other languages have left their mark on English as well—including Italian,
Spanish, and Latin.
1. alfresco (al
fres"ko) out-of-doors; in
the open air.
2. piazza (pe
az"*, -ä"z*) a town square.
3. dilettante (dil"i
a person who takes up an art, activity, or subject merely for amusement;
4. fiasco (fe
as"ko) a complete and
ignominious failure.
5. imbroglio (im
a confused state of affairs; a complicated or difficult situation;
bitter misunderstanding.
6. impresario (im'pri
sär"e o', -sâr"-)
a person who organizes or manages public entertainments; a
manager, director, or the like.
7. incognito (in'kog
ne"to, in kog"ni to')
having one's identity concealed, as under an assumed name,
especially to avoid notice.
8. manifesto (man'*
a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or
motives, as one issued by a government, a sovereign, or an organization.
9. replica (rep"li
k*) a copy or reproduction of
a work of art.
Test 1:
Matching Synonyms
each of the following numbered words with its closest synonym. Write your
answer in the space provided.
1. fiasco a.
manager _____
2. imbroglio b.
town square _____
3. incognito c.
outdoors _____
4. impresario d.
failure _____
5. manifesto e.
public declaration _____
6. piazza f.
confusion _____
7. replica g.
reproduction _____
8. alfresco h.
in disguise _____
9. dilettante i.
dabbler _____
Each of
the following phrases contains an italicized word. From the three choices
provided, circle the best definition.
1. an alfresco café
a. open-air b.
expensive c. famous
2. traveling incognito
a. cheaply b.
under an alias c. quickly
3. a major fiasco
a. cigar b.
fault c. failure
4. an important manifesto
a. declaration b.
expansion c. bond issue
5. a real dilettante
a. expert b.
socialite c. amateur
6. a horrible imbroglio
a. confusion b.
disgrace c. conflagration
7. a broad piazza
a. forest b.
error c. town
8. an expensive replica
a. request b.
copy c. machine
9. a famous impresario
a. singer b.
actor c. manager
Additional Italian Borrowings
Italian is often said to be the most
musical of the Romance languages. Make sure to practice the pronunciations of
the following musical and artistic terms borrowed from Italian.
The two self-tests at the end of the
lesson will help you reinforce the words and their meanings.
1. sotto
voce (sot"o
in a low,
soft voice, so as not to be overheard.
2. sonata
(s* nä"t*)
composition for one or two instruments, typically with three or four contrasting
3. fugue
polyphonic composition based on one, two, or more themes that are enunciated by
several voices or parts in turn, and are subject to contrapuntal treatment; in
psychiatry, a period in which a patient suffers from loss of memory, often
begins a new life, and upon recovery, remembers nothing from the amnesiac
period. Borrowed through French from Italian "fuga," literally a
fleeing, flight.
4. intermezzo
(in't*r met"so,
a short
dramatic, musical, or other entertainment of light character introduced between
the acts of a drama or opera.
5. cantata
(k*n tä"t*)
a choral
composition, either sacred and resembling a short oratorio, or secular, as a
drama set to music but not to be acted.
6. maestro
eminent composer, teacher, or conductor of music.
7. chiaroscuro
(ke är'* sky»r"o)
distribution of light and shade in a picture.
8. villanella
(vil'* nel"*)
a rustic
Italian part-song without accompaniment. The French word
"villanelle," meaning a short poem of fixed form, was adapted
from Italian.
Defining Words
each of the following words.
villanella ___________________________________________________________
chiaroscuro ___________________________________________________________
3. sonata
4. sotto
voce ___________________________________________________________
maestro ___________________________________________________________
cantata ___________________________________________________________
intermezzo ___________________________________________________________
8. fugue
In the
space provided, write T if the definition of the numbered word is true or F if
it is false.
T or F
1. maestro famous
musician _____
2. chiaroscuro shadows
3. intermezzo musical
interlude _____
4. cantata song
5. sonata ballad
6. villanella part-song
7. fugue musical
instrument _____
8. sotto voce strident
voice _____
Spanish Borrowings
neighbors to the south have also enriched our language with a number of words
that reflect the merging of Spanish culture with our own. You may find that you
are already familiar with some of the following words but were unaware of their
Hispanic ancestry.
