Saturday, 26 July 2014

643. Gita - Personality

Gita - Personality

        Personality is needed to human beings.

        Personality development is needed to those who have personality. If somebody has no personality, question does not raise for development.

        For anybody to develop his personality, the essential things needed are
1.      Money
2.      Dealing
3.      Common sense
4.      Logical thinking
5.      Language
6.      Humanistic attitude
7.      Feelings
8.      Self analysis [analyze what he is doing, why he is doing, when he is doing, whether developing everyday or not, whether he is resourceful or not, …]
9.      Pro-activeness
10.  Resourcefulness

        If we do not develop daily, if our awareness does not improve, we will like that saheb who was simply arguing on virtual topics.

-: Have your own views :-

        After learning these many theories and anecdotes, you might have understood this world. Now whenever there comes a time, you start reciting whatever you have studied.    

What I want is that, actually what is your own saying
to anything of  world.
That indicates yours own personality.

        Your own views create impact on the society. So have your own view.
You may say there are heaven and hell.
There are 35 thousand gods.
We are facing whatever is written on the forehead.
And many more….
Do believe them?
Are you reciting them?
Have you really felt them to the heart?
To what things you stand for.
Have you guts to stand for?
        This saying by different people changes from age, qualification, locality, teachers etc. in this world.
        This saying by different people changed from generation to generation, country to country, traditional education, etc. in this world is good for our development fast to understand this world.

        To live in this world one needs facts, not hearsays.

“Don’t see who said it, see what is said”
So while going through how Gita is said Krishna, see whether the said ones are facts, nearest truth, worthful to by heart, or practical things that you have experienced, etc.,


642. Generation Gap

Generation Gap

Marx said, ”Negation of Negation.”
One generation contradicts with the previous generation. It is because of fast developing changes in the world.

Life is a great struggle for existence. It is not a series of gig lamps symmetrically arranged. We should not be sure that after struggle happiness comes. There is no surety.

If we drive a motor cycle, we should be very alert; when to horn, when to apply break, when to stop, when to continue, when to take a turn, and so on. Otherwise we are liable to do accidents. Similarly travelling in this world we should be very careful.

We are not sure the next generation people cooperate with us or not. It is because they have their own strategies, weakness, etc. That is why a collector’s son cannot and need not be a collector.

In this struggle for existence,  a man starts something with his efforts and hard work. It may be founding a business, a political party, a religion, etc. As far as he alive, he is strong enough, his zeal is alive, he continues it. He faces any amount of oppositions, or problems, he is ready to face. After all it is his own creation. He cannot comply to any one for its failure because he is responsible for its welfare. Whether it is successful or failure, he is the only cause. He can take advice, he can take financial help, or any other thing needed in his for its survival. Additions and deletions are always are there and it must take. It is his own responsibility. His responsibility is
1.      To enrich and expand it
2.      Train his employees
3.      Train his siblings
4.      Protect it from all sorts of problems
5.      To maintain and transfer ethical values. So that the venture goes on from generation to generation successfully.
Eg.1    Dheerubai Ambani started his empire [1st Generation] and handed it over to his son Mukhesh Ambani and Anil Ambani.
Mukhesh Ambani and Anil Ambani [2nd Generation] presently running it smoothly.
6.      If not, very soon his empire collapses.
1.      Nehru [1st Generation]
2.      Smt Indira Gandhi [2nd Generation] later it collapsed.
Eg. 2 Shersha who defeated Humayun and came to power was a great success. Who came after him could not continue the same tempo. So the empire collapsed

It is ok. He cannot expect the same type of care for nursing his firm from the next generation. He cannot expect co-operation from the next generation. It is the first generation of creation of that venture. His empire may continue or collapse. In the history there are many instances.
Eg.1    Dheerubai Ambani started his empire [1st Generation] and handed it over to his sons Mukhesh Ambani and Anil Ambani.
Mukhesh Ambani and Anil Ambani [2nd Generation] presently running it smoothly.

