Thursday 18 August 2011



Im-      possible x impossible, perfect, pure, mature, measurable, moral, mortal, movable, pair, passable, patient, perfect, polite, proper, purity
In-       ability x inability                     accurate, action, adequate, applicable, audible, capable, correct, curable, decent, decision, determinate, dependent, digestion, direct, divisible, effciency, famous, feasible, fertile, finite, glorious,  human, operative,  sincere, stable, subordinate, viable,
Il-         legal x illegal               legitimacy, liberal, literate, logical
Ill-        famed x ill-famed         luck, looking, feeling, behave, logical, paid, spent, tempered, treat, will, wisher
Ir-        regular x irregular      religious, reparable, relevant, remediable, rational
Mal-     practice x malparactice          administation, content, formation,  treatment
Mis-     use x misuse               advise, apply, appropriate, arange, behave, belief, calculation, carry, conduct, count, deed fortune, govern, lead, management, place, spell, state, trust. Understand,
Non-    vegetarian x non-vegetarian   acquaintance, appearance, arrival, essential, payment, plus, resident, resistant, violence, co-operation
Un-      able x unable              aided, armed, authorise, asked, attended, aware, easy, comfortable, common, concerned, cover, dated, divided, easy, educated, employed, equal, fair, faithful, familiar,
De-      compose x decompose     bark, form, generate, graded, merit, mobilise, nationalise, magnetise,
Dis-     connect x disconnect    able, advantage, agree, appear, approval, arrange, belief, close, connect, courage, please, prove, regard, satisfaction
-less     taste x tasteless         use,  taste, worth, thank, heart, care, hope, help, Believe x disbelive, shiver x steady   near

Frenetic           X calm, tranquil, peaceful, quiet, still, cool, serene. Relaxed.
Spry                 X slow, sluggish, unhurried, leisurely, dawdling,
Spinster          X married, wedded,
Lavish             X scanty, sparse, scarce, inadequate, meager, light
Tenderness     X roughness, unevenness, coarseness, irregularity
Crave               X refuse, rebuff, decline, discard, disallow, eliminate, deny
Clutter             X space, liberty,
Fasten             X unfasten, untie, undo, loosen, open, unknot,
Eccentricity     X ordinariness, familiarity, routine, regularity
Hitched            X unfasten, untie, loosen,
Domineering    X meek, humble, timid, modest, mild,
Vague              X clear, obvious, apparent, lucid, transparent,
Dismayed        X composed, calm, serene, tranquil,
Drought           X abundance,  profusion,  plenty,  loads,  wealth, 
Fury                 X calmness, peacefulness,  quietude,  stillness, 
consolation      X grief,  sorrow,  anguish,  pa
mobilize           X demobilize,  dismiss,  release,  demob,
gargantuan     X tiny,  minute,  miniature,  small, little,  insignificant, 
panic               X self-control,  willpower,  self-will,  calm,  tranquil,  quiet  
onerous           X easy,  simple,  trouble-free,  painless,  effortless, 
Hamlet             X city, urban, town,
Stray               X protected
Wearied           X energetically, vigorously, actively, briskly, forcefully,  dynamically
Frivolous         X serious, sincere, determined, genuine,
Mirth               X sadness, misery, depression, gloom, sorrow, grief, woe
Moral               x wicked, corrupt, depraved, decadant, dishonest, sinful
Sad                  x happy, contented, glad, joyful, pleased
Immense          x tiny, small little
Loyal                x disloyal, arrogant, culprit, cheat
Determine       x undetermined, undecided, fickle,
Moral               x immoral, wicked, corrupt, depraved, decadant, dishonest, sinful
Sad                  x happy, contented, glad, joyful, pleased,
Immense          x tiny, small, little, microscopic,
Grace               x awkwardness, awfulness
Admire             x disapprove, criticize, condemn
Downwards     x higher, uphill, up, skyward, aloft
Simple             x hard, complex, tough, difficult, complicated,
Happy              x depressing, gloomy, miserable, cheerless, distressing, poignant,
Perfect             x imperfect, incorrect, wicked, dishonest, sinful, unethical
