Friday 9 November 2012


1.      To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it. [exploratory/formulatory]
2.      to portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual situation or a group. [descriptive]
3.      to determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else. [diagnostic]
4.      to test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables. [hypothesis – testing]
            In order to get familiarity with “health” the subject which itself has become a universe with many specializations.
            Today one MBBS is not enough to a doctor who wants to continue his practice. He needs another specialization to diagnose and treat many diseases. For every part of our body, a specialization has come.
            Environment causes great health problems. Environment consists of air, water, soil, and trees of nature and chemicals, garbage, all unwanted things thrown out, dust, smoke and so many other things of man-made items.
            Water is fundamental to life and it is the medium in which all living processes occur. It is universal solvent. It regulates body temperature, supports structures and removes waste products. Our body contains 60% of water.
            If we pollution it is not natural. Every type of pollution is man-made. The objective is to study various types of pollutions which cause health hazards and future plans to reduce such pollutions.
Water pollution:-
  1. It destroys fishing economy.
  2. It also destroys indigenous irrigation system that exists throughout the course of the river.
  3. The industrial wastes joining the rivers cause a lot of damage to the crops as well as the health of the villagers.
  4. The micro-nutrients which enter crops, when consumed by living things enter their bodies and cause incurable damage to the bodies.
  5. drainage water joining rivers.
  6. it can change the pH value of the soils.
Air Pollution:-
Effects of air pollution can be observed on the growth of plants and health of human beings and animals. It can fade away the coatings on exterior designs. It can also reduce visibility. It can damage historic monuments such as Taj Mahal.
The various sources that pollute the air are,
  1. surface mines,
  2. blasting operations,
  3. vehicles running on fuels,
  4. CFCs, HCFCs, and HFCs from cooling plants,
  5. burning of waste materials,
  6. volatile oils and other substances,
  7. acidic vapours,
  8. wind erosion,
  9. dust storms,
  10. dust storms contain toxic heavy metals, arsenic, lead, and other items,
  11. wastes liberated from radiation plants.
  12. the smoke and other things liberated by volcanoes.
  13. pollen liberated by tlowers,
            The atmosphere contains self-cleaning properties, which continuously clean and remove the pollutants from the atmosphere under natural process. But it is helpless, if artificial wastes are  liberated into the atmosphere. The same atmosphere can damage our properties, affect our vegetation, and cause acid rains and so on.
            From a small nickel pin to gigantic machines and from a tiny dust particle to a volcano everything has hazardous effect on health.
            DDT when introduced was considered a wonderful discovery for pest control. Later predicted long term effects on humans caused a great damage. Hence it was banned.
            Pesticides have short term effects such acute poisoning, illness and long term effects such as induce cancer, birth effects, and immunological problems.
            Nitrates in excess, can cause blue bay syndrome in infants which is very fatal to new born babies.
            Underground mining liberates many poisonous gases, explosive gases, respiratory diseases, black lung disease and fibrosis because of accumulation of fine coal dust in the lungs.
            Food chain is the main one. If there is any break in the food chain, it will be havoc to all the other species.
            The all types of cides sprayed on crops, enter our bodies through nuts, fruits, vegetables and others can create heavy damage to our bodies.
            Pollen can cause allergies to skin and respiratory tract. Some of the symptoms are high fever and asthma problems.
            In the smoke, liberated by vehicles there is lead. It damages blood system, behavioural disorders, sometimes death.
            If plastic items are burnt or tobacco smoking, cadmium is liberated. It causes hypertension, disturbs metabolism and damages kidney.
            The nickel liberated in tobacco smoking, and other vehicle smoke is dangerous in respiratory symptoms, and lung cancer.
Air pollution can also cause;
  1. damage to delicate tissues,
  2. inflammation,
  3. painful cough,
  4. production of sputum,
  5. involuntary muscle spasms that constrict airways,
  6. emphysema,
  7. asthma,
  8. fibrosis.

Certain  gases can cause various ailments.
SO2                 chest constriction, head ache, vomiting, and death
H2S                 causes nausea, eye and throat irritation.
CO                  reduces oxygen carrying capacity of blood.
H-chemicals             effect on nerve cells, dry throat, indistinct vision, and headache.
NH3                 upper respiratory tract inflammation
Hydrocarbons           nasal and respiratory tract irritation,
            The more and more air pollution leads to green house effect. This will have global effect.  This can influence ice formation in tundras, unseasonal rains or no rains, or anything that can hamper regular cyclic process.
Soil Pollution
Soil can be polluted in various unnatural incidents.
  1. use of high power fertilizers,
  2. spraying of pesticides, insecticides, etc.,
  3. pathogens present,
  4. silting,
  5. flood water,
  6. acid rains.
  7. over dependence on soil,
            Soil is the prime source for cultivation of crops. Once soil is polluted, its products are also highly polluted. Humans and animals which ever eat those items, lose health.


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