Root Word | Meaning |
ablutophobia: | washing or bathing |
acarophobia: | itching |
acerophobia: | sourness |
achluophobia: | darkness |
acousticophobia: | noise |
acrophobia: | heights |
aeroacrophobia: | open high places |
aeronausiphobia: | vomiting secondary to airsickness |
aerophobia: | drafts, air |
aeruophobia: | flying |
agliophobia: | pain |
agoraphobia: | open spaces |
agraphobia: | sexual abuse |
agrizoophobia: | wild animals |
agyrophobia: | streets or crossing the street |
aichmophobia: | needles or pointed objects |
ailurophobia: | cats |
albuminurophobia: | kidney disease |
alektorophobia: | chickens |
algophobia: | pain |
alliumphobia: | garlic |
allodoxaphobia: | opinions |
altophobia: | heights |
amathophobia: | dust |
amaxophobia: | riding in a car, or vehicles |
ambulophobia: | walking |
amnesiphobia: | amnesia |
amychophobia: | scratches or being scratched |
anablephobia: | looking up |
ancraophobia: | wind |
androphobia: | men |
anemophobia: | air drafts or wind |
anginophobia: | angina, choking or narrowness |
Anglophobia: | England, English culture, etc |
angrophobia: | becoming angry |
ankylophobia: | immobility of a joint |
anthophobia: | flowers |
anthrophobia: | people |
anthropophobia: | people or society |
antlophobia: | floods |
anuptaphobia: | staying single |
apeirophobia: | infinity |
aphenphosmphobia: | being touched |
apiphobia: | bees |
apotemnophobia: | persons with amputations |
arachibutyrophobia: | peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth |
arachnophobia: | spiders |
arithmophobia: | numbers |
arrhenphobia: | men |
arsonphobia: | fire |
asthenophobia: | fainting or weakness |
astraphobia: | thunder and lightning |
astrophobia: | stars and celestial space |
asymmetriphobia: | asymmetrical things |
ataxiophobia: | ataxia (muscular in coordination) |
ataxophobia: | disorder or untidiness |
atelophobia: | imperfection |
atephobia: | ruin or ruins |
athazagoraphobia: | being forgotten or ignored |
atomosophobia: | atomic explosions |
atychiphobia: | failure |
aulophobia: | flutes |
aurophobia: | gold |
auroraphobia: | northern lights |
autodysomophobia: | one that has a vile odor |
automatonophobia: | ventriloquist dummies or wax statues |
automysophobia: | being dirty |
autophobia: | being alone or of oneself |
aviophobia: | flying |
| |
bacillophobia: | microbes |
bacteriophobia: | bacteria |
bactrachophobia: | reptiles |
ballistophobia: | missiles or bullets |
barophobia: | gravity |
basophobia: | inability to stand |
bathophobia: | depth |
batonophobia: | plants |
batophobia: | heights |
batrachophobia: | amphibians |
belonephobia: | pins and needles |
bibliophobia: | books |
blennophobia: | slime |
bogyphobia: | the bogeyman |
Bolshephobia: | Bolsheviks |
botanophobia: | plants |
bromidrosiphobia: | body smells |
brontophobia: | thunder and lightning |
bufonophobia: | toads |
| |
cacophobia: | ugliness |
cainophobia: | newness, novelty |
caligynephobia: | beautiful women |
carcinophobia: | cancer |
cardiophobia: | the heart |
carnophobia: | meat |
catagelophobia: | being ridiculed |
catapedaphobia: | jumping from high and low places |
cathisophobia: | sitting |
catoptrophobia: | mirrors |
cenophobia: | new things or ideas |
ceraunophobia: | thunder |
chaetophobia: | hair |
cheimaphobia or cheimatophobia: | cold |
chemophobia: | chemicals |
cherophobia: | gaiety |
chionophobia: | snow |
chiraptophobia: | being touched |
cholerophobia: | anger |
chorophobia: | dancing |
chrometophobia: | money |
chromophobia: | colors |
chronomentrophobia: | clocks |
chronophobia: | time |
cibophobia: | food |
claustrophobia: | enclosed spaces |
cleisiophobia: | being locked in |
cleptophobia: | stealing |
climacophobia: | stairs |
clinophobia: | going to bed |
clithrophobia: | being enclosed |
cnidophobia: | stings |
coimetrophobia: | cemeteries |
cometophobia: | comets |
contreltophobia: | sexual abuse |
coprastasophobia: | constipation |
coprophobia: | feces |
coulrophobia: | clowns |
cremnophobia: | precipices |
cryophobia: | extreme cold, ice or frost |
crystallophobia: | crystals or glass |