Though certain ventures are started by an individual, making it his family business, there is no guarantee that it will continue in the second generation also. As time changes, if his own people are not competent enough, then to continue his empire the founder should make it a limited company and hand it over the reins to the next efficient player of the team.

Eg.,      1. Microsoft Bill Gates handed over the reign to Satyam Nadendla
2. ICICI Kamat to Kochhar
3. Infosys Narayana Murthy to Nandan Neelekani 
4. Cuba Fidel Castro to Ravel Castro
If the handing over is based on efficiency the venture goes on from generation to generation smoothly.

For the smooth functioning, the leader should,
1.      Be proactive
2.      Have great vision
Eg.,      Ramoji Rao – Eenadu
3.      Be a prochanger
Eg.,      Azim Premji – Wipro
            Sony – Japan
4.      Be pragmatic
Eg.,      Narayana Murthy – Infosys
            Deng Xiao Ping
            Thomas Alva Edison
5.      Be single minded
Eg.,      Alexander
6.      Adopt best practices in management and ownership succession
7.      Maintain continuity of family values
8.      Always expand
“expansion is life, contraction is death.”
9.      Be mentally prepared for fluctuations
10.  Have an advisory board to check whether the ideas we get are correct or not.

Any company to survive
1.      Maintain quality
2.      Maintain sincerity
3.      Maintain good management skills
4.      Committed to share holders
5.      Always think “what next”



1Q  How can you develop vocabulary?
Vocabulary is the primary thing for any language. The more number of words you know, the more command you will have on the language.
1.                  The parts of speech method. All the words of English are divided into Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Conjunction and Interjection.
2.                  Try to write all the words of every object that is in front of you.
Eg.          TREE :- plant, bark, branch, nut, fruit, flower, root etc.
MOTOR CYCLE : handle, gear, mudguard, horn, tyres, tubes,  etc.
HOUSE : roof, floor, wall, corner, window, door, door frame,  etc.
3.             Whatever  you read, refer dictionary for all the unknown words, and by heart them. Later use them in your own sentences.
4.             SYNONYMS :- Words having similar meaning, but used in different situations.
Eg.          BEAUTIFUL :-  pretty, fine, good looking, nice, handsome, winsome, magnificent, ….
SEE : look, glance, glare, stare, peek, peep, leer ……
As meaning is same, by byhearting the words, many words can be learnt.
5.             Similarly  there are  antonyms, homonyms, homophones, confusing words, compound words, idioms, phrases, jargon, etc.
6.             what is most needed is your interest to gain command on English.
7.             Try  to cram quotations, and proverbs. They not only enrich your vocabulary but also sentence framing.
8.             Now a days the world of words for GRE, IELTS, TOEFL etc. are available in soft copies, special drives. Listen  to them many times.  You can enrich your vocabulary.
“Where there is a will, there is a way.”

2Q How can you develop your English ?
There are many methods to develop English.
1] Vocabulary development. The words that you learn should be written in sentences of your own. Try to use them in sentences of your own whenever possible.
2] Reading  books. Read books of different subjects widely. After reading books try to write the summaries of those books in your own words.
3] Company.  Maintain such peoples’ company who can speak English. Because language is nothing but usage.
4] By hearting.  By heart hundreds of quotations, poems, dialogues, speech parts that you like…. After that use them whenever you get a chance.
5] Rehearse. Daily  rehearse situational dialogues.  It can remove your hesitation in speaking and also remove your inferiority complex.
6] Movies. Select an English movie. See that movie as many times as you, till you can understand every dialogue.
7] listen to English news daily.
8] Listen to  English  speeches from net.
9] Don’t worry about grammar in the initial stage.  Express your thoughts freely.
10] Don’t  try to be 100% correct.

3Q          Seminar presentation
1.       Background work.
2.       Draw a rough plan of what are all the things to be presented.
3.       The first thing that one should do is to draw a detailed plan.
4.       It should have an object.
5.       The lead speaker and the other speakers.
6.       Write the agenda and protocol.
7.       If there are more than one session, then select a chairman for each.
8.       Selection of venue and time.
9.       If people from other towns are invited, provide lodging and boarding.
10.    The place of seminar,  the lodging and boarding places should be given  in a  route map.
11.    Invitation letter is to be prepared.

