Friday 17 May 2013

377. Java Quiz

Java Quiz

There are 23 questions in this quiz. Good luck!
Passing grade is 70% = C.
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1) What is the size of a Char?
       a) 4 bits
       b) 7 bits
       c) 8 bits
       d) 16 bits

2) A class cannot be declared:
       a) Static
       b) Private
       c) Default

3) Following code will result in: int a = 3.5;
       a) Compilation error
       b) Runtime error
       c) a being 3.5
       d) a being 3.

4) Following code will result in: int a1 = 5; double a2 = (float)a1;
       a) Compilation error
       b) Runtime error
       c) No errors

5) Following code will result in: int a = 9/0;
       a) Compilation error: Divisions must be in a try block.
       b) Compilation error: DivideByZeroException
       c) Runtime Exception
       d) No Error: a is NaN

6) Following code will result in: float a = 9/0;
       a) Compilation error: Divisions must be in a try block
       b) Compilation error: DivideByZeroException
       c) Runtime Exception
       d) No Error: a is NaN

7) A class can be transient
       a) True
       b) False

8) Following code will result in: class A { int b = 1; public static void main(String [] args) { System.out.println("b is " + b); }}
       a) Compilation error
       b) Runtime Error
       c) Runtime Exception
       d) Output of b is 1

9) Following code will result in: class A { public static void main(String [] args) {B b = new A(); }} class B extends A {}
       a) Compile error
       b) Runtime Exception
       c) No error

10) Following code will result in: class A { public static void main(String [] args) {A a = new B(); }} class B extends A {}
       a) Compiler error
       b) Runtime Exception
       c) No errors

11) Methods that are marked protected can be called in any subclass of that class.
       a) True
       b) False

12) An abstract class can have non-abstract methods.
       a) True
       b) False

13) Java keywords are written in lowercase as well as uppercase.
       a) True
       b) False

14) What is an instanceof
       a) A methods in object
       b) An operator and keyword

15) Primitive datatypes are allocated on a stack.
       a) True
       b) False

16) Can you compare a boolean to an integer?
       a) Yes
       b) No

17) If class A implements an interface does it need to implement all methods of that interface?
       a) Yes, always.
       b) No, not when A is abstract

18) Integer a = new Integer(2); Integer b = new Integer(2); What happens when you do if (a==b)?
       a) Compiler error
       b) Runtime Exception
       c) True
       d) False

19) The methods wait(), notify() and notifyAll() in Object need to be called from synchronized pieces of code.
       a) True
       b) False

20) Inner classes can be defined within methods.
       a) True
       b) False

21) Synchronized is a keyword to tell a Thread to grab an Object lock before continuing execution.
       a) True
       b) False

22) The default statement of a switch is always executed.
       a) True
       b) False

23) How can you prevent a member variable from becoming serialized?
       a) By marking it private
       b) By marking it volatile
       c) By marking it transient
       d) You can not.

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