Friday 19 October 2012



We are ready to blame others for whatever mistake that happen. It is not correct.

      Swami Vivekananda said, “the effect is here and the cause is here too. Don’t go about throwing mud at others. For all the faults you suffer from you are the soul and the only cause.”
      Robert Clive after conquering Calcutta in 1757 AD, was doing march past in the main street. To see those few soldiers hundreds of people thronged on either side of the road. He wrote that if everyone who was present there would have thrown a stone at us, I would not have established British Empire in India. It indicates that we have been not having national feeling for thousands of years or since beginning.

      India was conceived as a single country during Chanukya’s time. With that co-operation Chanukya with the help of Chandra Gupta Maurya could drive away the Greeks from India.

      The second time India was treated as a single nation during Mahatma Gandhi’s time. So we could send the British away from India.

      If we had undergone slavery, we should not blame the people who made us slaves. We should blame ourselves.

We should understand why we were slaves?

What weakness of ours made us become slaves?

      If we understand those weaknesses, we can send or drive away any system, person, or any other thing from India.
      India is not poor, but Indian thinking is poor.     
      Even after 60 years of independence we are poor. Why?
We do not treat patriotism as a religion.
We are exploiting our own people.
Smt. Indira Gandhi was the last PM who implemented welfare economics.
      If our elected government is ready to hand over everything to MNCs what is the fun in  staying independent?
      Is it for this, those great people fought for years to drive away the foreign yoke?
      If we deceive our own people what is the aim?


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