4Q  Explain the terms, ‘skimming’, ‘scanning’, ‘silent reading’, and explain their use.
                Skimming:- Skimming is reading fast to get the “gist” or the general idea of the text. There are different techniques to do skimming. Run the eyes over the text getting the general meaning, not stopping at words that are not easy to understand as this will slow down speed.
                The important thing with skimming is speed. Another way to skim is to just read the first and last paragraphs of a text as well as the summaries, the title, subtitles and illustrations if there are any. It main purpose is to quickly understand the general meaning.
                Scanning:- It is generally done to search for an answer, a word, a title, or for any other important data.
                These two are very important. Generally before  we buy a book we will have quick glance of the entire book. This is a skimming which helps us to understand whether to buy it or not.
                Silent reading:-It is generally followed by those we want to enjoy a novel or story.  They have sufficient vocabulary to go through a book.

5Q  Language functions
Due to their diversity the functions of language might be divided into two categories: micro functions which refer to specific individual uses, and macro functions which serve more overall aims.
MICRO FUNCTIONS: 1. Physiological function (releasing physical and nervous energy)  2. Phatic function (for sociability)  3.Recording function   4. Identifying function   5.Reasoning function (instrument of thought)     6.Communicating function    7. Pleasure functions
MACRO FUNCTIONS: 8.Ideational function   9.Interpersonal function   10.Poetic function   11.Textual function
The civilization is reflected in three priceless possessions of mankind.
The first one is the human ability to think,
The second one is the innate capacity to communicate,
The third one is his specie’s specific competence to acquire and use the language.
The process of communication permits us to use and reuse the experiences of others in present as well as in future. We can draw the experience and knowledge from the past into the present and make it ready for reuse in future with the help of the symbols of communication, which stand for some abstract idea.
                Communication is the means by which people relate to one another.  The society in general or an organization of any type cannot exist without the relations that are built and strengthened by communication.

6Q          How do you make use of a dictionary as an important tool or reference?
It is the only source  of information on language for the majority of people.
It gives us accurate spelling.
                                Eg. Vacuum is the correct spelling. But mostly it is written as ‘vaccum’
It gives us accurate pronunciation of a word. Otherwise each will follow his own pronunciation.
                                Phonetics is based on this only.
It gives us the parts of speech of a word, so that we can use it correctly.
It gives us the etymology of a word.  The root and the origin of a word.
It gives us present as well as older meanings of a word.
                                Eg. Comrade= room mate[old],   member of communist party[new]
It gives us other derived forms of a word.
                                Eg. Beauty, beautiful, beautifully, beautify, beautifulness,
It gives us the information how a word is derived.
                                Eg. Boycott- an M.P. by this name first walked out of the British parliament.                                       Now it became a word.

7Q    The only place ‘success’ comes before’ work ‘is in the dictionary.’ Write briefly on ‘how to use a dictionary’.
                Dictionary is arranged alphabetically. As per alphabets ‘success’ starts with ‘s’ and ‘work’ starts with ‘w’. That is why ‘s’ comes before ‘w’. In real life success comes only after work.

8Q          What are the major characteristics associated with active learning?
                Learning gives creativity. Creativity leads to thinking. Thinking provides knowledge. Knowledge makes us great.
                Learning is earning.
                There is no age factor for learning. By learning we can always update our knowledge. If we don’t update our knowledge we will be outdated.
                There are many ways of learning. We learn being in the company great people, attending seminars, through e-media, through print media, going through books, listening to speeches, discourses, and so on.  The only thing is that we should have that desire to learn.
If we are learned;
Our personality improves,
Our presence is felt by others,
We can influence the society,
We can  guide the innocents,
We can be more resourceful,
We can be good trouble shooters, and so on.l

640. Corporate Training Public Speaking Skills

Corporate Training Public Speaking Skills


There are three basic purposes for giving oral presentations:
  1. To inform
  2. To persuade
  3. To build good will



