Tuesday, 28 May 2013



1Q.    Why doing business?
        All types of things are not available at all times, at all place places. That is why doing business is very important.

        Secondly the basic items needed are not available everywhere.

        Customer doesnot bother from where the thing has come. What he wants its availability.

2Q.    Who is called a customer?
        A person  who purchase an item from a shop, or a person who can take service from others.
        A buyer can be called a customer.

3Q.    What are the problems of a customer?
1.      Sub-standard goods
2.      Misleading Ad.s
3.      Charge high price
4.      Defective goods
5.      Artificial scarcity
6.      Black marketing
7.      Adulteration
8.      Sales gimmicks
9.      No service – after sales
10.  Defective service
11.  Imitation
12.  Improper weights and measures
13.  Substitutes

4Q.    What is the attitude needed to wards customer?
1.      Be a good listener
2.      Pay sincere attention
3.      Say thank you
4.      Show various ways
5.      Give a chance
6.      Take care
7.      Be sincere in your views
8.      Never compel customer to buy
9.      Understand different customers’ attitudes
[ old people, young people, unmarried, married, kids, etc.,]
10.  Try to do the same service in which ever company you change

5Q.    Who is not a customer?
1.      He who buys Lottery based items
2.      The tenant
3.      Re-saler
4.      Buy for commercial purpose
5.      Shares and debentures
6.      He who gives a Bank guarantee
7.      Not payer of hospital charges
8.      He who takes free services

6Q.    What are the things needed to file a case?
1.      Receipt/bill
2.      Guarantee/warrantee card
3.      Documentary evidence
4.      Time period depending

7Q.    What are the Rights of a customer?
The customer has right to
1.      Safety
2.      Choose
3.      Redress
4.      Customer education
5.      Healthy environment
6.      Basic needs
7.      Be informed
8.      Be heard
9.      To refuse
10.  Expose adulterator
11.  Show alternators

8Q.    What are the adulterations?
1.      Adding wood-dust in tea leaves powder
2.      Adding waste items similar to aavalu
3.      Adding animals’ fat to oils
4.      Stones in rice
5.      Water to milk
6.      Taking out butter directly from milk
7.      Duplicates
8.      Substitutes
9.      Fertilizers
10.  Kerosene to petrol
11.  Kerosene to diesel
12.  Seed to cotton seed
13.  Brass to gold
14.  Aluminium to silver
15.  Burnt oil is recycled
16.  Size of measurements by scratching

9Q.    What are the problems of a customer?
        The producer and the manufacturer have powerful organisations to secure their interests.
        There are equally powerful lobbies in the govt. to safeguard their interests.
        The trading community became well organised.
1.      Lack of awareness
2.      Unregulated competition
3.      Non-availability of goods required
4.      Misleading Ad.s
5.      Unfair terms in contract
6.      Fraudulent practices
7.      Maladministration by the state
8.      Low quality of  goods and services
9.      Conflicts of consumer interests
10.  Lack of effective remedies

10Q.  What are the methods of consumer protection?
1.      Consumer education
2.      Consumer self regulations
3.      Use of judicial and quasi judicial forums
4.      Extra judicial actions
5.      Systematic constraints
6.      State agencies

11Q.  What are the Acts made to protect the customer?
1.      Acts made on to protect the Consumer                            1870
2.      Essential Commodities Act                                                            1955,   1980
3.      Sale of goods Act                                                                 1930
4.      Drugs Control Act                                                                1954,   1950
5.      Protection of Food Adulteration Act                                1954
6.      Weights and Measures Act                                                            1976
7.      Monopolies and Restrictive trade protection Act          1969
8.      Dangerous drugs                                                                 1930

12Q.  Analysing buyers’ behaviour
1.      The most important part is to forecast where customers are moving and to be in front of them.
2.      Consumers generally say one thing and do another.
3.      They not be in touch with their motivations.
4.      They respond to the influences.
Whirlpool = [washing machine] They hired an anthropologist who went different houses. He observed who all do their house hold works. They realised that servants, kids use them. So they put colour lights for easy operation.

v  Instead of coconut fiber they used plastic wire balls.

v  For scrubbing utensils, they used metal brushes.

v  Instead of the quality made by the manufacturer, they prefer what does influence a customer.

