Friday 24 January 2014

585. B. Ph LAB IV 47. Extempore

47. Extempore

"Extempore" (alternate title "The Beach Where Time Began") is a science fiction short story written by Damon Knight. It first appeared in the August 1956 issue of Infinity Science Fiction and has been reprinted twice, in Far Out (1961) and The Best of Damon Knight (1976).


Albert Rossi, a New York dishwasher, learns to travel through time. Once started, he continues at an accelerated pace, continuing until the end of time and then starting over. By an effort of will he manages to stop at a "scarlet beach with its golden laughing people". But he is now frozen in time forever and appears to the beachcombers as a rock-hard, immobile statue.


Here is another of my time stories, put together out of bits and pieces of Far Rockaway, Milne, Einstein, etc. (I don't see why the speculations of modern physicists shouldn't be used as incantations.) I don't think "Extempore" is terribly probable, but see for yourself.

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This lonely spot, once used for an extempore burying-place, after a sanguinary BATTUE between the French and Austrians, is the perfection of desolation; there is nothing in sight to mark the hand of man, except the line of weather-beaten whitened posts, set up to indicate the direction of the pass in the OWDAWAKK of winter.
Their singing is harsh and discordant; the songs are chiefly extempore, relating to passing circumstances, the persons present, or any trifling object that strikes the attention of the singer.
Owing to these extempore measures, I not only gave my bride credit for certain perfections which have not as yet come to light, but also overlooked a few trifling defects, which, however, glimmered on my perception long before the close of the honeymoon.


1. without planning or preparation; impromptu
extempore - without prior preparation; "he spoke extemporaneously"
Spoken, carried out, or composed with little or no preparation or forethought. See Synonyms at extemporaneous
In an extemporaneous manner.
extempore - with little or no preparation or forethought; "his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment"; "an extemporaneous piano recital"; "an extemporary lecture"; "an extempore skit"; "an impromptu speech"; "offhand excuses"; "trying to sound offhanded and reassuring"; "an off-the-cuff toast"; "a few unrehearsed comments"
unprepared - without preparation; not prepared for; "unprepared remarks"; "the shock was unprepared"; "our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared"- R.E.Danielson

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