cyberphobia: | computers or working on a computer |
cyclophobia: | bicycles |
cymophobia: | waves or wave like motions |
cynophobia: | dogs |
| |
decidophobia: | making decisions |
defecaloesiophobia: | painful bowel movements |
deipnophobia: | dining |
dementophobia: | insanity |
demonophobia: | demons |
demophobia: | crowds (Agoraphobia) |
dendrophobia: | trees |
dentophobia: | dentists |
dermatophobia: | skin lesions |
dermatosiophobia: | skin disease |
dextrophobia: | objects at the right side of the body |
diabetophobia: | diabetes |
didaskaleinophobia: | going to school |
dikephobia: | justice |
dinophobia: | dizziness |
diplophobia: | double vision |
dipsophobia: | drinking |
dishabiliophobia: | undressing in front of someone |
domatophobia: | houses or being in a house |
doraphobia: | fur or skins of animals |
dromophobia: | crossing streets |
dutchphobia: | the Dutch |
dysmorphophobia: | deformity |
dystychiphobia: | accidents |
| |
ecclesiophobia: | church |
eicophobia: | home surroundings |
eisoptrophobia: | mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror |
electrophobia: | electricity |
eleutherophobia: | freedom |
elurophobia: | cats (Ailurophobia) |
emetophobia: | vomiting |
enetophobia: | pins |
enochlophobia: | crowds |
enosiophobia: | committing an unpardonable sin |
entomophobia: | insects |
eosophobia: | dawn or daylight |
epistaxiophobia: | nosebleeds |
epistemophobia: | knowledge |
equinophobia: | horses |
eremophobia: | being oneself |
ereuthrophobia: | blushing |
ergasiophobia: | surgical instruments |
ergophobia: | work |
erotophobia: | sexual love |
erythrophobia: | the color red |
euphobia: | hearing good news |
eurotophobia: | female genitalia |
| |
febriphobia: | fever |
felinophobia: | cats |
Francophobia: | France, French culture |
frigophobia: | cold |
| |
galeophobia: | cats |
gallophobia or galiophobia: | fear France, French culture |
gamophobia: | marriage |
gatophobia: | cats |
geliophobia: | laughter |
geniophobia: | chins |
genophobia: | sex |
genuphobia: | knees |
gephyrophobia: | crossing bridges |
gerascophobia: | growing old |
germanophobia: | Germany, German culture |
gerontophobia: | old people or of growing old |
geumaphobia: | taste |
glossophobia: | speaking in public |
gnosiophobia: | knowledge |
graphophobia: | writing |
gymnophobia: | nudity |
gynophobia: | women |
| |
hadephobia: | hell |
hagiophobia: | saints or holy things |
hamartophobia: | sinning |
haphephobia: | being touched |
harpaxophobia: | being robbed |
hedonophobia: | feeling pleasure |
heliophobia: | the sun |
hellenologophobia: | Greek terms |
helminthophobia: | worms |
hemophobia: | blood |
herpetophobia: | reptiles |
heterophobia: | the opposite sex (sexophobia) |
hierophobia: | priests |
hippophobia: | horses |
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: | long words |
hobophobia: | bums or beggars |
hodophobia: | road travel |
homichlophobia: | fog |
homilophobia: | sermons |
hominophobia: | men |
homophobia: | homosexuality |
hoplophobia: | firearms |
hormephobia: | shock |
hydrargyophobia: | mercurial medicines |
hydrophobia: | water |
hydrophobophobia: | rabies |
hyelophobia or hyalophobia: | glass |
hygrophobia: | liquids, dampness, or moisture |
hylephobia: | materialism |
hylophobia: | forests |
hypegiaphobia: | responsibility |
hypnophobia: | sleep |
hypsiphobia: | height |
| |
iatrophobia: | doctors |
ichthyophobia: | fish |
ideophobia: | ideas |
illyngophobia: | vertigo |
insectophobia: | insects |
iophobia: | poison |
isolophobia: | solitude, being alone |
isopterophobia: | termites |
ithyphallophobia: | erection |
| |
Japanophobia: | Japanese |
Judeophobia: | Jews |
| |
kainolophobia: | novelty |
kakorraphiaphobia: | failure |
katagelophobia: | ridicule |
kathisophobia: | sitting down |
kenophobia: | voids |
keraunophobia: | thunder |
kinetophobia: | movement or motion |
kleptophobia: | stealing |
koinoniphobia: | rooms |
koniophobia: | dust (Amathophobia) |
kopophobia: | fatigue |
kosmikophobia: | cosmic phenomenon |
kymophobia: | waves |
kynophobia: | rabies |
kyphophobia: | stooping |
| |
lachanophobia: | vegetables |