  • The process of offering for consideration or display
  • A social introduction, as of a person at court
  • A demonstration, lecture, or welcoming speech
  • A manner or style of speaking, instructing or putting oneself forward
  • The manner of presenting, esp the organization of visual details to create an overall impression
  • The formal introduction of a person, as into society or at court; debut

There are six types of presentations:]
  1. Informative
  2. Analyzing
  3. Persuasive
  4. Instructional
  5. Arousing
  6. Decision Making


Presentations and reports are ways of communicating ideas and information to a group.
But unlike a report, a presentation carries the speaker's personality better and allows immediate interaction between all the participants.
A report is the orderly presentation of the results of the research which seeks truth and interprets facts into constructive ideas and suggestions.
A report is normally built on research that finds, develops, or substantiates knowledge. Once all the facts are collected, they are then organized and presented in a report designed to meet a need for specific information.
Audiences can be classified into four basic categories:
1] Captives        2] Pragmatists            3] Socially motivated   4] Committed
1.       Evaluative: Makes a judgment about the worth, goodness, or appropriateness of the other person's statement.
2.      Interpretive: Paraphrasing to explain what another person's statement mean.
3.      Supportive: Attempt to assist or bolster the other communicator
4.      Probing: Attempt to gain additional information, continue the discussion, or clarify a point.
5.      Understanding: Attempt to discover completely what the other communicator means by her statements.


Types of Presentations

1.      Informative

o    Time

o    Place

o    Cause and Effect

o    Logical Order

2.     Instructional

3.     Arousing

4.     Persuasive

5.     Decision-making

A presentation is created in the same manner as a report; however, it adds one additional element — The Human Element.
A good presentation contains at least four elements:
  • Content — It contains information that people need. But unlike reports, which are read at the reader's own pace, presentations must account for how much information the audience can absorb in one sitting.
  • Structure — It has a logical beginning, middle, and end. It must be sequenced and paced so that the audience can understand it. Where as reports have appendices and footnotes to guide the reader, the speaker must be careful not to loose the audience when wandering from the main point of the presentation.
  • Packaging — It must be well prepared. A report can be reread and portions skipped over, but with a presentation, the audience is at the mercy of a presenter.
  • Human Element — A good presentation will be remembered much more than a good report because it has a person attached to it. However, you must still analyze the audience's needs to determine if they would be better met if a report was sent instead.


The Voice

The voice is probably the most valuable tool of the presenter. It carries most of the content that the audience takes away. One of the oddities of speech is that we can easily tell others what is wrong with their voice, e.g. too fast, too high, too soft, etc., but we have trouble listening to and changing our own voices.

There are five main terms used for defining vocal qualities.
  • Volume: How loud the sound is. The goal is to be heard without shouting. Good speakers lower their voice to draw the audience in, and raise it to make a point.
  • Tone: The characteristics of a sound. An airplane has a different sound than leaves being rustled by the wind. A voice that carries fear can frighten the audience, while a voice that carries laughter can get the audience to smile.
  • Pitch: How high or low a note is. Pee Wee Herman has a high voice, Barbara Walters has a moderate voice, while James Earl Jones has a low voice.
  • Pace: This is how long a sound lasts. Talking too fast causes the words and syllables to be short, while talking slowly lengthens them. Varying the pace helps to maintain the audience's interest.
  • Color: Both projection and tone variance can be practiced by taking the line “This new policy is going to be exciting” and saying it first with surprise, then with irony, then with grief, and finally with anger. The key is to over-act. Remember Shakespeare's words “All the world's a stage” — presentations are the opening night on Broadway!

The Body

Your body communicates different impressions to the audience. People not only listen to you, they also watch you. Slouching tells them you are indifferent or you do not care... even though you might care a great deal! On the other hand, displaying good posture tells your audience that you know what you are doing and you care deeply about it. Also, a good posture helps you to speak more clearly and effective.

