A shot across the bows All at sea Anchors aweigh
Batten down the hatches Between the Devil and the deep blue sea
Broad in the beam By and large Chock-a-block
Close quarters Copper-bottomed Cut and run
Edging forward Fathom out Full to the gunwales
Get underway Give a wide berth Go by the board
Hand over fist Hard and fast High and dry
In the offing Know the ropes Loose cannon
On your beam ends Panic stations Plain sailing
Push the boat out Shipshape and Bristol fashion
Shake a leg Shiver my timbers Slush fund
Taken aback Tell it to the marines The bitter end
The cut of your jib Three sheets to the wind Tide over
Walk the plank
Batten down the hatches Between the Devil and the deep blue sea
Broad in the beam By and large Chock-a-block
Close quarters Copper-bottomed Cut and run
Edging forward Fathom out Full to the gunwales
Get underway Give a wide berth Go by the board
Hand over fist Hard and fast High and dry
In the offing Know the ropes Loose cannon
On your beam ends Panic stations Plain sailing
Push the boat out Shipshape and Bristol fashion
Shake a leg Shiver my timbers Slush fund
Taken aback Tell it to the marines The bitter end
The cut of your jib Three sheets to the wind Tide over
Walk the plank
A bird in the hand is worth two in the
bush A drop in the bucket
A fish out of water A fool's paradise A shot in the arm
A fish out of water A fool's paradise A shot in the arm
You can't get blood out of a stone You can't teach
an old dog new tricks
at (a) high speed at (the) risk (of) at / by one’s side
at (a) high speed at (the) risk (of) at / by one’s side
/ for a fraction of at / from
the outset at / in the end
/ on sight at /
on the double at a distance
a speed of at all
costs at all events
any cost at
any rate at full
hand at
least at once
present at
the peak of at the same
the time of at the
top of by (any) chance
by all means by birth by definition
by all means by birth by definition
dint of by
heart by means of
the side of by
virtue of for lack of
by way of for a change for granted
by way of for a change for granted
the sake of for want
of in (no) time
at the forefront of in a deep
sleep in a mess
abeyance in
agreement with in / at the forefront
in a deep sleep in a mess in abeyance
in a deep sleep in a mess in abeyance
agreement with in connection
with in disorder in (no) time
/ at the forefront of in a deep sleep in a mess in abeyance
agreement with in connection
with in disorder
lieu of instead
of to one’s dismay
the best of to the
satisfaction of on account of
on behalf of on condition that on no account
on behalf of on condition that on no account
one’s own on the
edge of on the grounds of
limits without a
break without delay
List of Prepositional Phrases AT
at (a) high speed at
(the) risk (of) at / by one’s
side at / for a fraction of
at / from the outset at / in the end at / on sight at / on the double
at a / one time at a disadvantage at a discount at a distance
at a glance at a guess at a loose and at a loss
at a low ebb at a moment’s notice at a price at a rate of
at a speed of at a standstill at all costs at all events
at an advantage at any cost at any rate at breakfast
at ease (with) at face value at fault at full strength
at hand at heart at home (with) at issue
at large at least at length at liberty
at most at night at noon at odds with
at once at one’s best at one’s discretion at one’s disposal
at one’s leisure at one’s request at peace / war (with) at play
at present at random at sea at the / in front of
at the age of at the beginning at the expense of at the foot of
at the hands of at the height of latest at the mercy of
at the peak of at the same time at the thought of at the time of
at the top of at this juncture at times at war with
at work behind the scenes
at / from the outset at / in the end at / on sight at / on the double
at a / one time at a disadvantage at a discount at a distance
at a glance at a guess at a loose and at a loss
at a low ebb at a moment’s notice at a price at a rate of
at a speed of at a standstill at all costs at all events
at an advantage at any cost at any rate at breakfast
at ease (with) at face value at fault at full strength
at hand at heart at home (with) at issue
at large at least at length at liberty
at most at night at noon at odds with
at once at one’s best at one’s discretion at one’s disposal
at one’s leisure at one’s request at peace / war (with) at play
at present at random at sea at the / in front of
at the age of at the beginning at the expense of at the foot of
at the hands of at the height of latest at the mercy of
at the peak of at the same time at the thought of at the time of
at the top of at this juncture at times at war with
at work behind the scenes
List of Prepositional Phrases BY
by (any) chance by / under the name of by / with luck by accident
by air /sea /land by all accounts by all means by any standard
by appointment by birth by check by coincidence
by courtesy of by definition by degrees by design
by dint of by far by force by hand
by heart by law by marriage by means of
by mistake by my watch by nature by no means
by oneself by order of by process of by profession
by reason of by request by rights by sight
by surprise by the side of by virtue of by way of
by air /sea /land by all accounts by all means by any standard
by appointment by birth by check by coincidence
by courtesy of by definition by degrees by design
by dint of by far by force by hand
by heart by law by marriage by means of
by mistake by my watch by nature by no means
by oneself by order of by process of by profession
by reason of by request by rights by sight
