Thursday 18 August 2011



Criss-cross,  ting-tong,  ding dong, 

Waterproof,  Watertight,  Water

First aid,  firstborn,  first class,  first-foot,  first-hand,  first lady,  first mate, 
first name,  first night,  first officer,  first person, 

fisherman,  fisheye,  fish finger,  fishing line,  fishing rod,  fishmonger,  fishnet,

flyaway,  flyblown,  flycatcher,  fly-fishing,  flying fish,  flying fox,  flying saucer,  flying squad,  flyleaf,  flyover,  flypaper,   fly-past,  flysheet,

folk dance,  folklore,  folk tale,

footage,  football,  footboard,  footbridge,  footfall,  foothill,  foothold,  footman,  footmark,  footpad,  footpath,  footprint,  footsore,  footstep,  footstool,  footwear,  footwork,

forearm,  forebear,  forebode,  forecast,  foreclose,  forecourt,  forefather,  forefinger,  forefoot,  forefront,  foregather,  forego,  foreground,  forehand,  forehead,

freeborn,  free enterprise,  free fall,  free form,  freehand,  free house,  free kick,  freelance,  freeloader,  free love,  freeman,   free market,  free port,  free radical,  free range,  freestyle,  free trade,  freewheel,  free will, 

full back,  full-blooded,  full-blown,  full board,  full-bodied,  full moon,  full stop,  full-time,  full-scale,  full-time,  fully fledged, 

grandchild,  granddaughter,  grand duke,  grand dame,  grandfather,  grandiloquent,  grand jury,  grandmaster,  grandmother,  grandparent,  grand slam,  grandson,  grand total, 

great ape,  great aunt,  great circle,  great uncle,  greatcoat, 

green belt,  green card,  Greenfield,  green fingers,  greenpage,  greengrocer,  greenhouse,  green room,  green tea,  greenwood, 

halfback,  half-baked,  half breed,  half brother,  half caste,  half crown,  half cut,   half-dozen,  half-hearted,  half hitch,  half-hour,  half-life,  half-light,  half-moon,  half term,  half-truth,  half time,  halfway,  halfwit,  half-volley

handbag,  handball,  handbill,  handbook,  handbrake,  handcuff, handful,  hand grenade,  handgun,  handhold, 

headache,  headband,  headboard,  head butt,  head case,  headcount,  headdress,  headgear,  headhunt,  headland,  headlight,  headline,  headlock,   headlong,  headmaster,  head on,  headphones,  headpiece,  headquarter,  headrest,  headroom,  headset,  headway,  headword, 

heartache,  heart attack,  heartbeat,  heartbreak,  heart-burn,  heart failure,  heartland,  heartless,  heart-throb, 

high command,  high commission,  high court, high explosive,  high fidelity,  high five,  high flown,  high flyer,  high-handed,  high jump,  highland,  high level,  high life,  high minded,  high powered,  high priest,  high  rise,  high school,  high seas,  high season,  high spirits,  high technology,  high tide,  highway, 

homebuyer,  homecoming,  home economics,  home-grown,  home guard,  homeless,  home-made,

horseback,  horse chestnut,  horseflesh,  horsefly,  horsehair,  horseman,  horseplay,  horsepower,  horse sense,  horsetail,  horsewhip,

hot key,  hotline,  hotplace,  hot seat,  hot spot,  hot stuff,  hot ticket,  hot tub,
hot water,  hot wire, 
Ice age,  iceberg,  icebox,  ice breaker,  ice cap,  ice cream, ice field,  ice hockey,  Icelander,  ice pack,  ice skate,

Jack plug,  jack pot,  jack rabbit, 

Keyboard,  keyhole,  keynote,  keypad,  key ring,  key signature,  key stone,  keyword,

Kingdom,  kingfisher,  kingpin,  king-sized, 

Ladybird,  ladykiller,  ladylike,  ladyship, 

Land agent,  landfall,  landform,  landing craft,  landing gear,  landlady,  landlord,  landline,  landlubber,  landmark,  land mass,  landmine,  landowner,  landscape,  landslide,  landward,

Law abiding,  Law court,  lawful,  law lord,  lawmaker,  lawsuit, 

Light bulb,  light-fingered,  light footed,  light headed,  light hearted,  lighthouse,  light industry,  light meter,  light weight,  light year, 

Longboat,  longbow,  long distance,  long face,  longhand,  long haul,  long jump,  long life,  long lived,  long range,  long ship,  long-range,  long standing,  long suffering, 

Outbreak,  outburst,  outcast,  outclass,  outcome,  outcry,  outdated,  outdo,  outdoor,  outflow,  outgoing,  outgrow,  outgun,  outhouse,  outlaw,  outlet,  outline,  outlook,  outmoded,  out of date,  outpatient,  outplay,  outpost,  output,  outright,  outside,  outskirts,  outsource,  outward,  outwit, 

Overact,  overall,  overblown,  overboard,  overcome,  overconfident,  overcrowded,  overdevelop,  overdose,  overdo,  overdrawn,  overdrive,  overdue,  overeat,  overemphasize,  overestimate,  overexcited,  overexert,  overexpose,  over familiar,  overfill,  overflow,  overgrown,  overhaul,  overhead,  overhear,  overindulge,  overload,  overpopulated,   overpower,  overpriced,  overrate,  overreact,  overrule,  overrun,  oversensitive,  oversized, 

Paperback,  paperboy,  paper clip,  paper knife,  paper thin,  paper tiger,  paper weight,  paper work, 

Photocall,  photochemistry,  photocopy,  photoelectric,  photo finish,  photofit,  Photostat,

Playback,  playboy,  playground,  playgroup,  playcard,  plaything,  playtime,  playwright, 

Private company,  private detective,  private enterprise,  private means,  private member,    private parts,  private school,  private secretary,  private sector,

Radioactive,  radioactivity,  radiocarbon,  radioisotope,  radio phonic,  radio-telephone,  radio telescope,  radio therapy,  radio wave, 

Rainbow,  raincoat,  rainfall,  raindrop,  rainfall,  rainforest,  rainproof, 

Right angle,  right hand,  right handed,  right hander,  right minded,  right side,  right wing,

Ring finger,  ringleader,  ring master,  ring road,  ringtone,  ringworm, 

Shipmate,  shipbuilder,  shipshape,  shipwreck,  shipyard,

Shortage,  short circuit,  short coming,  short cut,  shorthand,  shortlist,  short-lived,  short-range,  short-sighted,  short-staffed,  short-tempered, 

Sideboard,  side effect,  sidelight,  sideline,  sideshow,  sidestep,  side track,  side walk,  side ways,
Snowball,  snowboard,  snowbound,  snowdrift,  snowdrop,  snowfall,  snowflake,  snowline,  snowman,  snowmobile,  snowstorm, 

Social contract,  social science,  social security,  social service,  social work, 

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PRESENTATION  SKILLS MBA   I - II There are many types of presentations.                    1.       written,        story, manual...