1. desperado
(des'p* rä"do,
a bold,
reckless criminal or outlaw.
2. fiesta
(fe es"t*)
in Spain
and Latin America, a festival celebrating a religious holiday;
any festive
3. siesta
(se es"t*)
a midday
or afternoon rest or nap, especially as taken in Spain and Latin
4. bonanza
(b* nan"z*, bo-)
a rich
mass of ore, as found in mining; a spectacular windfall.
5. pronto
(pron"to) promptly; quickly.
6. patio
(pat"e o',
pä"te o')
a paved
outdoor area adjoining a house; courtyard.
7. bolero
(b* lâr"o,
a lively
Spanish dance in triple meter;
waist-length jacket worn open in front.
8. bravado
(br* vä"do) swaggering display of courage.
In the space
provided, write T if the definition of the numbered word is true or F if it is
T or F
1. siesta nap
2. patio courtyard
3. bolero jacket
4. fiesta celebration
5. bravado applause
6. pronto dappled
pony _____
7. desperado desperate
lover _____
8. bonanza sprawling
ranch _____
Matching Synonyms
the best definition for each numbered word. Write your answer in the space
1. pronto [ ] a.
great, sudden wealth or luck _____
2. bravado [ ] b. afternoon nap _____
3. bonanza [ ] c.
courtyard _____
4. bolero [ ] d.
bold outlaw _____
5. desperado [ ] e.
festive celebration _____
6. siesta [ ] f.
promptly _____
7. patio [ ] g.
waist-length jacket _____
8. fiesta [ ] h.
swaggering show of bravery _____
Additional Spanish Borrowings
Here are
some additional Spanish words to spice up your speech and writing. Study the definitions
and complete the two self-tests at the end of the lesson to help you reinforce
what you have learned.
1. tango
(tang"go) a ballroom dance of Spanish-American
2. arroyo
(* roi"o)
a small
steep-sided watercourse or gulch with a nearly flat floor, usually dry
except in
heavy rains.
3. sierra
(se er"*)
a chain
of hills or mountains, the peaks of which suggest the teeth of a saw.
4. mesa
a land
formation having a flat top and steep rock walls, common in arid and
parts of the United States and Mexico.
5. chili
con carne (chil"e kon
a spicy
Mexican-American dish of meat, beans, onion, chopped pepper, tomatoes, and
6. guerrilla
(g* ril"*)
a member
of a small, independent band of soldiers that harass the enemy
surprise raids, sabotage, etc.
7. mustang
a small, hardy
horse of the American plains.
8. caudillo
(kou ðe"lyô,
a head of
state, especially a military dictator.
For each definition, select the correct vocabulary word. Write
your answer in the space provided.
_____ 1. a member of a band of independent soldiers who harass the
enemy through surprise attacks
a. quadroon b.
arroyo c. mustang d. guerrilla
_____ 2. a Mexican-American dish of meat, beans, tomatoes, onion,
chopped pepper, and seasonings
a. sierra b.
taco c. chili con carne d. peccadillo
_____ 3. a small, steep-sided watercourse or gulch with a nearly
flat floor
a. arroz con pollo b.
tango c. arroyo d. mesa
_____ 4. a small, hardy horse
a. arroyo b.
mustang c. mesa d. caudillo
_____ 5. a military dictator
a. caudillo b.
mesa c. sierra d. arroyo
_____ 6. a ballroom dance of Spanish-American origin
a. tango b.
waltz c. quadroon d. arroyo
_____ 7. a land formation having a flat top and steep rock walls
a. Sierra Madre b.
tango c. arroyo d. mesa
_____ 8. a chain of hills or mountains
a. quadroon b.
mesa c. sierra d. arroyo
Matching Synonyms
each of the numbered words with its closest synonym. Write your answer in the
space provided.