by surprise by the side of by virtue of by way of
List of Prepositional Phrases FOR
for / in a good cause for / to the benefit (of) for
a (good) reason for a change
for certain / sure for fear of for good for granted
for hire for lack of for life for love
for my / your, etc. part for real for the good of for the sake of
for want of from experience from memory
for certain / sure for fear of for good for granted
for hire for lack of for life for love
for my / your, etc. part for real for the good of for the sake of
for want of from experience from memory
List of Prepositional Phrases IN
in (no) time in / at the forefront of in / on demand in
/ out of focus
in / out of one’s element in / out of prison in / out of season in / out of stock
in / out of touch (with) in / out of use in / with difficulty in / within sight (of)
in a deep sleep in a flash in a heap in a hurry
in a mess in a pile in a sense in a temper
in abeyance in abundance in accordance with in action
in addition to in advance in agony in agreement with
in aid of in all likelihood in an instant in an uproar
in answer to in anticipation of in arrears in awe of
in blossom in brief in bulk in cash
in character in charge of in code in collaboration with
in combination with in comfort in command of in common
in comparison with in compensation for in conclusion in confidence
in confinement in confusion in conjunction with
in connection with in consequence of in contact with
in contrast with / to in control of in convoy in custody
in danger in debt in decline in defense of
in detail in disgrace in disguise in disorder
in dispute in distress in doubt in due course
in duplicate in earnest in effect in error
in essence in excess of in exchange for in existence
in fact in fairness to in favor of in fear of
in flames in flower in full in future
in gear in general in good / bad condition
in good faith in hand in harmony (with)
in haste in hiding in high spirits in honor of
in horror (of) in ink / pencil in isolation in its infancy
in / out of one’s element in / out of prison in / out of season in / out of stock
in / out of touch (with) in / out of use in / with difficulty in / within sight (of)
in a deep sleep in a flash in a heap in a hurry
in a mess in a pile in a sense in a temper
in abeyance in abundance in accordance with in action
in addition to in advance in agony in agreement with
in aid of in all likelihood in an instant in an uproar
in answer to in anticipation of in arrears in awe of
in blossom in brief in bulk in cash
in character in charge of in code in collaboration with
in combination with in comfort in command of in common
in comparison with in compensation for in conclusion in confidence
in confinement in confusion in conjunction with
in connection with in consequence of in contact with
in contrast with / to in control of in convoy in custody
in danger in debt in decline in defense of
in detail in disgrace in disguise in disorder
in dispute in distress in doubt in due course
in duplicate in earnest in effect in error
in essence in excess of in exchange for in existence
in fact in fairness to in favor of in fear of
in flames in flower in full in future
in gear in general in good / bad condition
in good faith in hand in harmony (with)
in haste in hiding in high spirits in honor of
in horror (of) in ink / pencil in isolation in its infancy
in jeopardy in keeping with in labor in league with
in length in line with in love with in memory of
in mid-air in mind in moderation in mourning (for)
in name in office in one’s absence / presence
in one’s spare time in operation in opposition to in origin
in other words in pain in Parliament in particular
in person in pieces in place of in possession of
in poverty in practice in preference to in preparation for
in principle in private in progress
in length in line with in love with in memory of
in mid-air in mind in moderation in mourning (for)
in name in office in one’s absence / presence
in one’s spare time in operation in opposition to in origin
in other words in pain in Parliament in particular
in person in pieces in place of in possession of
in poverty in practice in preference to in preparation for
in principle in private in progress
in proportion to / with in public in
pursuit of in quantity
in question in reality in recognition of in relation to
in reply to in reserve in residence in respect of
in response to in retrospect in return in revenge for
in reverse in ruins in safety in sb’s interest
in sb’s opinion in search of in secret in self-defense
in settlement of in short in silence in small change
in store for in succession in support of in suspense
in sympathy with in tears in terms of in terror
in the absence of in the aftermath in the balance in the case of
in the course of in the distance in the event of in the extreme
in the eyes of in the flesh in the form of in the habit of
in the interests of in the lead in the light of in the long run
in question in reality in recognition of in relation to
in reply to in reserve in residence in respect of
in response to in retrospect in return in revenge for
in reverse in ruins in safety in sb’s interest
in sb’s opinion in search of in secret in self-defense
in settlement of in short in silence in small change
in store for in succession in support of in suspense
in sympathy with in tears in terms of in terror
in the absence of in the aftermath in the balance in the case of
in the course of in the distance in the event of in the extreme
in the eyes of in the flesh in the form of in the habit of
in the interests of in the lead in the light of in the long run
