Thursday 18 October 2012



A,  An, The
These three are called articles.

I.     Articles are used before only countable nouns. For uncountable nouns we should not use aticles.
Nouns are of five types.
1.      Proper noun                 [ uncountable ]
2.      Common noun                        [ countable ]
3.      Collective noun           [countable ]
4.      Material noun              [ uncountable ]
5.      Abstract noun             [ uncountable ]

II.    Use of  “A”

1.      “A” is used before singular nouns having consonant sounds.
                  Eg.       a ball, a cat, a rat, a cycle, …

2.      “A” is used before words starting with a vowel but having consonant sound.
            Eg.,      a University,    a one eyed man,   a European,  

III. Uses of  “An”

1.      “An” is used before words having vowel sound.
            Eg.,      an Indian,   an  eagle,   an ink pot,   an old man, 

2.      “An” is also used before words starting with a consonant but having a vowel sound.
            Eg.,      an MLA,   an MP,   an MA student,   an young man,   an honest man

IV. Use of “The”

1.      To specify something.                         Eg., I want the red shirt.
2.      Before superlatives                             Eg., Einstein is the greatest scientist.
3.      Before names of rivers                        Eg. The Ganges is the longest river in India.
4.      Before mountain ranges                      Eg., The Himalayas lie on the north of India.
5.      Before deserts                                     Eg., the Sahara is the largest desert.
6.      Before group of islands                      Eg., the A&N islands are in the Bay of Bengal.
7.      Before holy books                               Eg.,  the Gita, the Qoran,
8.      Before common names of god            Eg., the Almighty,  the Omnipotenet
9.      Before only one                                  Eg., he is the tailor in this village.
10.  To represent whole class                     Eg., the poor,  the rich,  the haves,…
11.  Before lakes                                        Eg., the Kolleru
12.  Before straits                                       Eg., the Pak strait
13.  Before gulfs                                        Eg., the gulf of Cambay,  the gulf of Kutch
14.  Before organisations                           Eg., the NGOs
15.  Before govt.s                                      Eg., the Russian govt.
16.  Before famous monuments                 Eg., the Taj,
17.  Before ships                                        Eg., the Enterprise
18.  Before aircrafts                                   Eg., the stealth
19.  Before abbreviations                           Eg., the AP,  the USSR
20.  Before comparative degree                 Eg., the more you have, the more you want.
21.  Before news paper, magazines            Eg., the mirror,  the Times of India
22.  Before emphasising                             Eg., I verb is  the word
23.  Before natural satellites                      Eg., The moon
24.  Before proper noun                             Eg., the great Tagore,  the immortal Kalidasa
25.  Before general effect                          Eg., the lunatic, the lover,
                                                            The child is the father of the man.
26.  Repetition. To indicate Different characters of  the same person.      
                                                Eg., Nepolean was at once a general, a statesman, an orator..
                                                Eg., the learned, the eloquent, and the patriotic Tilak….
V.    Where articles are  omitted.
1.      Before common nouns used in the wider sense
                                                Eg., man is mortal.   What kind of a fruit is that.
2.      Before proper nouns.
3.      Before material nouns.            Eg., Iron is a useful metal.      Gold is costly 
4.      Abstract nouns                        Eg., Bravery is a virtue./honesty is the best policy
5.      Before relations                       Eg., father went to office.
6.      Names of seasons                    Eg., summer is hot.  Winter is pleasant
7.      Names of diseases                   Eg., He died of cholera./  She is suffering from malaria.
8.      Names of subjects of study    Eg., English is an international language.
9.      Before days of a week            Eg., Monday/Tuesday
10.  Before artificial satellites        Eg., Bhaskara
11.  Before single mountain           Eg., Everest, Abu,
12.  Before single island                Eg., portblair,  Kakanna
13.  Before normal books               Eg., Nana, Dram Shop
14.  Before canals                          Eg., Sagar left canal

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