Open                x shut, close, lock, seal, secure,
Similar                        x dissimilar, unlike, different, disparate, divergent, contradictory
Poverty                        x prosperity, superfluous, excess, rich,
Convince         x discourage, deter, put off
Experienced    x inexperienced, inexpert, innocent, unskilled
Permission      x refusal, rejection, rebuff, denial,
Expansion       x contraction, reduction, narrowing, slimming down,
Suffer              x enjoy, peace,
Hostile             x friendly, welcoming, gracious, responsive, open, pleasant
Rudimentary   x developed,
Escape             x face, countenance,
Devastate        x  preserve, protect, conserve, safeguard, defend
Fact                 x Fiction,  novel, fantasy, tale, story,  illusion, unrealism, fabrication, untruth
Pain                 x Pleasure,  enjoyment , happiness, gratification, satisfaction
Feeble              x strong,  muscular, sturdy, well-built, tough, robust, stout, solid,
Dispirited        x enthusiastic, excited, keen, eager, passionate, wholehearted
Satisfaction     x  dissatisfaction, discontent, disappointment, unhappiness, frustration
Belief               x  disbelief, doubt, mistrust, suspect, suspicion,
Disappeared    x appeared, looked, seemed, emerged, showed,
Background    x frontage, obverse,
Diversity          x uniformity, consistency, regularity, homogeny, sameness
Meager                        x  abundant, copious, bountiful, ample, lavish, plenteous,
Momentous     x  trivial, unimportant, small, frivolous, negligible, petty
Check              x  unchecked, unrestricted, free, uncontrolled,
Ghetto             x  slum,
Default            x  compensate, imbursement,
Bankrupt        x  rich, affluent, loaded, well-to-do, wealthy, abounding, plentiful
Frustration      x  satisfaction, pleasure, happiness, contentment, liking,
Captivity          x   freedom, liberty, autonomy, free will, sovereignty
Life                  x  Death, demise, decease, pass away, bereavement
Hollow              x  solid, concrete, sound
Invigorate        x  tire, drain, use up, wear out, weaken,
Threshold        x  end, closing, final
Mobility           x   immovability, permanent, unchanging, preset, rigid,
Veteran           x    inexperienced, learner, trainee,

Absolute x partial,  absolve x accuse,  absorb x dissipate,  abstract x practical,    absurd x logical,  abundant x scarce,  accede x deny,  accelerate x decelerate,  acclimatize x  reject,  accord x discord,  accredit x discredit,  ace x base,  acquire x forfeit,  acquit x convict,  acrimony x friendliness,   acute x obtuse,  adamant x flexible,  adept x inept,  adopt x disown,  adore x hate,  adroit x maladroit,  advance x retreat,  adverse x advantage,  affirm x deny,  affix x exclude,  affluent x scarce,    afforest x deforest,  after x before,  aggravate x appease,  aggregate x particular,  aggression x submission,  agile x passive,  agree x deny,  alert x inelert,  allegiance x enmity,   allot x divest,  allure x repel,  ally x enemy,  aloof x company,  altruism x selfishness,  always x never,  Amass x distribute,  amateur x professional,  amuse x bore,  analysis x synthesis,  annihilate x create,  announce x conceal,  annoy x gratify,  annul x restore,  anxious x relaxed,  apogee x perigee,  apparent x obscure,  appear x vanish, appease x excite,  applaud x discourage,   appoint x dismiss,  appreciate x depreciate,  approve x disprove,  apt x inapt,  arable x fallow,  archaic x modern,     ardent x frigid,  arid x fertile,  aristocrat x commoner,  array x disorder,  arouse x quieten,  arrest x release,   arrive x depart,  arrogant x humble,  ascend x descend,  ashamed x shameless,  assemble x disperse,  assent x rejection,  assert x deny,  asset x liability,  assiduous x lazy, associate x divide,  assort x unify,  assure x doubt,    astute x stupid,  atheism x theism,  attenuate x intensify,  attract x detract,  audible x inaudible,   augment x decrease,   authentic x spurious,  avarice x charity,  avoid x face,  aware x ignorant,  awful x pleasing,   awkward x graceful,   adulation x criticism,  advocate x oppose,  affable x rude,  affected x unfeigned,   affluence x poverty,  agility x awkwardness,  alacrity x slowness,  alleviate x worsen,  allure x repel,  aloof x gregarious,  amalgamate x separate,  ambiguous x clear,   amble x hasten, ambulatory x bedridden,  ameliorate x make worse,  abandon x occupy,  abase x elevate,   abate x increase,  abbreviate x expand,  aberration x normality,  abet x discourage,  abeyance x continuation,   abhor x attractive,  abide x reject,  abject x abundant,  ablaze x subdued,    abnegate x unyielding,  abnormal x normal,  abolish x retain,  abominable x delightful,   abound x meager
