Thursday 16 May 2013

363. JEEVITAM – 1

09-05-2013,  Thursday

Every man has a breaking point. It indicates his tolerance. Below that he remains cools, discusses things well, behaves very nicely, etc. Above that point he becomes mad. Feel tension. Tries to take revenge.

2]    Each man is a book
A man’s life is influenced by many factors such as father’s influence, mother’s influence, society’s influence, beliefs, failures, etc. The sum total of all these things together is called his character. There are certain in born genetic factors, factors taught by his society, etc. So a person should be understood individually. We cannot  generalize the factors. We can never expect every one should be as mentally stable as we have been.

3]    Temporary defeat, but forever victory
Generally there are two things.
1.Temporary success, permanent failure
2.Temporary failure, but permanent success
It depends on one’s individual nature. Some may like no.1 and some may like no.2
Then what is right? We don’t say.

4]    One year, 12 fields
Our success depends mostly on our understanding of this world.
That is why everyone should learn as many fields  as possible. This wide knowledge will enrich our logic, problem solving, how to be defencive, etc.

5]    Indebtedness
Every one who helps us for our upliftment, for guiding us, for showing us path for events we should always remain indebted to them.
This is the minimum curtesy.
If time permits, we should repay them.
While leaving this world, we carry no physical thing but these thoughts for generations.

6]    Rich  Dad – Poor  Dad
This book really influenced me.

A Poor Dad – for him children are income. He employs his children here and there, gets money and leads his family or some times enjoys himself. He always depends on his children.

A Rich Dad – for him children are like industries. He invests lakhs of rupees on him. He never depends on his children.

A Middleclass Dad – for him children are burden. He cannot educate his children to higher studies nor send him to labour work. These are the people who mostly depend on salary.

7]    Hobby – Profession
My hobby is reading books. Now my profession is teaching. If it is so I  can concentrate more in that. I read a lot. Search Net for a lot of information. Attend seminars. Attend sahitya sammelanas. Even if a student asks for a doubt, we can clarify perfectly.
If hobby and profession are different then this much of concentration won’t be there.

8]    Money command
Money is essetial for life. He who commands money, commands everything.
Always plan less than what you have. There should always be surplus money. Step by step go up and up in your life.
9]    Sharab pilaake…
It is very easy to collapse somebody from rising. But it will be very difficult  to support and raise the man in need is very great.

10]  Don’t advise unless asked
People take things very cheap.
The other one may not need such advice.
He may not like we speaking on that  subject openly without his consent.

11]  Need or Idealism [avasarama?  Aashayama??]
A common many generally has more needs than ideals.
It may be due to

12]  Holding power :-
If the CM comes to our house, for how long can we retain him? It indicates ours holding power. Similarly in our life we can hold some people for a long time, some a few hours and some for seconds and some more,  of course, never.
To hold people We should have
1.Good knowledge
3.Dealing people
5.Peoples’ nature
6.Good listener

13]  Plan Ahead :-
This is very much essential.
Azeem Premji plans for 30 years.
Narayana Murthy too.
Ramoji Rao too.
Laxmi  Nivas Mittal for winning the world.
Generally,  common people can not plan. If they get more money they enjoy. If they have no money they suffer.
Brahmins who were Doraas  of those days, lost everything and have been suffering.
They have adament nature.

14]  Depend on yourself :-
We should always depend on ourselves. There are certain things which we cannot do them for ourselves. In such cases we  may depend on them. For example we cannot cure ourselves from ailments. So we can go to a doctory.
It is our common sense which warns us to depend on ourself.
Own thinking, own implementation, our decision making, etc can elevate ourselves in this life.

15]  If you beg after sinking
How much you have to think, you have to sink, … that much you sink. After wards if you cry for help no one can help us.

16]  Do you want 1 lady or 99 sorrows?
A man has hundreds of desires. Among them a lady is one. For a lady her husband is her world. If he makes her as his world, what achievements can he do? Instead of persuading his aims, he becomes a worker of her.

17]  Stay in Bombay for at least 1 month :-
Right from 1st class to the end of our academic career, we are engrossed in studies. We lose certain things. Mostly we are away from this worldly afairs. So we fail. It may be either deception, threatenig, exploitation, etc. So we should study life as a subject. It should be not from books but from real time experiences. That  is why one should become rough and tough.

18]  Do you know price or value?
Everyone can easily undersand the price, because it is marked on the item.
Value is different. Gandhiji is a valuable man.
Mother is valuable to each individual.

19]  Hypocrasy :-
People live internally  in one way and externally in another way. It may be due to fear, inferiority, cowardice, etc.
People are afraid of God because of sin,
People are afraid of health because of death,
People are afraid of police because of beating,
People are afraid of wife because of money,
And so on for many reasons.

20]  Never deceive yourself :-
An intelligent man can deceive others. But a common man can deceive himself himself. It may be lack of knowledge, too much belief, too much manness, etc.
The converted Christians they know that they belong to so and so caste of Hinduism but they say that they belong to Christian religion.
If a dog feels that it is like a lion then whose mistake is that of ?

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