Sunday 16 June 2013



10]       Ch. 4        Slokam   7

Yadaa yadaa hi dharmasya / glanirbhavathi bharatha
Abhyuddana madharmasya / tadaatmaanaam srujamya ham

        This can be well said to science and technology.

If we look at the history every 300 to 350 years a great man was born.

Firstly Scientifically

1.   Leonardo Da Vinci:    
He was such a great man he could design airplanes in those days.

2.   Newton:
Newton could touch many branches of physics.
He had taken inertial frame to solve all the problems of mechanics.

3.   Albert Einstein:
When man started going into space then problems came.
Then came Einstein.
His theories
a.       Theory of relativity
b.      Special theory of relativity
c.       General theory of relativity
d.      Light velocity is the absolute velocity
e.       Time reversal
f.       E = MC2
g.      Photon-photon collision
h.      Mass defect

4.   Stephen Hakings
a.       Black holes

Now the world is running.
What problems will come in future? The forth coming generations can see them.

If we take Computer world.
1.      Charles Babbage
2.      Steve Jobs
        Likewise in hardware, software, malware, Net, Web, ….people automatically evolved to solve these problems.
Secondly  Medicine :
1.      Hybrid,
2.      Cloning,
3.      Test tube baby,
4.      Terminator seed
5.      HYV
6.      Electronic Microscope …..

So in every branch of knowledge a great man was born and he furthered the science and technology so that it can reach millions.

The causes of inventions are
1.      Increasing the needs of the exploding population
2.      To meet the needs of people who desire variety
3.      Speed
4.      Stocking
5.      Quicker remedies
6.      Less space on the earth but needs are many….

Thirdly Politics
1.      George Washington ;-             for liberating USA
2.      Ho Chi Min:-                           for liberating Vietnam
3.      Gandhiji                                  for liberating India
4.      Lincoln                                    for the abolition of slavery
5.      England / USA                       to stop IWW,  IIWW                                     

Fourthly  Teachers
1.      Buddha
2.      Adi Sankara
3.      Ramana Maharshi
4.      Confucius        ………………..

Fifthly Entrepreneurs
        These are the people who build a nation, creating, employing, ….
1.      The British
2.      Tata
3.      Dheeru Bhai Ambani
4.      Bill Gates        …………………

Similarly scientists, engineers, transporters, etc. have come into this world with a purpose.

 11]     Ch.  4       Slokam   13

Chaatur varnam mayaa srustam / guna karma vibhagashaha

People are seen with different types of mentalities.
Krishna said he created four type of people.
But there are millions of.
If there are thousand people,  there are thousand mind sets.

The gunas are in such a way it depends upon
1.      By genetic mind set
2.      After good training
3.      After good education
4.      Good friendship
5.      Good gurus

Actually the chaturvarnam is not meant to point out someone, somebody, etc.

        Whether we are born in Brahmin family but doing the duty of an attender he is called sudra.

        Kabir das who was pundit, and gnani though born in a sudra family he is considered as a Brahmin.

        Ambedkar who qualified nearly 15 degrees,  a scholar, a man with a purpose in life, the writer of the Constitution etc. can be called a Brahmin.

        A Brahmin should have some characters
1.      Adyayanam
2.      Adhyapanam
3.      Yajanam
4.      Yaajanam
5.      Tadha daanam
6.      Pratigrahyam

He who follows such things can be a Brahmin according Manu.

Gandhiji, who was very disciplined had 5 sons. Nobody was up to the mark.

12]       Ch. 4        Slokam  38

Na hi gnanena sadrusham pavitra miha vidyate’.

Gnanam is such a thing nothing in the world can equal this.

Gnanam is different from Knowledge.

Knowledge is accumulation of information and retaining it in the brain.

Gnanam is innovative, creative, commonsense, decision making, problem solving…..

What Krishna said was gnanam.

People having gnanam are not highly qualified, with certificates, references of universities, ranks, ….

Buddha                                   ---
Albert Einstein                        Polytechnic
Faraday                                   3rd class
Edison                                     5th class
Srinivasa Ramanujam              10th class failed
Newton                                   Degree

Knowledge is taught in the colleges, universities, …
It is needed for survival in this world.
The papers show that ours range of understanding is to that extent.
We have to spend money to acquire it.
It is for earning livelihood.

It comes genetically.
        Ekalavya, a tribal man, how he could attain that much skill?

The presence of gurus can enrich it.
        Kabir’s inner understand sprouted in the presence of Rama Nanda.

The brain can think a problem for years ahead.
        Einstein’s works. People had to take years to understand him.
        Time reversal theory could be understood after 60 years.
It is about life itself.
        That is why Duryodhana could not understand what elders said.

Common man cannot understand that.
        There are many problems left unanswered said by Srinivasa Ramanujam.
        Veerabhrahmam could not be understood by those people.

People worship Gnanam.
A gnani is revered anywhere in the world.
Gnanam is treated as pavitram –pure and sacred.

12]       Ch. 4        Slokam  39

Shraddha vaan  labhate  gnanam  tatparah:  samyatendriyaha

To learn anything shraddha is very much essential.
It is not simply going to market and buy Rs. 10 karate fighting.

There are people who dedicated their lives for gaining skill in one subject.

Bruce Lee:
His entire life is dedicated to learn karate fighting.
Whether awake, doing something, or in any other work, the same this was in his mind.

Albert  Einstein:
In his theories one after the other he invented things for the benefit of the world.
He was never understood by his contemporaries.

        We can name who have great shraddha to learn.
1.      Tendulkar                                cricket
2.      Mohammad Ali                       heavy boxing
3.      Gandhiji                                  independence to India
4.      Dheerubai Ambani                  entrepreneur
5.      Lami Nivas Mittal                   steel of the world
6.      Ekalavya                                 archery without a guru
7.      Srinivasa Ramanujam              Mathematics
8.      Mazilan                                   to prove that Earth is round
And many more.

        In olden days students used to go a guru to learn Vedas and Vedangas with utmost concentration. The words of the guru were the words of the god. The shraddha, concentration, dedication, discipline, all were on par with any other thing.


PRESENTATION  SKILLS MBA   I - II There are many types of presentations.                    1.       written,        story, manual...