Sunday 21 October 2012



1.                  Liver weighs three to four pounds.
2.                  Liver weighs one fiftieth of the total body weight.
3.                  Caudate and quadrate are two small lobes.
4.                  Liver is very much useful for metabolic function.
5.                  Legion produces a pint of bile a day.
6.                  Liver’s deadliest enemy is the alcohol.
7.                  Man’s romance with alcohol had its origins in the Neolithic age.
8.                  The fermented honey is called mead.
9.                  The human body is perfectly suited for the ingestion of alcohol.
10.              Endless is our eagerness to devour alcohol.
11.              Liver can handle only a drop or two at a time.
12.              The excessive alcohol swirls ceaseless in our blood stream.
13.              The exhaled air contains alcohol which can be easily detected by the police.
14.              Cirrhosis was first described by Rene Theophile Lanennec.
15.              Rene Theophile Lanennec was a French Physician.
16.              Liver having cirrhosis disease is yellow in colour and knobby.
17.              Alcohol is synthesized by dehydrogenase.
18.              Alcohol is poisonous to liver.
19.              Drinking alcohol is called booze.
20.              The exact cause for cirrhosis is not understood.
21.              Jews are not susceptible to cirrhosis.
22.              It was formerly believed that men with cirrhosis lose chest hair.
23.              One martini increases the fat content of the liver.
24.              Fatty liver is the precursor of cirrhosis.
25.              Cirrhosis is primarily a disease of the forties or fifties.
26.              The state of nutrition is also a factor in the development of cirrhosis.
27.              The nitrogenous material of protein passes directly through the diseased liver and exerts a toxic effect on the brain.
28.              Only ten percent were actually found to have the disease at autopsy.
29.              Winston Churchill was the PM of  England during second world war.
30.              Muralium of tissues are two arborisations of blood vessels.
31.              Aqueductal glories belong to Greece and Rome.
32.              Starch is converted to glycogen.
33.              Glycogen is released in the form of energy as the need arises.
34.              Proteins are broken down into its building blocks, and the amino acids.
35.              Fats are  sent foth to provide warmth and comfott.
36.              Vitamins and antibodies  are released into bloodstream.
37.              Busy is the word for the liver.
38.              Deleterious substances ingested are converted into harmless components and excreted.
39.              Old blood cells are pulverized and recycled.
40.              The obstructed bile which does not flow down to the gut causes jaundice.

What are the symptoms of jaundice?
1.      The obstructed bile, no longer able to flow down to the gut, backs up into the bloodstream to light up the skin and eyes with the sickly lamp of jaundice.
2.      The stool turns toothpaste white in commiseration. The urine will be dark as wine.
3.      The belly swells with gallons of fluid ;that weep from the surface of the liver.
4.      The carnage spreads.
5.      The entire body  is discommoded.
6.      The blood fail to clot, the palms of the hands turn mysteriously red and spidery blood vessels leap and crawl on the skin of the face and neck.
7.      Male breasts enlarge and the testicles tun soft and atrophy.

Who are the Jews?
The Jews are the residents of Israel. They were the most tortured people in the world. Hitler had 6 million Jews killed. They were put concentrated camps. Their properties were confiscated. They are the highly intelligent human beings.

What were the causes of cirrhosis presumed?
1.                  heavy drinkers of alcohol
2.                  unpelted men of the sort idealized by bathing-suit and underwear manufacturers
3.                  the closer to the equator, the more vulnerable the liver will be.

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