Saturday 27 August 2011


1.      Age, cage, gaze, page, rage, sage, wage
2.      Baggage, barrage, cabbage, carriage, damage, drainage, garage, garbage, image, luggage,  marriage, manage, mileage, package, shortage, teenage,
3.      Aid, laid, maid, paid, raid,
4.      Ail, bail, fail, hail, jail, mail, nail, pail, rail, sail, tail, wail
5.      Air, fair, hair, pair, stair, chair, stair, blair
6.      Ale, bale, gale, hale, male, pale, sale, tale, whale
7.      All, ball, call, fall, gall, hall, mall, pall, stall, tall, wall,
8.      An, ban, can, fan, man, pan, ran , tan, van
9.      Alm,  balm,  calm,  palm,
10.  Ape, cape, drape, grape, rape, tape
11.  Ass, lass, mass, pass
12.  Are, bare, care, dare, fare, hare, mare, rare, tare,
13.  Ark, bark, dark, hark, lark, mark, park,
14.  Art, cart, dart, mart, heart, part, start,  
15.  At bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, vat
16.  Bad, cad, dad, fad, gad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad
17.  Bar, car, far, jar, mar, par, tar, war
18.  Batch, catch, hatch, match, patch, watch
19.  Ate, bate, date, fate, gate, hate, late, mate, rate, sate
20.  Bay, day, hay, may, nay, pay, ray, say, way
21.  Clay, flay, glay, lay, play, slay
22.  Bell, cell, dell, ell, fell, hell, sell, tell, well, yell
23.  Bet, get, let, met, net, pet, set, wet, yet
24.  Bend, end, fend, lend, mend, send, tend, vend, wend
25.  Big, fig, pig, rig, wig, zig
26.  Bight, eight, fight, height, light, right, night, tight, weight
27.  Bile, file, mile nile, pile, rile, tile, vile, while
28.  Bill, chill, drill, grill, gill, ill, mill, nil,. Pill, sill, till, will
29.  Bin, chin, din, fin, in, pin, sin, tin, win
30.  Bind, find, mind, wind
31.  Bit, chit, fit, hit, it, lit, knit, pit, rit, sit, wit
32.  Book, cook, hook, nook, took
33.  But, cut, gut, hut, nut, rut,
34.  Camp, damp, lamp, ramp, stamp, vamp
35.  Cap, gap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, tap
36.  Cast, fast, last, past, mast, vast
37.  Caw, jaw, law, paw, raw, saw,
38.  Dew, few, hew, mew, new, sew
39.  Chew, crew, drew, knew, screw, threw, view
40.  Chip, dip, hip, lip, nip, pip, rip, sip, tip, whip,
41.  clip, slip,
42.  dear, ear, fear, hear, near, rear, tear, year,
43.  bear, gear, tear, wear
44.  cob, mob, nob, rob, sob
45.  cock, dock, lock, mock, knock, rock, sock,
46.  clock, block, stock,
47.  boil, coil,  foil, moil, oil, soil, toil
48.  bold, cold, fold, gold, hold, old, sold, told
49.  gist, list, mist, wrist,
50.  cool, fool, pool, stool, tool, wool
51.  ghost, host, most, post, roast, toast,
52.  best, crest, jest,. Lest, nest, pest, rest, test, vest, west
53.  cub, hub, pub, rub, tub
54.  day, day, hay, lay, may, nay, pay, ray, say, way
55.  deed, feed, need, reed, seed
56.  den, fen, hen, men , pen, ten, when
57.  dine, cine, fine, line, mine, pine, whine
58.  cog, dog, fog, hog, log
59.  dole, hole, mole, pole, role, sole, stole, tole, whole
60.  cot, dot, got, hot, lot, not, pot, rot
61.  cry, dry, fry, pry
62.  duck, luck, pluck, suck, tuck
63.  bug, dug, drug, hug, jug, lug, mug, pug, plug, rug, tug
64.  bump, dump, hump, jump, lump, pump, stump
65.  beach, each, leach, preach, reach, teach
66.  beast, east, feast, least,
67.  beat, eat, feat, heat, meat, neat, seat,  teat, wheat,
68.  eel, feel, heel, keel, peel, reel, wheel
69.  fee, ghee, he, me,  see, tee,wee
70.  dire, fire, hire, ire, mire, tire, sire, wire
71.  grain, brain, drain, rain, train, strain, stain, vain
72.  blow, flow, glow, low,  slow
73.  blame, came, dame, fame, game, lame, name, same, tame
74.   bang, fang, gang, pang, sang
75.  Cod, god, fod, nod., pod, rod, sod
76.  Attack, back, black, crack, hack,  jack, lack, nack, pack, rack, sack, track
77.  Bag, drag, hag, lag, nag, rag, tag, wag
78.  Band, hand, land, sand, wand,   grand, brand, stand, strand
79.  Abide, cide, bride,  guide, pride, hide, ride, side, stride, tide, wide, vide,
80.  Dice, ice, lice, mice, nice, price, rice, slice, twice, thrice, vice,
81.  Bitch, ditch, hitch, itch, pitch, twitch, witch
82.  Bade, fade, jade, made, wade
83.  Coke, poke, joke, soke
84.  Bid, ;did, hid, kid, lid, rid,
85.  Brick, chick, kick, click, lick, nick, pick, quick, sick, stick, tick, trick, wick
86.  Bake, cake, fake, lake, make, rake, sake, take
87.  Awake, brake, shake, stake, snake
88.  Die, fie, lie, pie, tie
89.  Bust, crust, dust, gust, just, lust, must, trust, rust
90.  ace, face, grace, lace, mace, pace, race
91.  cess, guess, less, mess,  chess
92.  butter, cutter, gutter, mutter,  stutter, shutter,
93.  act, fact, pact, tact,
94.  brain, drain, frain, grain, gain, lain, main, pain, rain, stain, strain, vain, train
95.  bent, cent, gent, lent, ment, rent, sent, vent, went
96.  boast, coast, ghost, host, most, post, roast, toast