in the wake of
in the way of in the wrong in theory in time for in times of in town in trouble in tune with in turmoil in turn in two minds in twos / threes / tens in uniform in unison in vain in view of in vogue in words of the opinion off / on duty off school off duty off their rocker off their meds
in the making
in the meantime
in the midst of
in the mood for
in the name of
in the night
in the open
in the process of
in the right
in the seclusion of
in the shade
in the space of
List of Prepositional Phrases TO
to / on the contrary
to an extent to date to excess to one’s astonishment to one’s credit to one’s dismay to sb’s face to the / this day to the accompaniment of to the best of to the detriment of to the exclusion of to the full to the satisfaction of
List of Prepositional Phrases WITH
with / in reference to
with / without success with a view to with an eye to with regard to with regret with respect to with the aid of with the compliments of with the exception of with the help of with the intention of |
List of Prepositional Phrases OUT
out of / in fashion
out of / in print out of / in step out of breath out of context out of control out of curiosity / jealousy / love /hatred out of date out of doors out of duty out of hand out of ideas out of one’s mind out of order out of pity out of place out of practice out of reach out of respect for out of sight out of spite out of stock out of the ordinary out of the question out of work List of Prepositional Phrases WITHIN
within / out of earshot
within / without reason within grasp within limits within one’s budget within one’s power within one’s rights within reach (of) within site within walking / striking distance |
List of Prepositional Phrases UNDER
under / in the circumstances
under age under arrest under consideration under construction under cover of under discussion under lock and key under one’s protection under orders under pressure under regulations under repair under strain under stress under suspicion under the command of under the impression that under the influence (of) under the misapprehension under treatment
List of Prepositional Phrases WITHOUT
without (a) doubt without a break without a hitch without delay without exception without fail without foundation without precedent without question without respite without warning |
List of Prepositional Phrases ON
on (the) watch (for)
on / behind schedule
on / off the record
on / off the road
on / under oath
on / under pain of
on /of the air
on /off balance
on a diet
on a journey / trip / cruise
on a large / small scale
on a pension
on a regular basis
on a spree
on account of
on an expedition
on an island
on approval
on average
on bail
on behalf of
on board
on business
on condition that
on credit
on display
on edge
on end
on file
on fire
on foot
on good terms
on guard
on hand
on horseback
on impulse
on leave
on loan
on no account
on occasion
on one’s (own) terms
on one’s own
on one’s own initiative
on order
on paper
on parade
on patrol
on principle
on purpose
on reflection
on remand
on sale
on second thoughts
on show
on strike
on suspicion of
on the agenda
on the assumption
on the brink of
on the dot
on the edge of
on the eve of on the grounds of on the horizon on the hour on the increase on the job on the move on the off-chance on the outskirts on the part of on the phone on the point of on the run on the strength of on the stroke of on the tip of on the top of on the understanding that on the verge of on the way to on time on tiptoe
on vacation
through no fault of
on trial
Walk free
Walk the walk Walk the plank Walter Scott (phrases coined by) Warts and all Watch the birdie ![]() Watching brief ![]() Wave a red rag to a bull Wax poetic We are a grandmother We are not amused We few, we happy few, we band of brothers We have seen better days We know where you live Weakest link - A chain is only as strong as its Wear the trousers Wear your heart on your sleeve Weasel words Wee-wee Well heeled Well read Wet behind the ears What a piece of work is man What are you like? What God has joined together let no man put asunder What part of no don't you understand? What you see is what you get - wysiwyg What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet What's not to like? What's up Doc? When in Rome, do as the Romans do When it comes to the crunch When pigs fly When the shit hits the fan Where there's muck there's brass Whet your appetite Which is which? Which witch is which? |
Whole nine
- The
Whole shebang - The Whoops-a-daisy Why does bread always fall butter side down? Wick - you get on my Wide berth - Keep a
Wild and
Wild goose chase Willy nilly Win hands down Win one for the Gipper (On a) wing and a prayer Wing it Winter drawers on Wish you were here With bells on Without let or hindrance Without so much as a by your leave ![]() Woe betide you 52. 2 Phrasal Verbs
Many of these verbs and definitions (but by no
means all) are adopted from Grammar Context by Sandra N. Elbaum.
Second Edition, Book 2. (Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Boston, 1996.)
The examples are our own.
Woe is me
Wolf in sheep's clothing Woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle - A Woman's place is in the home - A Women and children first Wooden hill to Bedfordshire Word association football Word for word A word in edgeways - A Word in your shell-like - A Words ending in gry Worth one's salt Wotcher ![]() Wouldn't touch with a barge-pole Writing is on the wall - The Wrong end of the stick - The |
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