Throughout you presentation, display.:
  • Eye contact: This helps to regulate the flow of communication. It signals interest in others and increases the speaker's credibility. Speakers who make eye contact open the flow of communication and convey interest, concern, warmth, and credibility.
  • Facial Expressions: Smiling is a powerful cue that transmits happiness, friendliness, warmth, and liking. So, if you smile frequently you will be perceived as more likable, friendly, warm, and approachable. Smiling is often contagious and others will react favorably. They will be more comfortable around you and will want to listen to you more.
  • Gestures: If you fail to gesture while speaking, you may be perceived as boring and stiff. A lively speaking style captures attention, makes the material more interesting, and facilitates understanding.
  • Posture and body orientation: You communicate numerous messages by the way you talk and move. Standing erect and leaning forward communicates that you are approachable, receptive, and friendly. Interpersonal closeness results when you and your audience face each other. Speaking with your back turned or looking at the floor or ceiling should be avoided as it communicates disinterest.
  • Proximity: Cultural norms dictate a comfortable distance for interaction with others. You should look for signals of discomfort caused by invading other's space. Some of these are: rocking, leg swinging, tapping, and gaze aversion. Typically, in large rooms, space invasion is not a problem. In most instances there is too much distance. To counteract this, move around the room to increase interaction with your audience. Increasing the proximity enables you to make better eye contact and increases the opportunities for others to speak.
  • Voice. One of the major criticisms of speakers is that they speak in a monotone voice. Listeners perceive this type of speaker as boring and dull. People report that they learn less and lose interest more quickly when listening to those who have not learned to modulate their voices.

Active Listening

Good speakers not only inform their audience, they also listen to them. By listening, you know if they are understanding the information and if the information is important to them. Active listening is NOT the same as hearing! Hearing is the first part and consists of the perception of sound.
Listening, the second part, involves an attachment of meaning to the aural symbols that are perceived. Passive listening occurs when the receiver has little motivation to listen carefully. Active listening with a purpose is used to gain information, to determine how another person feels, and to understand others. Some good traits of effective listeners are:
  • Spend more time listening than talking (but of course, as a presenter, you will be doing most of the talking).
  • Do not finish the sentence of others.
  • Do not answer questions with questions.
  • Aware of biases. We all have them. We need to control them.
  • Never daydream or become preoccupied with their own thoughts when others talk.
  • Let the other speaker talk. Do not dominate the conversation.
  • Plan responses after others have finished speaking...NOT while they are speaking. Their full concentration is on what others are saying, not on what they are going to respond with.
  • Provide feedback but do not interrupt incessantly.
  • Analyze by looking at all the relevant factors and asking open-ended questions. Walk the person through analysis (summarize).
  • Keep the conversation on what the speaker says...NOT on what interest them.


Preparing the Presentation

To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail

  • What is the purpose of the presentation?
  • Who will be attending?
  • What does the audience already know about the subject?
  • What is the audience's attitude towards me (e.g. hostile, friendly)?
  • Timeline: Arranged in sequential order.
  • Climax: The main points are delivered in order of increasing importance.
  • Problem/Solution: A problem is presented, a solution is suggested, and benefits are then given.
  • Classification: The important items are the major points.
  • Simple to complex: Ideas are listed from the simplest to the most complex. Can also be done in reverse order.





Tips and Techniques For Great Presentations


1] “No one can make you feel inferior, unless you agree with it.”

2] Do not put both hands in your pockets for long periods of time.
3] Do not wave a pointer around in the air
4] Do not lean on the podium for long periods.
5] Speak clearly and loudly enough for all to hear.
6] Do not speak in a monotone voice. Use inflection to emphasize your main points.
7] Tell them what name and title you prefer to be called.
8] Listen intently to comments and opinions.
9] Circulate around the room as you speak.
10] List and discuss your objectives at the beginning of the presentation.
11] Vary your techniques (lecture, discussion, debate, films, slides, reading, etc.)
12] Get to the presentation before your audience arrives; be the last one to leave.
12] Consider the time of day and how long you have got for your talk.
13] Remember — it is better to finish slightly early than to overrun.

14] Create Better Presentations


PRESENTATION  SKILLS MBA   I - II There are many types of presentations.                    1.       written,        story, manual...