         English is the language of the imperialists namely England.
         Actually English is not the mother tongue of the English. It was the mother tongue of the Anglo-Saxons who ruled England. The natural language of the English was Celtic.

Every year                                           900 words are taken from other languages.
Teutonic tribes                                    Angles,  Jutes,   Saxons
Ole English                                         450 – 1150 AD
Middle English                                   1150 – 1500 AD
Modern English                                  1500 – onwards                       

1Q   English is an easy language.
It is easy, because, the verb of English does not give importance to the gender of the subject. It gives priority to the Number of the subject. In Indian languages, the gender has to be mentioned to speak.
         Eg.,               My friend has come. [is the friend “male”  or “female”]
                              In Telugu “naa snehitudu vacchadu       [“du” indicates that it is male]
         This will be so with all the Indian languages.
         Hindi and Urdu  are still dangerous. These languages give gender to neuter gender also. So remembering male and female forms of neutral items is very difficult. So they are little difficult.
         Eg.,               panka chal raha/rahi hai.    [whether raha or rahi it is very difficult know. Raha indicates “male” and “rahi” denotes “female”.
         In English  this confusion won’t be there.
         I                                                  am
         It                                                is          [all singular nouns whether male, female or neuter “is”.


         They                                           are       [ all plurals nouns whether male, female or neuter “are”
         Raju & Gopal

2Q   English is a hard language.
         English is hard because
1.For one word there will be hundreds of words. The user will be in a confusion, which word is to be used.
         Eg.,               lady, madam, dame, damsel, brunette, blonde, xanthippe, beauty, figure, matriarch…..

2. Selection of a word to the context requires lot of knowledge.

3Q   English is a confusing language.
         1] “-s”  confusion
                              People-peoples,  water-waters,  have-haves, 
2] If intonation changes, meaning changes.
Eg.,            contract  [contraact]                      contract [caantract]
Similarly    wind, object,

3] one word many meanings.
Eg.,            post = 1] vacancy   2] after   3] enter   4] place   5] a small pillar

4] Capital and small confusion.
Eg.,            China – china        Earth – earth

4Q   English is an ever green language.
         It is evergreen because every year at least 900 words are taken into English. This adoption enriches the vocabulary. Language is nothing but vocabulary
5 Q  English is a language of Science and Technology.
         If we take other languages of the world, most of them are stopped at literature.
         English is the only language which entered science and technology.
         Whatever new inventions and discoveries are taking place, are all taking place in the west. That too in English.


PRESENTATION  SKILLS MBA   I - II There are many types of presentations.                    1.       written,        story, manual...