Baroque x simple,  beautific x dreadful,  belittle x extol,  bellicose x peaceful,  benign x unalignment,  benison x curse,  berate x praise,  bestial x noble,  bigotry x  tolerance,  bizarre x normal, blanch x darken,  bland x caustic,  blasé x ardent,  bleak x cheerful,  blithe x cheerful,
Capacious x not spacious,  capricious x steadfast,  captions x tolerant,  carnal x spiritual, cynical x trusting   carnivorous x vegetarian,  carping x uncritical,  castigation x commendation,  categorical x qualified, catholic x narrow,   celebrity x delay,  celibrate x married,  censure x praise,  centrifugal x centripetal,  cessation x beginning,  chaffing x serious,  coy x brazen,  cozen x treat honestly,  craven x bold,     crux x trivial point,  crest x trough, convex x concave,  cryptic x candid,  cupidity x generosity,  curtail x lengthen,
Damp x dry,  dapper x untidy,  dauntless x cowardly,  dearth x abundance, debacle x progress,  debilitate x strengthen,  debonair x awkward,  derogatory x praising,  desecrate x consecrate,  despicable x worthy of esteem, destitute x affluent,  devoid x full of,  devout x impious,    diabolical x seraphic,   diatribe x eulogy,  diffidence x boldness,  dilate x contract,  dilatory x prompt,  diminution x appreciation,  din x silence,  disabuse x deceive,  disconsolate x joyous, 
Enervate x strengthen,  enhance x degrade,  ennui x excitement,  enunciate x mumble,                                  ephemeral x eternal,  equable x stormy,  equanimity x agitation,  equilibrium x imbalance, equitable x unfair,  equivocal x clear,  erratic x steady,  erroneous x accurate,  erudite x ignorant,  ethereal x earthy,  eulogistic x critical,  euphonious x strident,   evasive x frank,  exasperate x placate,  excoriate x praise,  exculpate x blame,  execrable x excellent,  execrate x acclaim,  exhume x inter,  exodus x entry,  exonerate x accuse,  exorbitant x moderate,   extemporaneous x rehearshed,  extraneous x essential,  extrinsic x inherent,   extrovert x introvert,
Faint x clear,  fallacy x fairness,  fallow x fertile,  fantastic x simple,  fastidious x careless,  fatigue x freshness,  fervent x weak,  fiction x fact,  fiery x cold,  finite x infinite,  forlorn x happy,  formidable x easy,  forsake x nourish, forthright x tactful,  fragile x robust,  frail x firm,  frank x evasive,  frenzy x calm,  frequent x rare,  friction x smooth,  frugal x wasteful,  frustrate x promote,   furious x pleased,
Grandiose x simple,  gratuitous x warranted,   gregarious x antisocial, grisly x pleasant,  gullible x incredulous,  gusto x distaste,  gusty x calm
Hackneyed  ×   new,     Half heart   ×   Enthusiastic,   Hamper   ×   Help   Handicap     ×   Help,  Hand some ×   Ugly, Haphazard      ×   orderly,  Harangue     ×   Appreciate,  Harass   ×   Pacify   Harden × Soften,    Hardware    ×   Software,  Harm ×   Benefit,  Harmonious    ×   Discordant, Harsh  ×   Gentle, Hasty  ×   Show,  Hate  ×   Love,     Haughty      ×   Modest,  Haul   ×   Push,   Heave  ×   Push, Hazardous   ×   Safe,   Hazy  ×   Clear,  Hot   ×  Cool, cold,  Heavy    ×   Light,   Hectic   ×   Leisurely Hedonistic ×   Puritanical, heed  ×   Disregard,   Hefty ×   Small,  Heretic ×   Believer, Heretical  ×   Orthodox,Heroic  × Cowardly, Hesitant  ×   Fluent,    Hidden  ×  Oblivious, Hinder ×   Help, Historic× Insignificant, Hoard ×   Squander, Hollow  ×   Full,      Homogenous  ×   Heterogeneous, Homosexual ×   heterosexual,  Honest ×   Cunning,   Hope    ×   Despair,     Horizontal    ×   Vertical,  Horrible     ×   Pleasant,  Horrify  ×   Pacify,   Hostile   ×   Friendly,    Large ×   Small,    Human   ×   Inhuman,  Humble  ×   Proud,  Humiliate  ×   Honour,  humorous  ×   Serious, Hygienic  ×  Unhealthy,   Hypocrisy  ×   Sincerity.
