Monday 8 October 2012



1Q :- Mention a few guidelines for organizing a teleconference and participating in it.
          Conference shows that there are lots of people involved in it. The minimum may be three. If people are involved in discussing something on a telephone then it is called teleconference.  This provision is provided by the company using proper infrastructure. This teleconference may be 1:5, 1:10, or x : x or many more.

The following things are to be done before arranging a teleconference;
1] assign a conference organizer,      2] book room                   3] book the bridge 4] confirmation [organizer, convener, booking person, e-mails, etc]         5] conference set up
          Teleconference is a type of knowledge sharing. In this,
1] experts are used to stimulate thinking              2] people learn talking skills   3] multiple perspectives
4] People ask questions           5] relationships are built.

Conference planners:-
1] Keynote speakers and presenters need the freedom    
2] identifying the need the importance   
3] active participation    
4] topic             
5] type of arrangement – dais, chairs, or mini-round tables

Teleconference is generally to      
1] elderly people           
2] people with disabilities       
3] parents – disabled children          
4] people who are house bound         5] people with cancer etc.        
6] people who are busy, who cannot meet off and on.

2Q     [a]  :- Write a short notes on Mock Interview.
It is used in training. It is similar to real interview. They are common for job interviews. It is the best before going for the real interview. Coaching institutions generally take care of their students. In mock interview, if students commit mistakes, they can be rectified. It gives the real interview feeling.
How to conduct ?
1] have people of the same subject, mostly friends.
2] few should form a panel and others interviewees.
3] they should be of same task.
4] select an interview room. It should be resemble the real interview room.
5]select one experience person to act as interviewer.
Mistakes commonly committed.
Lack of good first impression.  People make this. It is because of lack of confidence, lack of preparation, and facing the interview for the first time. First impression is the best impression.

3Q     [b]  :- Write a short notes on recruiting process.

4Q     [a] :- Formats used in written business communication.
1] advertisements
2] e-mails   
3] letters sent by post    
4] manual writing 
5] recommendations
6] research proposals    
7] papers    
8] summaries                
9] about technology

5Q     [b] :- External  information
1] advertising                
2] associations              
3] branding          
4] consumer market
5] direct marketing        
6] event management    
7] industry verticals      
8] internet   
9] market
10] media   
11] postal   
12] PRO               
13] radio/TV        
14] trade shows             
15] CDs
16] analysts

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PRESENTATION  SKILLS MBA   I - II There are many types of presentations.                    1.       written,        story, manual...