1Q :- Identify the difference between British English and Indian English. Do these differences pose any problem to Indian users of English?
English, a language of imperialistic country, has become a language of survival. Its importance is growing day by day. Every research is taking place in the west. They are naming any invention, policy or anything that is new. We are a member of Common Wealth countries. We follow the British English. Our dialect is South Asian dialect. 11% of Indian population speaks English.
Our English pronunciation is dominated by our own mother tongues. Our accent of English is clearly seen in our mother tongue dialect. Some examples of Hindi;
Eg. “ what I mean is, ki, we should adopt this plan. [ ki ]
Let us go and have chai-vai. [chai-vai]
Similarly business-bazi, dadagiri, fighting-witing, cheating giri, tax wallah, dubba wallah, maane,
We use “actually” more number of times. “Actually I am not feeling well.”
Idioms :- yar! Your good name please? [ there is nothing like good name or bad name. It is Hindi copy]
The movie is deadly yar! [ in our words deadly means intense, high-tech, stylish, sexy] [yar is our pet word]
Please call a taxi for Gupta-ji. [we use – ji, sri, smt, tiru, tirumati, sahib,… to show respect]
Casual interjections of Hindi used in English -- arey, yaar, bhai, accha, oof, waah, re, amma,
In Indian English we use words from Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, and Urdu.---jungle, bungalow, bandana, pyjama, pundit, guru, idly, sambar, chutney,
This is called Indianization of English. It won’t pose any problem because we have our own mother tongues to explain further if the other man does not understand and ask.
2Q :- Give a detailed account of the functions of a language.
There are six major functions of the human language . They are
1] a means of conveying information eg. Rosaiah became the CM.
2] an instrument of action. Eg. Don’t write it on the wall.
3] to maintain social relationships. Eg. Good morning. How are you?
4] acting as a marker of a group. Eg. Is it an LBW? [ relating to cricket]
5] as an instrument of coginitive and conceptual development. Eg. Theory of relativity was said by Einstein.
6] as an art form. Eg. What a magnificent building! How dirty it is! Bad luck, he lost!
A lot of what we say is for a purpose. If we are using language for a purpose, it is a function. There are many such things.
1] contrasting ideas 2] making complaints 3] asking for information 4] giving advice
5] guessing 6] being imprecise or vague 7] saying “no” or “yes” 8] show preference
9] making suggestions 10] offering help 11] giving warning 12] demanding explanation and so on.
3Q :- Write the key components of writing. Give examples.
Writing something is a skill. Whatever ideas come in our mind should be processed, arranged and should be brought into black and white in coherent manner, is a Herculean task. It is an unending process towards excellence. This is not one day’s achievement. To achieve good writing skills,
1] practice the skills of successful writers;
2] writing in various modes or genres;
3] achieving clarity and coherence;
4] writing purposefully and for specific audience;
5] writing in response to higher level questions;
6] applying standard English conventions of spelling, grammar, usage, etc.;
7] go through good manuscripts.
8] develop vocabulary.
There are some writing instructional strategies. These strategies are helpful to develop our writing skills.
1] Modeled writing :- to model the writing we need topic choice, planning the piece, looking for a better word, revising and editing. The most important thing in the world of writing is selection of a topic. To select a topic we need to know our taste of writing, subject that we know, whether the known information is factual, and so on. We have a subject to write but no latest knowledge, then we should refer books, meet people, on the spot material gathering for writing, and mostly the zeal to know and write.
2] Shared writing :- the ideas are shared. For example the script writer and the director share many things before it is given a final shape. The editor shares many ideas with the actual writer regarding writing an editorial. The guide and his scholar share many ideas before completing a thesis.
3] Interactive writing :- this is generally done before finalizing a resolution. All the members interact in a discussion and come to a conclusion before the resolution is written. In the Parliament or Assembly there will be a lot of interaction before finalizing something is to be put on the paper.
4] Guided writing :- it is as good as a dictation by an officer, or a minister, or any higher authority who guides writing. Teacher in a class guides his students how to write.
5] Independent writing :- It depends on one’s own talent. It is a nature’s gift to someone. It is like Shakespeare writing so many dramas. Gandhiji writing his autobiography. It is a natural zeal and thirst to write make people write.
There are few stages in writing process:
1] planning 2] prewriting 3] drafting 4] revising 5] editing 6] publishing
1] When something is planned all the rough ideas should be put on a paper. Let all the ideas flow from A to Z of your selected topic. How to start, how to end, where pictures are to be included, references are to be given and so on.
2] Now seeing those written thoughts a manuscript is to be prepared. This is called prewriting.
3] The revision should be done individually, with response groups, or with others who have that caliber.
4] Editing requires a lot of technical skills.
5] while publishing there will be again a lot to do. Acknowledgements, dedication, appendix, bibliography, reference words, foot notes, and many more.
Common characteristics of quality writing are;
1] ideas content 2] organization 3] voice [whether the subject is “I” or third person] 4] appropriate words selection 5] sentence fluency 6] editing 7] presentation
4Q :- Mention a few guidelines for organizing a teleconference and participating in it.
Conference shows that there are lots of people involved in it. The minimum may be three. If people are involved in discussing something on a telephone then it is called teleconference. This provision is provided by the company using proper infrastructure. This teleconference may be 1:5, 1:10, or x : x or many more.
The following things are to be done before arranging a teleconference;
1] assign a conference organizer, 2] book room 3] book the bridge 4] confirmation [organizer, convener, booking person, e-mails, etc] 5] conference set up
Teleconference is a type of knowledge sharing. In this,
1] experts are used to stimulate thinking 2] people learn talking skills 3] multiple perspectives
4] People ask questions 5] relationships are built.
Conference planners:-
1] Keynote speakers and presenters need the freedom 2] identifying the need the importance 3] active participation 4] topic 5] type of arrangement – dais, chairs, or mini-round tables
Teleconference is generally to
1] elderly people 2] people with disabilities 3] parents – disabled children 4] people who are house bound 5] people with cancer etc. 6] people who are busy, who cannot meet off and on.
5Q [a] :- Write a short notes on Mock Interview.
It is used in training. It is similar to real interview. They are common for job interviews. It is the best before going for the real interview. Coaching institutions generally take care of their students. In mock interview, if students commit mistakes, they can be rectified. It gives the real interview feeling.
How to conduct ?
1] have people of the same subject, mostly friends.
2] few should form a panel and others interviewees.
3] they should be of same task.
4] select an interview room. It should be resemble the real interview room.
5]select one experience person to act as interviewer.
Mistakes commonly committed.
Lack of good first impression. People make this. It is because of lack of confidence, lack of preparation, and facing the interview for the first time. First impression is the best impression.
5Q [b] :- Write a short notes on recruiting process.
6Q [a] :- Formats used in written business communication.
1] advertisements 2] e-mails 3] letters sent by post 4] manual writing 5] recommendations
6] research proposals 7] papers 8] summaries 9] about technology
6Q [b] :- External information
Sources 1] advertising 2] associations 3] branding 4]consumer market
5] direct marketing 6] event management 7] industry verticals 8] internet 9] market
10] media 11] postal 12] PRO 13] radio/TV 14] trade shows 15] CDs
16] analysts
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