Sunday 21 October 2012



1Q.        How important are order and safety ?  Explain with examples.

                A common man always wants safety because he is not dare enough to challenge things. With out these two  things higher activities of mankind which make up civilization could not go on. The inventor could not invent, the scientist find out or the artist make beautiful things. Hence order and safety, although they are not themselves civilization are things without which civilization which would be impossible. They are as necessary to our civilization Order means the systematic way how things happens. It also shows the best management as the air we breathe is to us; and we have grown so used to them that we do not notice them any more than we notice the air.

                If we  study history, order and safety were found only for a short duration. Might was right. There were wars, revolutions, battles, invasions and so on. The common men suffered a lot.  The savages made hell of earth. Many civilizations  viz., Babylonian, Assyrian came to an end because of their madness to topple others in power. The same similar fate was experience by the Greeks and the Romans.

                Today order and safety became the sole burden of the governments.  A law and order department is functioning to look after them. People became free from the fear of violence. Knowledge has become more powerful than muscle power.

2Q.        Why does the author think that the world is becoming a single place, instead of a lot of separate places shut off from one another ?

A             The science has brought many inventions. The inventions which have made man’s life comfortable, fast, sophisticated, and easy. The transportation systems are well developed. What was highly impossible once, became possible with modern transportation. Food of any corner of the world can be supplied to any corner of the world with in hours. Technology is exchanged. Any information of any country can be brought to the world through media within seconds. Volumes of knowledge can be sent to anyone with a click of mouse. The present job structure has become in such a way that one has to go to far off places, leaving one’s own country . Today international commuters are there.

                So today’s man cannot  confine himself to a town, or country. He has become a part and parcel of the international  activities.  The world is turning to be a global village. a single place.

3Q.        What are the defects of our civilization ?

A.            In democratic countries the Rule of law is same irrespective caste, creed, class, etc. But when it comes to sharing-out of food and clothing and houses, it is still very unfair.

                While some few people live in luxury, many have not even enough to eat and drink and wear. In the finest of the cities, this inequality is found high. Slum areas are everywhere.  Many people have to share a common room. A single room is used for all the purposes.

                Everyone is not getting a proper share of his necessary and delightful things.

                Man power is high, but there is no work to do. This diminishes the purchasing power of the common man. Once luxurious things became common commodities.

                If war breaks out anywhere, it soon spreads to the whole world and influences the market. Prices go up, scarcity is created, inflation goes up, and poor countries become helpless. The common man is severely effected.

                Today each is afraid of the other. This fear has made  many governments to spend great quantities of money in making terrible weapons, planes, and recruiting men and training them as soldiers.

                Man has learned to tap the hidden forces of our planet and  use them for his purposes. Unfortunately this knowledge is being utilized for own destruction purpose.
                The greatest success of man is to tap colossal forces locked up in the atom. Already that power was tested on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and millions of people were killed. Even after that still that mad race for nuclear weapons is still continuing.
                No World organization such as League of Nations or UNO could and can stop this race or this human annihilation.

4Q          What does being civilized mean ? 
A             Civilization does not mean how best we utilise machines, how luxuriously we live, and how best we utilise science. All these things aid us to enrich ourselves. The author feels that being civilized means,making and liking  beautiful things, thinking freely, and living rightly and maintaining justice equally among men. Today’s man has many chances of doing things in a better way than ever before.  The machines which he has made have created a lot of leisure. This time he can well utilise for the upliftment of the downtrodden, guiding the innocents, bringing up the orphans and anyother thing that relates to his fellow men. The more the present man is reasonable, transparent, committed, sypathetic, the more he is civilised.

5Q.         Why is it important to set up some form of world government ?
A.            Every second the population of the world is exploding. The  needs are ever increasing. Regionalisation is ever in demand. The gulf among nations is widening. The greater part of the world is like a big armed camp. A single match will set a hayrick ablaze, and with all this war material lying about, the world again like a hayrick waiting for that match.
                So it is high time to powerful nations to come forword, and guide and help the developing countries and unitedly strive for the prosperity of the world. So a type of world government is the need of the hour.






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