tasteful, refined
Substitute       = extra, auxiliary, ancillary, stand-by, additional, temporary
Steep               = vertical, sharp, abrupt, sudden
Probability       =prospect, odds, possibility, chance
Gaze                = stare, look, regard, comtemplation, observation, scrutiny
Quickly            = fast, rapidly, speedily, swiftly, hastily, hurriedly
Continue         = endure, go on, persist, keep on, prolong,
Hard                = firm, stiff, rigid, solid, tough, unbreakable, durable
Add                  = put in, insert, append, affix, attach, include
Similar                        =          like, alike, related, akin, comparable, identical, in the same way
Vanity              =          pride, narcissism, self-importance,  egoism, emptiness, worthlessness,
Reverence        =          respect, admiration, worship, veneration,   admire, esteem
Oppose            =          resist, fight, counter, contradict, be against, defy,
Tribute                        =          compliment, honour, praise, accolade, homage,
Mother             =          look after, care for, protect, nurse,
Citizenship      =          nationality, residency
Poverty                        =          scarcity, shortage, deficiency, lack, dearth, insufficiency,
Minister           =          [noun] priest, cleric, preacher, vicar, rector, parson, nun, monk, holy man,
                                    [verb]  attend, look after,  care for, tend, nurse,
Expansion       =          development, growth, increase, extension, spreading out, enlargement,
Death              =          demise, decease, pass away, take last breath,
Convince         =          influence, persuade, satisfy, assure, win over,
Religion           =          faith, belief, creed, conviction
Teacher           =          tutor, educator, instructor, coach, trainer, lecturer, professor, educationist,
Disturb            =          upset, worry, bother, concern, perturb, scare, alarm, frighten
Despair            =          misery, desolation, gloom, depression, dejection, hopelessness
Experience      =          skill, knowledge, know-how, proficiency, handiness, aptitude,
Permission      =          consent, agreement, okay, authorize, sanction, concurrence
Charity            =          aid, contribution, gift, help, assistance,
Humanitarian =          caring, kind, gentle, compassionate, kindly, charitable
Suffer              =          bear, endure,
Offer                =          present, propose, suggest, submit,
Fact                 =          truth, reality, actuality, exactness, certainty, accuracy
Probe               =          search, investigate, explore, query, survey, prod,
Pain                 =          ache, hurt, grief, agony, bother,
Texture            =          feel, touch, surface, consistency, quality
Feeble              =          weak, frail, delicate, shabby, thin, meager,
Diversity          =          variety, assortment, multiplicity,
Meager                        =          scanty, insufficient, inadequate, small, miserable,
Hostile             =          unfriendly, aggressive, antagonistic, unsympathetic,
Devastate        =          destroy, demolish, ravage, wreck, spoil,
Escape             =          free, run away, flee, flight, 
Rudimentary   =          basic, elementary, simple, undeveloped
Proclaim          =          announce, declare, state, assert, broadcast, pronounce
Manacles         =          handcuffs, chains, cuffs, shackles
Momentous     =          important, significant, historic, crucial, vital, big,
Check              =          verify, ensure, test, prove, make sure, ensure
Ghetto             =          slum, poor area,
Captivity          =          imprisonment, custody, detention, confinement, interment
Island              =          isle, islet,
Magnificent     =         superb, wonderful, splendid, brilliant, grand, outstanding
Inalienable      =         unchallengeable, absolute, indisputable
Promise           =          assure, swear, guarantee, pledge, secure,
Life                  =         existence, being,
Hollow =          empty, void, unfilled, vacant, unoccupied
Invigorate        =          stimulate, revitalize, enliven, energize, strengthen,
Threshold        =          doorsill, sill, doorstep, entrance, entry,
Engulfed          =          overcome,
Mobility           =          movability, portability, transportability,
Stagger            =         sway, totter, wobble, reel, walk unsteadily, wallow
Veteran           =         expert, old hand, experienced person


PRESENTATION  SKILLS MBA   I - II There are many types of presentations.                    1.       written,        story, manual...