1. mesa [ ] a.
soldier _____
2. mustang [ ] b.
saw-toothed mountains _____
3. caudillo [ ] c.
ballroom dance _____
4. arroyo [ ] d.
flat-topped land formation _____
5. guerrilla [ ] e.
chief of state _____
6. tango [ ] f.
spicy dish of meat and beans _____
7. chili con carne [ ] g.
dry gulch _____
8. sierra [ ] h.
horse _____
Latin Borrowings
All are
words that can add power to your speech and writing. Study the definitions and
complete the two self-tests.
1. decorum (di
kôr"*m) dignified behavior,
manners, or appearance.
2. gratis (grat"is,
gra"tis) without charge or payment; free.
3. in toto (in
to"to) in all; in the
4. odium (o"de
*m) intense hatred or dislike,
especially toward something or someone regarded as contemptible, despicable, or
5. per se (pûr
sa", se") by, of, for, or
in itself.
6. pro tempore (pro"
tem"p* re', -ra') temporarily; for the time being.
7. status quo (sta"t*s
kwo", stat"*s)
the existing state or condition; things as they are.
8. terra firma (ter"*
fûr"m*) firm or solid earth; dry
Defining Words
each of the following words.
1. pro
tempore ___________________________________________________________
2. odium
3. in
toto ___________________________________________________________
4. per se
5. terra
firma ___________________________________________________________
decorum ___________________________________________________________
7. gratis
8. status
quo ___________________________________________________________
In the
space provided, write T if the definition of the numbered word is true or F if
it is false.
T or F
1. status quo existing
state _____
2. pro tempore for the
time being _____
3. odium bad
odor _____
4. terra firma solid
ground _____
5. per se amount
6. in toto with
the dog _____
7. gratis free
8. decorum embellishment
Imported Words
Along with sushi, crêpes,
and pizza—and their names—English has borrowed numerous words from foreign
cultures. Here is a selection of "imported" words for you to add to
your vocabulary.
We've borrowed so many
words from French that someone once half-seriously claimed that English is
little more than French badly pronounced.
Some of these words have
kept their original spelling, while others have become so Anglicized you may
not recognize them as originally French.
1. envoy
diplomatic agent; an accredited messenger or representative.
2. résumé
(rez"» ma',
rez'» ma")
a summing
up; a brief account of personal, educational, and professional qualifications
and experience, as of an applicant for a job.
3. coup
d'état (k»'da tä")
a sudden
and decisive action in politics, especially one effecting a change of government,
illegally or by force.
4. cause
célèbre (kôz"s* leb",
controversy that attracts great public attention.
5. avant-garde
(* vänt'gärd", * vant'-,
av'äN-, ä"väN-)
advance group in any field, especially in the visual, literary, or musical
arts, whose works are unorthodox and experimental.
6. laissez-faire
(les'a fâr")
theory that government should intervene as little as possible in economic affairs.
7. rendezvous
(rän"d* v»', -da-)
agreement between two or more people to meet at a certain time and place.
8. cul-de-sac
(kul"d* sak")
a street,
lane, etc., closed at one end; blind alley.
9. esprit
de corps (e spre" d* kôr")
a sense
of union and of common interests and responsibilities, as developed among a
group of persons associated together.
10. idée
fixe (e'da feks") a fixed idea; obsession.
11. joie
de vivre (zhwä'd* vev",
ve"vr*) a delight in being alive.
12. milieu
(mil y»", mel-) an environment; medium.
13. potpourri
(po'p» re")
a mixture
of dried petals of roses or other flowers with spices, kept in a jar for their
14. rapport
(ra pôr", r*-) a harmonious or sympathetic
relationship or connection.
15. bon
vivant (bon"ve
vänt", bôN"ve väN")
a person
who lives luxuriously and enjoys good food and drink.
Matching Synonyms
Match each of the
following numbered words with its closest synonym. Write your answer in the space
1. rendezvous [ ] a.
togetherness _____
2. rapport [ ] b.
experimental artists _____
3. cul-de-sac [ ] c.
hands-off policy _____
4. bon vivant [ ] d.
love of life _____
5. idée fixe [ ] e.
meeting _____
6. joie de vivre [ ] f.
environment _____
7. potpourri [ ] g.
diplomatic agent _____
8. milieu [ ] h.
harmony _____
9. avant-garde [ ] i.
controversy _____
10. coup d'état [ ] j.
government overthrow _____
11. résumé [ ] k.
dead end _____
12. esprit de corps [ ] l.
list of qualifications _____
13. envoy [ ] m.
connoisseur _____
14. cause célèbre [ ] n.
fragrant dried flowers _____
15. laissez-faire [ ] o.
obsession _____
In the space provided,
write T if the definition of the numbered word is true or F if it is false.
