Tuesday 9 October 2012

134. Q. & A.s SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY -- 2

Q. &  A.s  ‑‑‑  SCIENCE  & TECHNOLOGY -- 2

1.   What is blue moon?
               If there come two “full moon ” s  in a month the first one is called fullmoon day and the other is called “blue Moon”.

2.   Which isotope isotope can trace out the source of water?
Krypton 81.

3.   What are mach numbers.
a.       Speed at sound speed is called mach 1.
b.      Speeds below sound are called sub-sonic = < mach 1
c.       Speeds above mach 1 are called super-sonic.
d.      Speeds above mach 5 are called hyper sonic.
e.      Concorde travels at mach 2

4.   How does the Sun give this much of energy?
a.       In every second crores of nuclear fusion reactions are going on.
b.      Mass consumed               = 4.26 x 109 kgs per sec.
c.       Energy released               = 384.6 x 1026 watts per sec.
d.      Earth receives                   = 94 x 1012 mega watts
e.      Per sec 100 x 10 9  kgs hydrogen is converted into 695 x 10 9 kgs of He.
f.        Temperature at the core              = 1.5 crore o K

5.   When will sun die?
When the entire Hydrogen gas is converted into Helium then there won’t be further fuel to burn. That is the death of SUN.

6.   Write the data of the Sun.                   
a.       Distance from earth                                                15 crore kilometers
b.      Light takes                                                                  8 minutes, 19 seconds
c.       From the centre of the galaxy                            26,000  light years
d.      Sun goes round the galaxy at                              220 kilometers per second
e.      Diameter                                                                     1.4 X 106  kms
f.        Circumference 109 X Earth                                   4.4 X 106 kms
g.       Volume  13 lakhs x Earth                                       1.4 x 1018 cu. kms
h.      Mass  3,33,000 x Earth                                            1.4 x 1030 kgs
i.                   G  28g                                                                            27.94 g = 27.94 x 9.8 m/sec2
j.        Velocity – rotation                                                   7200 kmph
k.       Type of star                                                                G type
l.         State of matter                                                         plasma
m.    Escape velocity                                                         617.7 kmps
n.      Temperature – core                                               1.5 x 107 o K
o.      Temperature – outer                                             5778 o K
p.      Luminosity                                                                  3.8 x 10 26 Watts
q.      Age                                                                                4.57 x 10 9 years

7.   What are the things emitted by Sun.
The sun emits gamma rays, neutrinos, protons, light, heat, gravitational waves, radioactive rays, solar wind, sun spot activity etc.
8.   Why it is cold at high altitudes?
As we go up in troposphere, for every 1 km height 6.4oC temperature is reduced. That is why when we go up and up the temperature is decreased. That is why there is ice on Himalayas.
9.   Why do water drops dance when poured on a hot plate?
When we pour water on hot plate the lower layer of water drop gets evaporated. The next layer touches the hot plate. This sequence is done very fast. That why we feel that the water drop dances.

10.   Can woolen dress give us heat?
No. woolen is a bad conductor of heat. It does not allow heat from our body to go out and does not allow cool air from touching our body. That is why we feel hot.

11.  What are different years?
            Lunar year                   954 days
            Leap year                     366 days
Julius year                   3561/2   days
            Solar year                    365 days          5 hrs    48 m    9 sec
            Sybil year                    368 d   6 h       9 m      9 s
            Anomalistic year          365 d   6 h       13 m    19.3 s
            Gregorian year 967 d   5 h       49 m    12 s

12.  What is the Indian system of measuring place values.
1.       Units, 
2.       Tens, 
3.       Hundreds, 
4.       Thousands, 
5.       Ten-thousands, 
6.       Lakhs, 
7.       Ten-lakhs, 
8.       Crores, 
9.       Ten-crores, 
10.   Arabs,
11.   Ten-arabs,
12.   Kharabs, 
13.   Ten-kharabs, 
14.   Nils
15.   Ten-nils
16.   Padams
17.   Ten-padams
18.   Sankhs
19.   Ten-sankhs.

13.   How  is angle measured ?
60’’                  =          1 minute
60’                   =          1 degree
90 degrees       =          1 right angle
180 degrees     =          1 straight line
360 degrees     =          1 circle
14.   How is frequency measured?
1 cycle/sec                =  1 Hz.                 =       1                     
1000 Hz                   = 1 kilo Hz            =       103         Hz
1000 K Hz               = 1 Mega Hz         =       106       Hz
1000 M Hz               = 1 Giga Hz          =       109       Hz
1000 G Hz               = 1 Tera Hz           =       1012      Hz
1000 T Hz                = 1 Peta Hz           =       1015      Hz

15.   How is place value measured in western system?
Thousands                   = 103
Ten thousands             = 104
Hundred thousands    = 105
Million             = 106
Billion                         = 109
Trillion             = 1012
Quadrillion                  = 1015
Heptillion        ………

16.   The powder of any glass is white. Why?
        Each tiny piece of the glass powder has many faces. The light falling on those tiny faces is reflected. There is no refraction. That is why the powder of any coloured glass is white.

17.   What is a light year?
        The distance travelled by light in one year is called one light year.

18.   What is periscope?
        It is a Z shaped device. It is used by soldiers sitting in trenches, captains to see from underwater submarine… without being detected.
        It is because of diffraction of light which can be explained by wave theory of light
19.   If sun light is outside how is that inside the house there is light?
      Light has a property called diffraction. That means it bends and travels. The light falling on roof tops bends and travels inside the house making it bright.

20.   What is the velocity of light?
        3,00,000 kilometres per second.

21.   Why signals are red or green in colour?
        These are the colours that can be seen to far distances.

22.   Why leaves are green in colour?
        It is because of the presence of chlorophyll.

23.   What are the fundamental colours?
        Red, blue, green are called the fundamental colours.

24.   How many colours can our eye distinguish?
        Our eye can distinguish 17,000 colours.

25.   What are the properties of light?
        Light has
1.      Reflection
2.      Refraction
3.      Interference
4.      Diffraction
5.      Polarization


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