Idealistic     ×   Materialistic     Idiosyncratic   ×   Common     Idiotic  ×   Sensible   Ignoble  ×   Noble  
 Ignorance   ×   Knowledge   Ignore    ×   Point out   Illegal   ×   Legal   Illegible  ×   Legible, Illegitimate   Illuminate    ×   Put off   Illusion       ×   Real      Imaginary ×   Real       Immediate   ×   Later Immense     ×   Small     Immigrant       ×   Emigrant    Impartial     ×   Biased  Impede   ×   Help   Impenetrable  ×   Vulnerable    Implicit       ×   Explicit   Impose        ×   Lift     Impudent       ×   Respectful   Impulsive     ×   Deliberate   Impurity      ×   Clean     Incite   ×   Pacify   Include   ×   Exclude   Income ×   Expenditure      Intelligible     ×   Incomprehensible       Insular   ×   Broad-minded  Intermittent ×   Continuous       Internal           ×   External    Intrigue        ×   Bore   Intricate   ×    Simple      Introductory   ×   Final                            Introvert       ×   Extrovert   Invaluable   ×   Worthless         Isolate   ×   Unite


Jaded    ×   Lively       Jagged    ×   Smooth  Jam    ×    Free      Jeer ×   Cheer  jerky    ×   Steady   Jolly       ×   Sad    Juicy  ×    Dry       Junior  ×    Senior    Jut   ×   Recede      Juvenile  ×   Mature


Keen    ×  Dull            Knowledge  × Innocence 


Laborious   ×   Easy                      Languid   ×   Energetic                  Languish   ×   Flourish
Large          ×   Small                     Latitude    ×   Longitude                Latter        ×   Former
Lavish        ×   Economical             Lax           ×   Strict                   Layman    ×   Professional
Laziness     ×   Industrious          Lead         ×   Follow                         Leader      ×   Cadre
Lend           ×   Borrow                Lengthen  ×   Shorten                      Lenient     ×   Strict
Lessen        ×   Increase               Lethargic  ×   Energetic                     Liberal      ×   Conservative
Liberate      ×   Capture               Lifeline     ×   Unrealistic                  Light        ×   Extinguish    
Limp          ×   Rigid                        Liner         ×   Hurry                         Liquefy     ×   Solidity
Lithe           ×   Stiff                       Lively       ×   Apathetic                   Loathe      ×   Love
Localize     ×   Spread                    Loose        ×   Light                          Lose          ×   Gain
Loser          ×   Winner                Loss          ×   Gain                             Loud         ×   Quiet
Loyal          ×   Traitor                 Luxuriant  ×   Sparse                         Lyrical      ×   Prosaic.