T or F
1. laissez-faire a
policy of leaving alone _____
2. esprit de corps harmony
and union _____
3. milieu setting
4. rendezvous meeting
5. idée fixe obsession
6. potpourri cooking
utensils _____
7. envoy letter
8. rapport announcement
9. joie de vivre good
vintage _____
10. coup d'état headache
11. cause célèbre controversy
12. cul-de-sac dead
end _____
13. bon vivant good
sport _____
14. résumé curriculum
vitae _____
15. avant-garde front-runners
Additional French Borrowings
Here are fifteen more
words borrowed from French. Their mastery can put vigor into your vocabulary,
especially in writing.
1. tour
de force (t»r'd*
an exceptional achievement
using the full skill, ingenuity, and resources of a person, country, or group.
2. connoisseur (kon'* sûr", -s»r")
a person who is especially
competent to pass critical judgments in art or in matters of taste.
3. raconteur (rak'on tûr", -t»r")
a person who is skilled in
relating anecdotes.
4. poseur (po zûr")
a person who attempts to
impress others by assuming or affecting a manner, degree of elegance, etc.
5. saboteur (sab'* tûr")
a person who deliberately
destroys property, obstructs services, or undermines a cause.
6. décolletage (da'kol täzh")
the neckline of a dress
cut low in the front or back and often across the shoulders.
7. mêlée (ma"la, ma
a confused, general hand-to-hand
8. tout à fait (t»' tä fa") entirely.
9. chauffeur (sho"f*r, sho fûr")
a person employed to drive
another person's automobile.
10. fiancé (fe'än sa", fe
a man engaged to be
11. protégé (pro"t* zha', pro't*
a person under the
patronage or care of someone influential who can further his or her career.
12. gourmet (g»r ma", g»r"ma)
a connoisseur in the
delicacies of the table.
13. tout de suite (t»t swet")
at once; immediately.
14. chic (shek)
attractive and fashionable
in style; stylish.
15. tout le monde (t»'l* mônd") everyone; everybody.
Defining Words
Define each of the
following words.
1. tout à fait ___________________________________________________________
2. gourmet
3. chauffeur
4. tout le monde
5. décolletage
6. tout de suite
7. tour de force
8. chic
9. protégé
10. connoisseur
11. raconteur
12. mêlée
13. saboteur
14. poseur
15. fiancé ___________________________________________________________
Each of the following
phrases contains an italicized word. Select the best synonym for each word from
the choices provided. Write your answer in the space provided.
1. a daring décolletage
a. low-cut dress b.
dance c. acrobatics d. behavior
2. a chic hat
a. French b.
imported c. expensive d. stylish
3. the nervous fiancé
a. engaged woman b.
engaged man c. executive d. husband
4. tout le monde attended
a. connoisseurs b.
specialists c. everyone d. no one
5. the entertaining raconteur
a. comedian b.
storyteller c. singer d. poet
6. an amazing tour de force
a. show of force b.
war victory c. humiliation d. achievement
7. pass the butter tout de suite
a. immediately b.
thank you c. please d. later
8. a transparent poseur
a. model b.
prank c. fraud d. gag
9. a captured saboteur
a. spy b.
demolisher c. turncoat d. revolutionary
10. my protégé
a. mentor b.
tutor c. child d. dependent
11. a new chauffeur
a. kitchen helper b.
mentor c. chef d. driver
12. a violent mêlée
a. free-for-all b.
storm c. criminal d. sea
13. a noted connoisseur
a. expert b.
politician c. hostess d. professor
14. completed the job tout à fait
a. quickly b.
sloppily c. entirely d. yesterday
15. a famous gourmet
a. driver b.
waitress c. heavy eater d. food expert