laliophobia: | speaking |
leprophobia: | leprosy |
leukophobia: | the color white |
levophobia: | things to the left side of the body |
ligyrophobia: | loud noises |
lilapsophobia: | tornadoes and hurricanes |
limnophobia: | lakes |
linonophobia: | string |
liticaphobia: | lawsuits |
lockiophobia: | childbirth |
logizomechanophobia: | computers |
logophobia: | words |
luiphobia: | syphilis |
lutraphobia: | otters |
lygophobia: | darkness |
lyssophobia: | rabies or of becoming mad |
| |
macrophobia: | long waits |
mageirocophobia: | cooking |
maieusiophobia: | childbirth |
malaxophobia: | love play |
maniaphobia: | insanity |
mastigophobia: | punishment |
mechanophobia: | machines |
megalophobia: | large things |
melanophobia: | the color black |
melissophobia: | bees |
melophobia: | fear or hatred of music |
meningitophobia: | brain disease |
menophobia: | menstruation |
merinthophobia: | being bound or tied up |
metallophobia: | metal |
metathesiophobia: | changes |
meteorophobia: | meteors |
methyphobia: | alcohol |
metrophobia: | fear or hatred of poetry |
microbiophobia: | microbes (bacillophobia) |
microphobia: | small things |
misophobia: | being contaminated with dirt of germs |
mnemophobia: | memories |
molysmophobia: | dirt or contamination |
monopathophobia: | definite disease |
monophobia: | solitude or being alone |
motorphobia: | automobiles |
mottephobia: | moths |
musophobia: | mice |
mycophobia: | fear or aversion to mushrooms |
mycrophobia: | small things |
myctophobia: | darkness |
myrmecophobia: | ants |
mysophobia: | germs or contamination or dirt |
mythophobia: | myths or stories or false statements |
myxophobia: | slime (blennophobia) |
| |
nebulaphobia: | fog (homichlophobia) |
necrophobia: | death |
nelophobia: | glass |
neopharmaphobia: | new drugs |
neophobia: | anything new |
nephophobia: | clouds |
noctiphobia: | the night |
nomatophobia: | names |
nosemaphobia: | illness |
nosocomephobia: | hospitals |
nosophobia: | disease |
nostophobia: | returning home |
novercaphobia: | step-mothers |
nucleomituphobia: | nuclear weapons |
nudophobia: | nudity |
numerophobia: | numbers |
nyctophobia: | the dark or of night |
| |
obesophobia: | gaining weight |
ochlophobia: | crowds or mobs |
ochophobia: | vehicles |
octophobia: | the figure 8 |
odontophobia: | dental surgery |
odynophobia: | pain |
oenophobia: | wines |
oikophobia: | home surroundings, house |
olfactophobia: | smells |
ombrophobia: | rain |
ommetaphobia: | eyes |
oneirogmophobia: | wet dreams |
oneirophobia: | dreams |
onomatophobia: | hearing a certain word |
ophidiophobia: | snakes |
ophthalmophobia: | being stared at |
optophobia: | opening one's eyes |
ornithophobia: | birds |
orthophobia: | property |
osmophobia: | smells or odors |
osphresiophobia: | smells |
ostraconophobia: | shellfish |
ouranophobia: | heaven |
| |
pagophobia: | ice or frost |
panophobia: | everything |
panthophobia: | disease |
pantophobia: | fears |
Papaphobia: | the pope |
papyrophobia: | paper |
paralipophobia: | neglecting duty |
paraphobia: | sexual perversion |
parasitophobia: | parasites |
paraskavedekatriaphobia: | Friday the 13th |
parthenophobia: | virgins or young girls |
parturiphobia: | childbirth |
pathophobia: | disease |
patroiophobia: | heredity |
peccatophobia: | sinning (imaginary crime) |
pediculophobia: | lice |
pediophobia: | dolls |
pedophobia: | children |
peladophobia: | bald people |
pellagrophobia: | pellagra |
peniaphobia: | poverty |
pentheraphobia: | mother-in-law |
phagophobia: | swallowing |
phalacrophobia: | becoming bald |
phallophobia: | a penis, esp erect |
pharmacophobia: | taking medicine |
pharmacophobia: | drugs |
phasmophobia: | ghosts |
phengophobia: | daylight or sunshine |
philemaphobia: | kissing |
philophobia: | falling in love |
philosophobia: | philosophy |
phobophobia: | one's own fears |
phonophobia: | noises or voices |
photoaugliaphobia: | glaring lights |
photophobia: | light |
phronemophobia: | thinking |
phthiriophobia: | lice (pediculophobia) |
phthisiophobia: | tuberculosis |
pinigerophobia: | smothering |
placophobia: | tombstones |
