Sunday 28 October 2012

Q. & A.s SCIENCE & TECH. – 5

Q. &  A.s  ‑‑‑  SCIENCE  & TECH. – 5

So far I posted 146 Questions in my last  SCIENCE  & TECH. Q. & A.s  blog
posting. Now I start after that count.

147Q.         Why molten wax which is transparent becomes opaque at normal temperature?
Wax is a substance containing mainly esters of higher fatty acids and long chain monohydric alcohols.  They are solid and crystalline at room temperature.
They melt at above 40oC without decomposition and remain transparent in the liquid state.
As they cool down to room temperature, solidification begins and small irregular crystals begin to form.
The surfaces of these micro crystals scatter the light passing through them and make the layer of wax lose its transparency.

148Q. Why is it difficult to cure common cold?
More than a hundred viruses are said to be associated with common cold. The liust includes
Rhinovirus [more than 100 types]
Corona virus [ 4 types]
Influenza virus [ 3 types] and
Adeno virus [47 types]
These symptoms develop in 2 to 4 days.
Our body develops immunity as nasal IgA and serum IgG antibodies to modify the illness to give us relief.

149Q. What is a leap year?
The moon goes around the Earth once in 28 ¼ days. Every four years this quarter day becomes a day. So every fourth year, month February contains 29 days. That is called leap year.

150Q. Why doesn’t the stomach digest itself?
1.      The surface of the stomach is always covered by a thick layer of mucus secreted by the columnar cells lining its surface.
2.      The cells lining the stomach walls secrete about 1.5 litres of gastric juice a day.
3.      The mucus lubricates food facilitating movement within the stomach.
4.      The mucus forms as a protective layer to stomach.
5.      The mucus is alkaline so neutralises the acidity of the gastric juice

151Q. what is Heliocentric Theory?
Helio = sun
Helio centric theory means the sun  is the centre of solar system.
In this universe, the Earth is nothing.
Gionardo Bruno proposed this and the church burnt him alive.
Galileo proved this using his telescope.
Copernicus further strengthened this theory.

152Q. When a bulb breaks a loud sound comes. Why ?
Inside the bulb there is vacuum. When it breaks, the air surrounding it rushes to occupy that place from all the directions. That is why a loud sound is heard.
153Q. What is pulse polio vaccine?
It is  a nation wide programme launched to completely eradicate polio.
This is aimed at replacing the virus causing the disease polio-myelitis with a vaccine virus.
This virus is a a low ebb during December and January.

154Q. Why does hair turn grey?
Grey is merely the base colour of hari.
Pigment cells are located at the base of each hair follicle.
As a person grows older and older pigment cells die and colour is lost from individual hairs.

155Q.  How does an electric line testor glow?
Bulb glows when AC from phase passes to neutral.
In the case of tester our body works as neutral or less potential.
That is why it glows.

156Q. why are umbrellas black?
 Black body is the best absorber of heat. As it absorbs heat coming from sun, we feel cool     under it.

157Q. Does the Sun rotate?
Yes. Unlike earth, Sun has differential rotation. That is all parts of the sun do not have the same period of rotation.  The rotation at its equator  is 26.9 days and at poles is 31.1 days.
The reason is a puzzle.

158Q. why do we always see the same face of the Moon?
The Moon always presents the same face to us because it period of rotation is the same as its period of revolution around the earth.

159Q. What is the difference between H-bomb and A- bomb?
A-bomb is nuclear fission and H-bomb is nuclear fusion.

160Q. April 1 is called fools day. Why?
In the beginning  April 1st was considered as the new year’s day. After  1564  it was changed to January 1st.  Then onwards April 1st has become fool day. It is because it has lost its prominence. But even 31st March only all the accounts are closed. April 1st on wards new books are opened.

161Q.  Oil doesnot mix with water. Why?
Oil molecules are very long chains. Whereas water molecules are very small.
Secondly oils have covalent bonds whereas water has ionic compounds.

162Q. We get sleep after heavy diet. Why?
The stomach walls have muscles. These muscles have circular motion, oblique motion and oscillatory motion. For these movements more blood is required. As a little quantity of blood goes to brain and more to stomach we get sleep.

163Q. Why all the eyes are not of same colour?
The colour of the eyes is decided by 46 genes. It differs from being to being.
164Q. As age increases the skin gets folds. Why?
It is because the skin loses its elasticity.

165Q. Climbing up a hill is harder than climbing down. Why?
While climbing up we should work against gravity to carry our body. There will be more stress on muscles, heart etc.
While climbing down we feel loss of weight.
In this gravity also helps.

166Q. Why acids give burning sensation?
Acids of carbon compounds are non-dangerous.
There are some acids which are not harmful. There are eight types of amino acids to save our life.
Acids of non-carbon compounds suck more water and release heat.
When they fall on our body they suck water from our body. This causes burning sensation.

167Q. What is fool’s gold?
Iron pyrites.
It glows like gold. It contains 46% of ferrous and 54% of Sulpher.
That is why it is called fool’s gold.

 168Q. What is international date line?
180o longitude is called  international date line.
Those who cross this line from west to east add a day or vice versa.

169Q. What is cinema scope?
The cinema films are of different sizes.
1.      8 mm
2.      9,5 mm
3.      16 mm
4.      35 mm
5.      70 mm
6.      Cinemascope
7.      Panavision
8.      Warner scope
9.      Super scope

170Q. What are anti-freeze materials?
Salt, alcohol, ethylene glycol are the substances which reduce the freezing point of water. That is why they are called anti-freeze materials.

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