v  Analyse what type of customers come to you.
Lower class, middle class, working class,  higher up,
v  ALT lawyers ,  doctors, 
v  Analyse target customers, prestigious goods. Reference groups,
Compaq,  Dell,  …..
v  What the youth want? [jeans, pizzas…]
v  Cell chargers in trains
v  Ad poster in trains
v  Developing tourism as a subject.
v  Lady sales girls to lady customers
v  Use internet to show off products
13Q.  What are the various customer selection processes – 1 ?
According to the age and stage the customers taste differ.
1.      Bachelor
2.      Newly wedded
3.      Family type
4.      Old people
5.      Kids
6.      Teenagers
14Q.  What are the other customer selection processes – 2 ?
1.      Occupation
2.      Economic position
3.      Social position
4.      Tourists

15Q.  What are the other customer selection processes – 3 ?
Personality factors
1.   Honest
2.   Daring
3.   Imaginative
4.   Realistic
5.   Upper class
6.   Tough
7.   Money minded
8.   Achievement type
9.   Showy
16Q.  What are the other customer selection processes – 4 ?
Psychological factors:-
1.      Women don’t drink or smoke.
2.      Women prefer vegetables
3.      Vysyas don’t like laison
4.      Brhmins won’t eat meat.

17Q.  What are the other customer selection processes – 5 ?
Belief and attitude factors:-
Muslims eat after doing halaal.
Christians accept confessions.

18Q. How does a customer take decision?
1.      Total set        
2.      Awareness set
3.      Consideration set
4.      Choice set
5.      Decision set

19Q.  How does  Customer Behaviour effect.
His behaviour is influenced by 4 factors.
1.      Cultural factor   caste, class, sub-caste
2.      Social factor                   family, reference groups, status, role
3.      Personal factors             age, occupation, finance, lifestyle, personality, feelings
4.      Psychological factors   motivation, perception, learn in g, beliefs, attitudes

20Q. Why does a customer purchasing purpose?
There are many reasons why a customer buy?
1.      Retain a thing for ever
2.      For resale after use
3.      As a gift
4.      For donating
5.      Mobile
6.      Immobile
7.      Professional
8.      For somebody else
9.      For some office

21Q.  What is Customer Perceived Value [CPV]?
C. P. V.
Total customer value
Total customer cost
Product value
Monetary cost
Service value
Time cost
Personal value
Energy cost
Image value
Psychic cost
Eg. TCS = total customer value is
1.      Economic
2.      Functional
3.      Psychological
The real price of anything is the toil and trouble of acquiring that.
Customers are of two types;
1.      Easily satisfied
2.      Hard satisfied.
22Q.  What are Customer expectations?
Expectations are formed
1.      Friends
2.      Associatives
3.      Advice
4.      Marketers
5.      Competitor’s info. & promise

23Q.  What are the sayings of different companies?
1.      Honda : We will be never 100% satisfied until you are too.
2.      Nissan : One reason our customers are so satisfied is that, we are not.
3.      Japan: Customer is honoured guest
4.      Saturn: [General Motors]
            1.Customer is everything
            2. Money back guarantee
            3. Staff + Customer photos
            4. inviting customers                      
5.      Dell ; Net is a fabulous way for us to interact with our customers.
                        “Build to Order”
6.      Volvo:
1.      Safety
2.      A long lasting car
3.      Good service
4.      Long warranty period

7.      Super Quinn [Supermarket, Ireland]
1.      Offers coffee to customers
2.      Provides umbrellas to reach car
3.      Managers stand here and they ask questions or answers
4.      It offered card which are accepted by a dozen other firms
5.      It bagged cadre

24Q.  What are different types of customer satisfaction?
1.      Complaint & suggestion system
2.      Customer satisfaction surveys
3.      Ghost shopping
4.      Lost customer analysis
5.      Customer indies                   colgate-85,     Cadillac 88,   Dell – 78
6.      Lowe price
Ordinary customers need low price.
7.      24 hours order-entry system

25Q.  Customer relationship management.
1.      Attracting customers
2.      Compute the lost customers
3.      Compute the loss of the lost customer
4.      96% customers never complain. They just stop buying. Why?
5.      Find out        
1.      Why the company lost the retention?
2.      Rates?
3.      Where they go now?
4.      What they want?
     6,    solve customer problems