plutophobia: | wealth |
pluviophobia: | rain or of being rained on |
pneumatiphobia: | spirits |
pnigophobia: | choking or being smothered |
pocrescophobia: | gaining weight (obesophobia) |
pogonophobia: | beards |
poinephobia: | punishment |
poliosophobia: | contracting poliomyelitis |
politicophobia: | politicians |
polyphobia: | many things |
ponophobia: | overworking or of pain |
porphyrophobia: | the color purple |
potamophobia: | rivers or running water |
potophobia: | alcohol |
proctophobia: | rectum |
prosophobia: | progress |
psellismophobia: | stuttering |
psychophobia: | mind |
psychrophobia: | cold |
pteromerhanophobia: | flying |
pteronophobia: | being tickled by feathers |
pupaphobia: | puppets pyrexiophobia |
pyrophobia: | fire |
| |
: | |
| |
radiophobia: | radiation, x-rays |
ranidaphobia: | frogs |
rhabdophobia: | being severely punished or beaten by a rod |
rhypophobia: | defecation |
rhytiphobia: | getting wrinkles |
rupophobia: | dirt |
Russophobia: | Russians |
| |
samhainophobia: | Halloween |
sarmassophobia: | love play |
satanophobia: | satan |
scabiophobia: | scabies |
scelerophibia: | bad men, burglars |
schlionophobia: | school |
sciophobia: | shadows |
scoleciphobia: | worms |
scolionophobia: | school |
scopophobia: | being stared at |
scotomaphobia: | blindness in visual field |
scotophobia: | darkness |
scriptophobia: | writing in public |
selaphobia: | light flashes |
selenophobia: | the moon |
seplophobia: | decaying matter |
sesquipedalophobia: | long words |
sexophobia: | the opposite sex |
siderodromophobia: | trains |
siderophobia: | stars |
sinistrophobia: | left-handedness |
sinophobia: | chinese, chinese culture |
sitophobia: | food or eating |
snakephobia: | snakes (ophidiophobia) |
soceraphobia: | parents-in-law |
social phobia: | being evaluated negatively |
sociophobia: | society |
somniphobia: | sleep |
sophophobia: | learning |
soteriophobia: | dependence on others |
spacephobia: | outer space |
spectrophobia: | specters or ghosts |
spermophobia: | germs |
sphexsophobia: | wasps |
stasibasiphobia: | standing or walking |
staurophobia: | crosses or the crucifix |
stenophobia: | narrow things or places |
stygiophobia: | hell |
suriphobia: | mice |
symbolophobia: | symbolism |
symmetrophobia: | symmetry |
syngenesophobia: | relatives |
syphilophobia: | syphilis |
| |
tachophobia: | speed |
taeniophobia or teniophobia: | tapeworms |
taphephobia: | being buried alive |
tapinophobia: | being contagious |
taurophobia: | bulls |
technophobia: | technology |
teleophobia: | definate plans |
telephonophobia: | telephones |
telosphobia: | being last |
teratophobia: | bearing a deformed child |
testophobia: | taking tests |
tetanophobia: | lockjaw, tetanus |
teutophobia: | German or German things |
textophobia: | certain fabrics |
thaasophobia: | sitting |
thalassophobia: | the ocean |
thanatophobia: | death or dying |
theatrophobia: | theatres |
theologicophobia: | theology |
theophobia: | god(s) or religion |
thermophobia: | heat |
tocophobia: | childbirth |
tomophobia: | surgical operations |
tonitrophobia: | thunder |
topophobia: | performing (stage fright) |
toxiphobia: | poison |
traumatophobia: | injury |
tremophobia: | trembling |
trichinophobia: | trichinosis |
trichopathophobia: | hair |
triskaidekaphobia: | the number 13 |
tropophobia: | moving or making changes |
trypanophobia: | injections |
tuberculophobia: | tuberculosis |
tyrannophobia: | tyrants |
| |
uranophobia: | heaven |
urophobia: | urine or urinating |
| |
vaccinophobia: | vaccination |
venustraphobia: | beautiful women |
verbophobia: | words |
verminophobia: | germs |
vestiphobia: | clothing |
virginitiphobia: | rape |
vitricophobia: | step-fathers |
| |
Walloonphobia: | the Walloons |
wiccaphobia: | witches and witchcraft |
| |
xanthophobia: | the color yellow |
xenophobia: | strangers |
xerophobia: | dryness |
xylophobia: | forests |
| |
: | |
| |
zelophobia: | jealousy |
zemmiphobia: | the great mole rat |
zeusophobia: | God or gods |
zoophobia: | animals |
Thursday, 18 August 2011
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