Mad             ×   Sane                   Magnificient   ×   Ordinary            Major main     ×   Minor
Majority      ×   Minority               Make                ×   Mar                    Malicious        ×   Kind
Malleable    ×   Brittle                 Manageable   ×   Disobedient       Manly             ×   Effeminate
Many           ×   Few                    Marvelous        ×   Ordinary            Masculine       ×    Feminine
Maximize    ×   Minimize             Meagre           ×   Generous            Measurable   ×   Negligible
Melancholy ×   Cheerful             Mend             ×   Mar                       Merge             ×   Separate
Merry          ×   Serious              Merry             ×   Neat                   Metaphorical  ×   Literal   
Methodical  ×   Disorganized     Meticulous     ×   Careless             Middling        ×   Outstanding
Mild            ×   Wild                   Militaristic     ×   Peaceable           Military          ×   Civil
Mille           ×   Clear                  Mindful          ×   Careless             Misanthropic  ×   Philanthropic 
Miscarry     ×   Succeed              Miserable       ×   Pleasant             Miserly           ×   Generous
Missing       ×   Present              Mistaken         ×   Correct              Misty              ×   Clear
Mobile        ×   Immovable        Mocking          ×   Respectful         Modern           ×   Antique
Modest        ×   Excessive         Moist              ×   Dry                    Momentary     ×   Permanent
Monopolize ×   Share                  Monotonous   ×   Interesting          Mount            ×   Descend
Mourn         ×   Rejoice                Mucky           ×   Clean                  Muddle          ×   Clarify
muddy        ×   Clean                 Mutinous       ×   Obedient             Mystical        ×   Mundane
Mythical     ×   Real 

Naïve   ×  Artful    Naked  ×  Draped      Narrow  × Wide  Nasty  ×  Nice national x international  native x foreign  natural x artificial  neat x untidy  negative x positive  neglect x regard negligible x considerable  nervous x calm  nimble x clumsy  nomadic x stable  nominal x authoritative  novel x conventional   nullify x validate  numb x sensitive 
Oath x deny      obedient x arrogant    object x offer    obligation x offer   oblique x direct     obscene x decent  obscure  x clarify  observant x inattentive  obsolete x current  obstinate x amenable    obstreperson x well behaved    obstruct x help    obtuse x clever    obtrusive x inconspicuous  obvious x hidden    occasional x frequent    odd x even    offence x defence    ominous x auspicious    omission x inclusion  opaque x transparent  opponent x ally  opportune x inconvenient  oppose x support  optimistic x pessimistic  optimum x least  optional x compulsory  overt x secret  ordinary x extraordinary  organized x helter-skelter origin x end  original x hackneyed   orthodox x rational  ostensible x real  ostentation x modesty  ostracize x befriend   outrageous x reasonalble    overcast x cloudless    overdue x early   overthrow x reinstate

Pacify x anger   pagan x orthodox      pale x dark     palatable x unedible  palpable x intantigible  Paltry x important       parallel x perpendicular        pardonable x unforgivable   particular x general  Passionate x apathetic     passive x active     pastoral x urban   patriot x traitor payment x income   Peace x war   peculiar x common   pedantic x lax  penitent x unrepentant  perfunctory x enthusiastic  peripheral x central   perish x compose  perishable x permanent    permissible x unacceptable   perpetual x temporary  persist x cease  persistent x lazy  personal x public  persuade x dissuade    persuasive x unconvincing  pertinent x irrelevant  perturb x reassure    perverse x reasonable  perverted x natural  pessimism x optimism   petty x generous   phenomenal x ordinary     philanthropic x misanthropic   philistine x Civilized  philosophical x emotional  phlegmatic x excitable  phoney x real  physical x spiritual  physiological x psychological  picturesque x prosaic   piquant x blanal  pitiless x merciful  pitted x smooth  placid x stormy   pleasant x annoyint    plenty x scarcity  plumb x thick  poetic x prosaic  poky x spacious  polished x rough  polite x rude  pollute x purify  pompous x modest  ponderous x lively  portable x unwieldly  postpone x prepose  potent x weak   poverty x wealth   powdery x solid   power x weakness  praise x criticize       praiseworthy x bad  prearranged x spontaneous  precarious x safe  precede x follow    precious x worthless   precise x careless  precocious x backward  preferable x objectionable   pull x push,  