26Q.  Customer’s Service / Company’s attitude?
1.      The customer is the most important person ever in this office,…Co. should attend him in person or by mail
2.      The customer is not dependent on us…… Co. is dependent on him.
3.      The customer is not an interruption of our works…Co. is the purpose of it.
4.      He is enriching our business…..Co. is not doing a favour
5.      He is not the one to argue with wits….Co. can only win him
6.      He brings his wants…..Co. ’s duty is to perform it
It needs 5 times cost to get a new customer.
The average company loses 10% of its customers.
5% reduction in customers leads to 25 – 85% loss in profits.
27Q.  How to build up customer relationship?
1.      Basic Marketing
2.      Reactive Marketing

3.      Accountable Marketing

4.      Proactive Marketing

5.      Partnership Marketing
= simply selling
= selling + asks customer if need be + comments, complains        
= selling + phones xustomer for quality, suggestions for improvements…
= selling + timely meetings, showing new releases
= helps and learns

Most Co.s do only basic marketing
Whirlpool maintains hot line with the customers.
Boeing is the  best air craft of USA  so India too buys.
GE plastic – e-mail
Dell – Web
Ameritrade – CD – RAM – complete details

28Q.    How customer bond formation is done?
1.      Get gross departmental participation to search for customer satisfaction.
2.      Invite customers in business decisions.
3.      Create superior products, services.
4.      Meet individual customer needs, preferences contacts, customers..
5.      Award employees who meet customers.
6.      Reward customers who buy frequently.
7.      Companies which benefited by Frequency Programmes
1.      American Airlines         -           mileage credit
2.      Hotels                              -           concessions, more friends,…
3.      Car-rentals                      -           if 5 days rent then one day free
4. Credit card companies        -
   on usage of card maximum deficiency in foreign tours
5, Super Markets                      -
Discounts in
1] amount purchased
2] special items
3] special days

6, Club Membership
Onida,  Apple,  Vishalandhra

8.      Create long term contacts
9.      Charge low price
10.  Don’t charge for simple services

29Q. What is called customer profitability?
1.      20 – 80 rule
2.      The top 20% of the customers generate as much as 80% of the company’s profits.
3.      20 – 80 – 30 rule
4.      Though 20% generate 80% of company’s profits half of which are lost serving the bottom 30% of unprofitable customers.
5.      Worst customers can be fired
6.      Instead of large profit on a single piece slightly reduce the price and increase the turn over.

30Q. Depending on profitability how customer are classified?
1.      Platinum  Customers          -           most profitable
2.      Gold Customers                  -           profitable
3.      Iron Customers                    -           low profitable
4.      Lead Customers                   -           un profitable

31Q.  How customers are to be attended?
1.      One sales boy to each platinum/gold Customers
2.      Note down from Phone what do they want?
3.      Sending gifts
4.      Never collect from small things
5.      Be resourceful
6.      Free service if need be once in a year or so
7.      Meeting with Customers
8.      Take their suggestions
9.      Avoid Show put up business / come up with hard work
10.  Commonsense

32Q.  What are the different types of Customers service?
1.      Door deliveries
2.      Serving even in forests
3.      Catering
4.      Home theater
5.      24 hours milk
6.      Swimming pools
7.      Gyms
8.      Beauty parlours
9.      Oxygen parlours
10.  Cow milk
11.  Sahara India air fares
12.  Costly packs coming
13.  Sachets
Etc.,  etc.,

33Q. What are the different types of multiple options?
1.      Cross selling
2.      Upselling
3.      Internet
4.      ATMs
5.      Call centres
6.      Contact centres
7.      Desk tops
8.      Kiosks
9.      Mobiles

1]    Customer satisfaction is victory of a business.
2]    Service and value have prompted many companies to organize their business around customers.
3]    CRM       = Customer Relationship Management
4]    Have focus on individual, lone-to-one relationship with Customers.
5]    Have long term customer retention and growth strategy.
6]    Direct interaction with en d customers.
7]    Cross selling and upselling are possible to a greater extent for customers, if they are loyal and committed to the firm and its offerings.
8]    it is recognizable that Customers expectations have changed significantly in recent years.
9]    The reasons for Customers  choice are
            1. new technology
            2. increased availability of varieties
            3. high quality
            4. on the spot sales
            Made the Customers choicest. 

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