prejudiced x impartial,   private x public  prelude x conclusion,  puny x large premeditated x spontaneous,    pretentious x actual,  prevalent x unusual,    pygmy x tall  pride x humility,  prim x broad-minded,  primitive x advance,  priority x negligible,  probable x improbable,    problematic x straight forward,  prodigal x thrifty,  proficient x incompetent,  profound x superficial,  profuse x mean,  progress x regress,  prohibit x allow,  prolific x unproductive,  prominent x unknown,  promiscuous x moral,  prone x supine,  propriety x impropriety,  prosper x fail,  protesct x neglect,  protracted x short,  proud x modest,  provoke x pacify,  prudent x unwise        prudish x broad-minded,    pugnacious x peaceable,  peel x paste,    purposeful x hesitant,       puzzling x straight-forward,
Quarrelsome x peaceful  quixotic x realistic
Radical x superficial,   raise x lower, ramshackle x solid,  random x systematic,  rapid x slow, rare x common,  rash x careful,  raw x fresh,  reactionary x progressive,  readable x boring,  ready x unprepared,  real x false,  reality x fantasy,  reasonable x irrational,  reassure x alarm,  rebellious x obedient,  rebuke x praise,  recede x accede,  recive x give,  receptive x resistant,  refined x cruel,  recumbent x upright,  reduction x increase,  redundant x necessary,  refreshing x boring,  refusal x acceptance,  regress x progress,  regretful x unrepentant,    rehearsed x impromptu,    reinstate x dismiss,  reject x adopt,  rejoice x grieve,  relaxed x tense, ruthless x merciful    release x detain,  relieve x intensify,    religious x secular,  remarkable x ordinary,  remember x forget,  remote x close,  repentant x happy,  repose x activity,  reprehensible x innocent,  repressed x uninhibited, repressive x liberal,  reprimand x praise,  repudiate x pay,  repultant x attractive,  requistite x optional, resist x yield,  resourceful x worthless,  respect x despise,  responsible x  menial,  restful x exhausting,  restrict x free,  retain x lose,  retreat x advance,  retribution x forgiveness,  reveal x hide,  reverse x deny,     revive x weary,    reward x penalize,  rhythmic x irregular ,  ridiculous x sensible,  righteous x sinful,  rightful x illegal,  rigid x flexible,  rigorous x lax,  riotous x orderly,    rivalry x co-operation, robust x weak,  romantic x realistic,  roomy x small,  roundabout x straight,  rowdy x quiet,  rudimentary x advanced,  ruffle x smooth,  ruler x ruled,  rural x urban,  rustic x cultured,
Sacred x secular,  sacrilegious x reverent,  sadden x cheer,  saintly x satanic,  salubrious x unhealthy,  salvation x damnation,  sane x mad,  sanguine x pessimistic,  satisfy x frustrate,  savage x civilized,  save x waste,  scarce x plentiful,   scare x reassure,  scarcity x plenty,  scathing x complimentary,  scatter x gather,  skeptical x confident,  skepticism x faith,  scintillating x dull,  scorn x admire,  scornful x respectful,  scraggy x plump,  scrappy x perfect,  scruffy x smart,  secret x public,    secretive x communicative,  secular x religious,  sedentary x active,  seductive x repulsive,  self-denial x self-indulgence,  sensual x ascetic,  sentimental x cynical,  septic x uninfected,  serene x excitable,  serious x cheerful,  serpentine x straight,  serrated x straight,  severe x mild,    shady x sunny,   sly x open,   sharp x blunt  shaggy x smooth,  shaky x steady,  shallow x profound,   shamefaced x shameless,  sin x virtue  sink x float, shameful x honourable, silly x serious, shiftless x resourceful,  shifty x straightforward,    shoddy x superior,  shortage x plenty,   shorten x lengthen,  shout x whisper,  showy x discreet,  shrewd x stupid,  shrill x sonorous,  shrink x advance,  shun x seek,  shy x assertive,  sick x healthy,  significant x worthless,  similar x different,  simple x complex,  sincere x fraud,  sinful x righteous,  sketchy x perfect, slavery x freedom, slavish x independent,  sleepy x awake,  slender x fat, slight x enough,  slovenly x careful,  sluggish x lively,    smart x stupid/scruffy,  smoky x clear,  smug x humble,  snobbish x unprentious,  sociable x withdrawn,  soften x harden,  soggy x dry,  solemn x cheerful,  solid x weak,  solidarity x disunity,   solvent x bankrupt,  somber x cheerful,  sonorous x low,  sophisticated x simple,  soporific x lively,  sordid x honourable,  sorrow x rejoice,  spacious x congested,  sparse x plentiful,  Spartan x luxurious,  spasmodic x regular,   special x ordinary,  specific x general,  speculative x safe,  speechless x talkative,  spendthrift x miser,  spicy x bland,  spineless x brave,  spirited x spiritless,  spiritual x temporal,  spiteful x kind,   splendid x worst,  spoil x improve,  spoken x written,  spongy x solid,  spontaneous x premeditated,  sprightly x lethargic,  springy x rigid,  spruce x scruff,  squalid x clean,  squander x save,  squashy x firm,  squat x tall,  stabilize x upset,  stagnant x moving,  stagnate x progress,  stale x fresh,  stalwart x weak,  stand-offish x friendly,  static x mobile,  stationary x moving,   steadfast x unreliable,  stealthy x blatant,  sterile x fertile,  stern x soft,  sticky x dry,  stiff x relaxed,  still x agitate,      stimulate x discourage,   stimulus x   discouragement,   stingy x generous,  stirring x unexciting,  stormy x calm,  stout x weak,  straight x crooked,  straight forward x devious,  strained x relaxed,  strange x familiar,  strength x weaken,  strenuous x casual,  strict x flexible,  strident x soft,     strife x co-operation,  striking x inconspicuous,  stringy x tender,  stubborn x amenable, stuck-up x modest,  stuffy x airy,  stupendous x conscious,  subjective x  objective,  sublime x base,  submissive x assertive,  subsequent x previous,  subside x rise,  substantial x flimsy,  subtle x obvious, subtract x add,  subversive x orthodox,  success x failure,  succinct x wordy,  succumb x survive,  sudden x predictable,  sullen x cheerful,  sultry x cold,  summarize x elaborate,  summary x wintry,  summit x nadir,  superb x inferior,  superficial x deep,  superfluous x necessary,  superior x inferior,   supine x prone,  supple x rigid,  supplementary x reader,  supportive, subversive,  surely x friendly,  surprising x  predictable,  surreptitious x blatant,  survive x succumb,  suspicious x trusting,  swampy x dry,  swashbuckling x timid,  swell x shrink,  swift x slow,  symmetrical x asymmetrical, synthesis x analysis,  synthetic x natural,
Tabulated x untabulated,  taciturn x talkative,  tacky x dry,  tact x tacktlessness,  takeover x handover,  talented x unskillful,  tame x wild,  tangy x bland,  tattered x smart,  tatty x smart,  taut x slack,  tawdry x tasteful,  tear x stitch,  tedious x interesting,  tempestuous x calm,  temporal x spiritual,  tenable x indefensible,  tenacious x weak,  tense x relaxed,  tentative x decisive,  tenuous x strong,  terminate x begin,  terse  x verbose,  thankful x ungrateful,  thaw x freeze,  theatrical x natural,  theory x practice,  therapeutic x harmful,  thorough x superficial,  thrifty x extravagant,  tidiness x disorder,  tidy x muddle,  timid x bold,  tiny x big,  tiresome x exciting,  tortuous x straight,  totalitarian x democratic,  tough x tender,  toxic x harmless,  traditional x modern,  tragedy x comedy,  traitor x trustworthy,  transmit x receive,  treacherous x loyal,  tremulous x calm,  trendy x old-fashioned,  trickle x gush,  triumphant x unsuccessful,  trivial x important,  trust x doubt,  truth x lie,  tumultuous x calm,  turbulent x calm,  turgid x articulate,  turmoil x calm, typical x unusal,  tyrannical x liberal 
Ugly x beautiful  ulterior x overt  unite x separate  unique x common,  universal x localised,    upgrade x down grade,  uplift x shameful,  uppermost x lowermost,  upward x downward,  urban x rural  urge x discourage
Vacant x filled,  vacate x fill,  vague x definite,  vain x successful,  vallant x cowardly,   valuable x worthless,  vanish x appear,  variable x constant,  vary x stable,  vast x small,  vehement x apathetic,  vengeful x forgiving,  verbose x concise,  veto x approve,  viable x impractical,  vibrant x lifeless,  vicious x gentle,  victor x loser,  victory x defeat,  vigilant x negligent, vigorous x feeble,  vindictive x forgiving,  violent x gentle,  virtue x vice,  virtuous x wicked,  viscous x runny,  vital x inessential,  vivacious x lethargic,  vivid x lifeless,  vocal x taciturn,  volatile x stable,  voluminous x small,  vulgar x polite,  vulnerable x resilient
wax x wane,  wary x reckless,  wavy x flat,  wayward x cooperative,  wearisome x stimulating,  well behaved x naughty,  well bred x rude,  well built x frail,  well known x unknown,  whole x fragmentary,  wholesome x incomplete,  widespread x rare,  wild x mild,  willful x accidental,  wilt x thrive,  wily x straightforward,  windy x calm,  wispy x substantial,  withdrawn x sociable,  whither x thrive,  withhold x give,  withstand x surrender,  wobbling x steady,  woebegone x cheerful,  wonderful x ordinary,  wordy x concise,  worldly x spiritual,  worry x reassure,  worsen x improve, wound x heal,  wrinkled x smooth,  written x spoken
Zenith x nadir,  zigzag x straight,

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PRESENTATION  SKILLS MBA   I - II There are many types of presentations.                    1.       written,        story, manual...